Figure 4:
Simulated versus
measured dependency of MP-FLAIR image intensity to B1+. Dots: Measured MP-FLAIR intensities as a function of measured
DREAM B1+. Colors depict different RF gains. Other sources of signal loss
(e.g. B1-/B0, fluid-content) cause
the measured intensities to “fill out” the area under the curve.
Black line: Simulated FLAIR intensities. Increasing discrepancy
between simulation and measurements is seen below 60% and above 140% of B1+, which is ascribed to inherent bias in the measured B1+.
Red line: The MP-FLAIR
dependency to B1+ used for bias-field correction.
Figure 3:
5 repetitions of an MP-FLAIR scan with different
RF gains (0.6 – 1.4). For low RF gains, only the mid brain (where B1+ is
relatively large) experience close to nominal flip-angles. For RF gains higher
than 0.8, the mid brain shows as hypo-intense due to flip-angles being larger
than the nominal flip-angle. The lower occipital lobe (where B1+ is relatively
small), show as hypo-intense for all but the highest RF gain, where it
experiences close to nominal flip angles and shows as hyper-intense, due to the
surrounding tissue experiencing higher than nominal flip-angles.