Time-dependent and TE-dependent Diffusivity in Human Brain using Multi-TE Oscillating Gradient Spin Echo in High Gradient 3.0T MRI (MAGNUS)
Ante Zhu1, Luca Marinelli1, and Thomas K.F. Foo1
1GE Global Research, Niskayuna, NY, United States
At TEs varying from 72 ms to 158 ms, measured mean/parallel/radial diffusivities increase as OGSE frequency increases, and fit to the short-range disorder model. Diffusivity measurements of the corpus callosum are higher at shorter TEs, indicating T2 effects on diffusivity measurements.
Figure 2. MD, PD, RD and FA maps at different OGSE frequencies and different TEs.
Figure 3. Measured PD, MD and RD of white matter parcels in the splenium (SCC), body (BCC) and genu (GCC) of the corpus callosum at different frequencies and different TEs.