Diffusion: What is it and Why it is so Important in MR imaging
Gail H Kohls1, Robert Shih2, J Kevin Demarco2, and Maureen Hood2
1Radiology, USU/WRNMMC, MIDDLETOWN, MD, United States, 2Radiology, WRNMMC, Bethesda, MD, United States
This abstract summarizes the concepts of diffusion to attempt to provide the MR Technologist/Radiographer a better understanding of the key concepts of diffusion and how the diffusion sequences such as Diffusion Weighted Imaging and Diffusion Tensor Imaging measure water movement.
Figure 1:DTI. (A)
Unrestricted, all diffusion coefficients are equal, (B) anisotropic, diffusion
coefficient is different resulting in FA as illustrated by an ellipsoid, (C)
Fiber tracking starting from a pixel or region of interest [13].