Robust and Generalizable Quality Control of Structural MRI images
Ben A Duffy1, Srivathsa Pasumarthi Venkata1, Long Wang1, Sara Dupont1, Lei Xiang1, Greg Zaharchuk1, and Tao Zhang1
1Subtle Medical Inc., Menlo Park, CA, United States
We present a deep learning-based quality control system that generalizes to images from different sites, different orientations and images with and without contrast. Performance is enhanced using test-time augmentation. Robustness is ensured using out-of-distribution detection.
Figure 1: Training and Inference pipelines: 2D CNN predicts the probably of QC failure for each 2D slice. At inference time, the mean QC score for each slice is used for the volume-wise prediction. In addition, reorientations and affine transformations are used as test-time augmentations. Robustness can be ensured by outputting the penultimate layer from the 2D CNN and comparing it to the nearest class-conditional Gaussian distribution of the training data.
Figure 4: Performance evaluation for both the validation and test sets. From left to right: confusion matrices, precision recall curves, example test-set images with QC predictions and average radiologist scores. Performance improvements using test-time augmentation are shown in the precision recall curves as an increase in average precision from 0.75 to 0.8 (validation set) and 0.69 to 0.87 (test set) (abbreviations: w/o aug - without test-time augmentation, w/ aug = with test-time augmentation).