Bloch-Siegert |B1+|-Selective Excitation Pulses
Jonathan B Martin1, Christopher E Vaughn1, Mark A Griswold2, and William A Grissom1
1Biomedical Engineering, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United States, 2Radiology, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, United States
A new class of |B1+|-selective pulses is introduced which utilize the Bloch-Siegert shift to localize selective excitation of magnetization. The pulse's selective abilities are verified in simulation and on a scanner.
a) Conventional B0-gradient-localized selective excitation versus b) our proposed paradigm for |B1+|-selective excitation localized by the Bloch-Siegert shift. The quadratic relationship between frequency and |B1+| is determined by the off-resonance of the Bloch-Siegert pulse, while the range of |B1+| excited is determined by the frequency content of the superimposed excitation pulse.
Predicted and experimental results for the small-tip excitation pulse and its shifted version. The experimental passbands match the simulated, designed passbands well.