ProMyoT1: Open-source Inversion recovery myocardial T1 mapping sequence for fast prototyping
Andreia S Gaspar1, Nuno A da Silva2, and Rita G Nunes1
1Institute for Systems and Robotics - Lisboa and Department of Bioengineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal, 2Hospital da Luz Learning Health, Lisboa, Portugal
Open-source Prototype of Myocardial T1 mapping (ProMyoT1) allows faster implementation of new ideas for T1 mapping, while its applicability to different vendors though Pulseq versatility makes it an easier route to study reproducibility of new methods. 
Figure 4 - T1 maps (in ms) estimated from ProMyoT1 and MOLLI with: a. Linear filling order; and b. Centric filling order. Vial segmentation is presented on the left.
Figure 3 - T1 weighted image series of NIST/ISMRM phantom obtained with ProMyoT1 sequence with: a. Linear filling order; and b. Centric filling order. The time of inversion (in ms) for each image is presented according to the acquisition order and before the reordering required for T1 estimation. Simulated heart rate of 60 bpm.