Prospective Accelerated Cartesian 3D-T1rho Mapping of Knee Joint using Data-Driven Optimized Sampling Patterns and Compressed Sensing
Marcelo Victor Wust Zibetti1, Azadeh Sharafi1, Mahesh Bharath Keerthivasan2, and Ravinder Regatte1
1Radiology, NYU Langone Health, New York, NY, United States, 2Siemens Healthineers, New York, NY, United States
A balanced center-out k-space-filling scheme (or ordering) kept T1rho mapping values stable across different acceleration factors in compressed sensing with optimized SPs and Poisson disk SPs.
Figure 2: k-Space orderings used for data collection. The a. linear side-to-side (LSS) and b. linear alternated center-out (LACO) are machine-provided orderings, used only in fully-sampled acquisitions. The two customized orderings we evaluated are c. balanced center-out (BCO) and d. center-random (CR). For the same SP and accelerated factor (AF), e. BCO and g. CR differ only on how the phase-encoding positions are ordered in each block. Both share the same initial positions, but in f. BCO the following points are closed to each other, while in h. CR the following points are random.
Figure 5: T1rho maps of a representative human knee joint (medial slice on the top, lateral slice on the bottom) obtained with different sampling patterns (SPs), such as optimal SP and Poisson disk (PD), and both customized orderings: balanced center-out (BCO) and center-random (CR).