Feasibility of amide proton transfer weighted imaging in the diagnosis of patients with symptomatic intracranial artery stenosis
Kunjian Chen1, Weiqiang Dou2, Xinyi Wang1, Weiyin Vivian Liu2, Xinyu Wang1, Huimin Mao1, and Yu Guo1
1The First Affiliated Hospital of Shandong First Medical University, Jinan, China, 2MR Research China, GE Healthcare, Beijing, China
APTw imaging may be used as one effective method in diagnosing symptomatic intracranial artery stenosis, and provide additional clinical value on the basis of 3D-ASL imaging.
Figure 1 A. 48-year-old male with an occlusion in the right MCA. B. 49-year-old male with severe stenosis of the left ICA C7 and L-MCA M1. (a) High APTw value area was visible (black arrow). (b) Perfusion was lower in the ipsilateral side than the contralateral side (white arrow).
Figure 2 The ROC curve showed the sensitivity and specificity values of APT and 3D-ASL in the diagnosis of symptomatic intracranial artery stenosis. The diagnosis of combined ASL and APT(AUC=0.997, P<0.001) shows the most robust diagnostic performance in SIAS.