Temporal filtering affects time-varying functional connectivity metrics of the human brain
Francesca Saviola1, Stefano Tambalo1, and Jorge Jovicich1
1CIMeC, Center for Mind/Brain Sciences, University of Trento, Rovereto (TN), Italy
Temporal band-pass filtering affects the quantification of brain connectivity dynamics in resting-state fMRI. This emphasizes the importance of pre-processing details in the light of reproducible research.
iCAPs coupling differences when the same data undergoes different temporal filtering. Red and blue denote co-activations with the same or opposite signs, respectively. A) Couplings with significantly longer duration in prep1. B) Couplings with a significantly shorter duration in prep1. Couplings were measured in terms of the percentage of total scanning time of the two co-occurrent iCAPs.
iCAPs total duration percentage from two pre-processing pipelines (same data). PrimVIS: primary visual, SecVIS: secondary visual, aInsula: anterior insula, Language: language network, dACC/dPFC: dorsal anterior cingulate cortex/dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, pDMN: posterior default mode network, DMN: whole default mode network AUD/SM: auditory/sensorimotor, AUD: auditory, AMY/HIP: amygdala/hippocampus, SubCort: subcortical network. Asterisk denotes significant differences (p-valueFDR< 0.05)