Clinical application of single-shot echo-planer diffusion-weighted imaging with compressed SENSE in prostate MRI
Ayumu Kido1, Tsutomu Tamada1, Yu Ueda2, Masami Yoneyama2, and Akira Yamamoto1
1Radiology, Kawasaki Medical School, Okayama, Japan, 2Phillips Japan, Tokyo, Japan
DWI with single-shot EPI (ssEPI) suffers from low SNR in high b-value acquisition. Compressed SENSE (C-SENSE) allow for a reduction of the noise. Compared with ssEPI with SENSE, ssEPI and C-SENSE may contribute improved image quality and risk stratification in prostate cancer.
Details of the imaging parameters
A 82-year-old male with prostate cancer (PSA level of 6.56 ng/mL, Gleason score of 4+3) in the right peripheral zone. Cancer lesion is shown as a homogeneous hypointense lesion with mass effect on T2-weighted imaging (A). The lesion with focal hyperintensity is depicted clearly in the both DWI image (ssEPIS and EPICS) (B, C). Signal to noise ratio is higher in EPICS than in EPIS.