A Method for Alignment of an Augmented Reality Display of Brain MRI With The Patient’s Head
Christoph Leuze1, Supriya Sathyanarayana1, Bruce L Daniel1, and Jennifer A McNab1
1Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States
We present a method for alignment of augmented reality display of brain MRI with the patient’s real-world head with potential applications to an AR-neuronavigation system that relies on a see-through display.
(Top) A View through the MagicLeap. Using the virtual rendering of the MagicLeap controller, the AR user placed virtual fiducials at anatomical landmarks around the subject’s head. B The MRI head rendering overlaid on a subject’s head with the virtual targets in green. C The AR user attached MRI visible capsules to the subject’s head at the positions where s/he perceived the virtual targets. D A surface rendering of the second MRI scan showing the capsules on the subject’s head. (Bottom) A flowchart of the complete alignment and accuracy measurement procedure (A-D refer to top image).
The TRE for all seven subjects measured as the distance between the center of the MRI visible capsule projected to the head surface and the original target projected on the head surface. We measured a mean TRE = 4.7 ± 2.6 mm.