The diagnostic value of a new indicator in the chronic anterior cruciate ligament injury based on Ultra-Short Echo imaging
Yanjun Hu1, Cheng Xu1, Yexin He1, Ruizhu Wang1, and Kaiyu Wang2
1Magnetic Resonance Center, Shanxi Provincial People’s Hospital, Taiyuan, China, 2MR Research, GE Healthcare, Beijing, China
POS derived from UTE can be used to reflect the degree of chronic ACL injury and shows better performance than IKDC
Figure 2. a:The comparison of POS between injured and uninjured group. *P<0.05. b: The comparison of POS-injury among 3 groups (Group 1: negative, Group 2: positive,Group 3:severe positive). * vs Group 1, P<0.05; # vs Group 2, P<0.05.
Figure 3. a:The Pearson’s correlation between POS-injury and IKDC-jnjury. b: The Pearson’s correlation between POS-injury and KT1000.