Synthetic DWI in prostate
Yu Ueda1, Tsutomu Tamada2, Makoto Obara1, Tetsuo Ogino1, Daisuke Morimoto-Ishikawa3, Hiroyasu Sanai2, Koji Yoshida2, Ayumu Kido2, Tomoko Hyodo4, Kazunari Ishii4, Masami Yoneyama1, and Marc Van Cauteren5
1Philips Japan, Tokyo, Japan, 2Department of Radiology, Kawasaki Medical School, Okayama, Japan, 3Radiology Center, Kindai University Hospital, Osaka, Japan, 4Department of Radiology, Kindai University, Osaka, Japan, 5BIU MR Asia Pacific, Philips Healthcare, Tokyo, Japan
Synthetic DWI at b = 1000 s/mm2 (DWI1000) with shorter TR of 1000ms had a tendency to
show better contrast than conventional DWI1000 with long TR of
Figure 2. Prostate cancer in transitional zone. Cancer lesion
is shown as a homogeneous hypointense lesion with mass effect on T2WI (arrow). synDWI1000
with shorter TR provided better contrast than DWI1000 with long TR,
whereas noise in synDWI1000 with TR of 500ms become more visible.
Figure 4. CR (a) and visual score (b) of prostate cancer between
synDWI1000 with shorter TR of 1000ms and DWI1000 with
long TR of 6000ms in three patients.