The value of R2* in evaluating aggressiveness of ovarian tumors.
Wenjun HU1, Ailian Liu1, Ye Li1, and Qingwei Song1
1The First Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University, Dalian, China
The R2 * value of
malignant tumors was significantly higher than benign and borderline tumors. R2*
could be used to effectively determine aggressiveness level of ovarian tumor.
Figure 1. (1a-1b) images for a 70-year-old female with right ovarian serous cystadenoma:
T2WI(1a) and R2*(1b) images.
(2a-2b) images for a 58- year- old female with right ovarian borderline
serous papillary cystadenoma: T2WI(2a) and
R2*(2b) images.
(3a-3b) images for a 63- year- old female
with left ovarian serous cystadenocarcinoma: T2WI(3a) and R2*(3b) images.
Table 3. Area under curve (AUC), sensitivities,
specificities and cut-off values of R2* in detection
of ovarian tumor aggressiveness.