B0 Susceptibility-Induced Geometric Image Distortion at Low-Field for Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Radiation Therapy
Manuel Schneider1, Sylvain Doussin1, Dieter Ritter1, and Martin Requardt1
1Siemens Healthcare GmbH, Erlangen, Germany
Less geometric distortion due to B0 susceptibility artefacts was observed at 0.55T compared to higher field strengths to support accurate MR in RT planning.
Figure 2: Example 3D T2 SPACE images (1), ADC maps (2), B0 off-resonance field maps in Hz (3), as well as deformation fields calculated by means of non-rigid registration between EPI and T2 SPACE images (4). The deformation fields are depicted in the form of heat maps overlayed on the respective ADC map. Results are shown for both 1.5T (a) and 0.55T (b). ADC, Apparent Diffusion Coefficient; EPI, Echo-Planar Imaging; SPACE, Sampling Perfection with Application optimized Contrasts by using different flip angle Evolutions.
Figure 1: Reconstructed images from a Bloch simulation of a 2D GRE sequence at 1.5T (left) and 0.55T (right). The animated figure compares simulations neglecting B0 susceptibility effects of an ideal system (“Simulation ideal”) with simulations that consider B0 susceptibility effects and main magnet B0 field inhomogeneities (“Simulation B0”).