Potential feasibility of new parameters on CEST imaging by multi pool model in relation to 11C-MET uptake on PET/CT and IDH1 mutation in gliomas
Yasukage Takami1, Naruhide Kimura1, Katsuya Mitamura1, Takashi Norikane1, Keisuke Miyake2, Tatsuya Yamasaki3, Kazuo Ogawa3, Mitsuharu Miyoshi4, and Yoshihiro Nishiyama1
1Department of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, Kagawa University, Miki-cho, Japan, 2Department of Neurological Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Kagawa University, Miki-cho, Japan, 3Department of Clinical Radiology, Kagawa University Hospital, Miki-cho, Japan, 4Global MR Applications & Workflow, GE Healthcare Japan, Hino-shi, Japan
Several correlation coefficients between MTRasymmax and T/N ratio,
MTRasymmean and T/N ratio, APT_T1max and T/N ratio, and APT_T1mean and T/N
ratio were relatively high (r = 0.38, 0.46, 0.49, and 0.53, respectively), but
not statistically significant.
Fig.1 Correlation
between parameters
on CEST imaging by multi pool model and MET T/N ratio. The Pearson's test showed
correlation between MTRasymmean and MET T/N ratio (a) (r = 0.46), APT_T1mean and MET T/N ratio (b) (r = 0.53)
Fig.2 Comparison
of average MTRasymmean (a), APT_T1mean (b) and MET T/N
ratio (c) for IDH1-mutant glioma patients, IDH1 wildtype patients (* p<0.05).