Realistic simulations of diffusion MR spectroscopy: The effect of glial cell swelling on non-Gaussian and anomalous diffusion
André Döring1, Maryam Afzali1, Elena Kleban1, Roland Kreis2, and Derek K Jones1
1Cardiff University Brain Research Imaging Centre (CUBRIC), Cardiff University, Cardiff, United Kingdom, 2Departments of Radiology and Biomedical Research, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland
An efficient Monte-Carlo simulation was
implemented for studying intracellular metabolite diffusion in realistic tissue
samples of glial cells. The effect of glial activation on non-Gaussian and anomalous diffusion was modeled to study the
resolution limit of diffusion MR spectroscopy.
Fig. 2: Left:
The reference tissue structure (RTS) consists of 30 monkey glial cells in a VOI
of 150x150x150μm³. To create an isotropic tissue environment 15
different cells were placed twice, each randomly rotated, in the VOI. The
Blender physics engine was used to avoid cell collision and overlap. Right:
Overview of the 15 different glial cells [ IDs are provided].
Fig. 3: Left: swelling of a glial cell (ID: 73137) with a
volume increase by 10%, 50% or 100% (zoomed insets to highlight differences).
Right: property changes of the RTS in volume (V), surface area (A) and surface area
to volume ratio (A/V) upon cell-swelling for the entire VOI presented in
Fig. 2.