Using ASL perfusion images for spatial normalization in a pediatric population with craniosynostosis.
Catherine A. de Planque1, Henk J. Mutsaerts2, Vera C.W. Keil2, Nicole S. Erler1, Marjolein Dremmen1, Irene M.J. Mathijssen1, and Jan Peter3
1Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 2Amsterdam UMC, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 3Institute of Radiopharmaceutical Cancer Research, Dresden, Germany
ASL CBF contrast is a viable spatial normalization alternative when structural images are not available or have poor contrast
Figure 3. An interaction plot from the least square means of the mixed model to
predict the TC of different registrations types in control vs patients.
Figure 2. A boxplot of the tanimoto coefficient of
the 4 registration types in patients and controls