Radial Fast Spin Echo MRI with Compressed Sensing for Simultaneous ADC and T2 Mapping
Lars Bielak1,2, Thomas Lottner1, and Michael Bock1,2
1Dept.of Radiology, Medical Physics, Medical Center University of Freiburg, Faculty of Medicine, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, 2German Cancer Consortium (DKTK), Partner Site Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany
A novel sequence design and reconstruction for simultaneous ADC and T2
mapping is presented. Simulations and phantom measurements show accurate measurement of diffusion ADC and T2 with as few
as 11 spokes per TE, and 45 different TEs.
Sequence diagram of the proposed sequence. It employs
standard radial FSE readouts, interleaved with diffusion blocks. The diffusion
blocks can be placed after arbitrary numbers of readout blocks. The figure shows one diffusion block after 2 readout blocks each. For simulation and measurements, we use a combination of 3 readout blocks and one diffusion block (not shown).
Results of the phantom measurement. The left column shows ADC
values, the middle column shows T2 values. The first two rows show the
reconstruction result for different number of spokes per ΔTE-b-pair
(30 and 11 spokes). The third row shows reference measurements using
conventional DW-EPI and FSE sequences. Rows 4 and 5 show corresponding
difference images. The two plots on the bottom right show a ROI based analysis
for all cases. The position of the ROI is indicated in the top right plot.