Eight channel B0 shim array as add-on for ultra-high field systems
Jan Ole Pedersen1, Esben Thade Petersen2,3, Jason Stockmann4, and Vincent O. Boer2
1Philips Healthcare, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2Danish Research Centre for Magnetic Resonance, Centre for Functional and Diagnostic Imaging and Research, Copenhagen University Hospital, Hvidovre, Denmark, 3Section for Magnetic Resonance, DTU Health Tech, Technical University of Denmark, Kgs Lyngby, Denmark, 4Athinoula A Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Department of Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Charlestown, MA, United States
A local-shim
coil array specifically designed to improve B0 homogeneity for whole-brain at
7T. The shim array is design to be mounted on top of an RF head coil, and can
be manufactured without advanced equipment.
Figure 1:
optimal shim array positioning relative a human brain and an RF head coil. The
inner ring represents the RF coil’s receive component, while the outer ring
represents the transmit component of the coil (Tx-coil). The shim array follows
the out curvature of the Tx-coil.
Figure 2:
Top: The manufactured
shim array right before it was embedded in epoxy.
Bottom: The shim array
mounted on top of the RF transmit coil.