Optimized Acceleration Factor in Phase Measurement of Brain Deep Veins using SWI with Compressed Sensing
Jing Yang1, Yanwei Miao1, Yangyingqiu Liu 1, Yu Bing1, Bingbing Gao1, Jiazheng Wang2, Zhiwei Shen2, Ailian Liu1, Qingwei Song1, and Renwang Pu1
1First Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University, Dalian, China, 2Philips Healthcare, Dalian, China
The SWI with compressed sensing can reduce the scan time and ensure the image resolution. Meanwhile the optimized acceleration factor and the information of venous oxygen content can be obtained by measuring the phase value in the deep veins.
Figure 4. It shows the difference of image quality of each vein with different acceleration factors. SV: septal vein, ICV: internal cerebral vein, STV: superior thalamostriate vein, BV: basal vein, DNV: dentate nucleus vein
Figure 3. It shows the CNR and SNR of the image with the different acceleration factors. SV: septal vein, ICV: internal cerebral vein, STV: superior thalamostriate vein, BV: basal vein, DNV: dentate nucleus vein