Characterization of 3rd order shim system of human 7T MRI system demonstrates the need of real shim field calibration
Mahrshi Jani1, Ivan Dimitrov1, Bei Zhang1, Binu Thomas1, and Anke henning1
1Advance Imaging Research Center, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, United States
successful 3rd order shimming requires a real shim field calibration and a shim system design the delivers orthogonal 3rd order shim terms.
Fig 1 . Non water suppressed spectra for a) a small voxel
size (20x20x20 mm) and b) a large voxel size (200x200x200 mm) with default vendor
implemented shim calibration matrix that contains only diagonal terms and does
not consider real shim fields for the 1st – 3rd order
spherical harmonic shim coils. While for a small voxel in the isocenter the
implemented shim routine converges, this is not the case for a large volume of
interest in case of 3rd order B0 shimming. Phantom used: spherical phantom (per Liter
MARCOL-oil: 0.011g MACROLEX blue).
Fig.3 Acquired and ideal model static magnetic field maps for the
third order shim coils: the top row shows the name of the B0 shim field term;
the middle row shows the acquired field maps and the bottom row shows the model
field maps. As we can see the acquired maps do not at all match the ideal model
for 3rd order shim terms but among other imperfections contain very
strong linear field contributions.