Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB & ISMRT 31st Annual Meeting • 07-12 May 2022 • London, UK

2022 Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB and 31st ISMRT Annual Meeting

Sunrise Course

Acquisition & Analysis in Context: Pushing the Boundaries of Quantitative Neuroimaging with Rapid, High-Resolution, Multicontrast MRI

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Acquisition & Analysis in Context: Pushing the Boundaries of Quantitative Neuroimaging with Rapid, High-Resolution, Multicontrast MRI
Sunrise Course
ORGANIZERS: Andrew Scott, Fang Liu, Mark Chiew, Khin Tha, Janine Lupo, Dan Ma, Brian Hargreaves
Thursday, 12 May 2022
ICC Capital Suite 14-16
08:00 -  09:00
Moderators: Mary Kate Manhard
Skill Level: Basic to Intermediate
Session Number: S-Th-06

Session Number: S-Th-06

Junior Fellow Observer: Bragi Sveinsson

While many MR data acquisition and image analysis techniques are broadly applicable, there are often strong context-specific strategies that take into account the particular constraints, challenges, and opportunities that are unique to different clinical or physical contexts. This course will first review acquisition and analysis methods for clinical neuroimaging, followed by musculoskeletal imaging, and body imaging. A final session on acquisition and analysis in the context of different field strengths will be presented.

Target Audience
Clinicians, scientists, engineers, technologists, and other professionals interested in learning about acquisition and analysis techniques in different contexts.

Educational Objectives
As a result of attending this course, participants should be able to:
- Outline data acquisition and analysis methods used for clinical neuroimaging;
- Summarize the methods available for musculoskeletal imaging;
- Describe the acquisition and analysis strategies used in body imaging;
- Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of ultra-high and low field MRI; and
- Recognize the differences in MR techniques used in different clinical and physical contexts.

08:00   Acquisition Strategies for Multicontrast MRI in the Brain

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Rasim Boyacioglu
Multi-contrast brain MRI provides more information rapidly. Acquisition strategies for multi-contrast MRI are divided into three categories. The conventional methods are mainly focused on CS-type reconstructions to generate multiple contrasts. Recently developed multi-parameter quantitative techniques aim to map multiple tissue properties simultaneously. They are inherently rapid, provide registered quantitative maps and weighted images. They can be broadly grouped into two categories: 1) fast and dynamic scanning of sequences with fixed contrast (EPTI, STAGE, etc.), and 2) quasi-randomly varied steady-state based sequences (MRF, etc.). Synthetic images can be generated from quantified tissue properties to mimic conventional weighted images when needed.
08:30   What Can We Quantify with Multicontrast MRI: Analysis Approaches for Neurological Applications

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Akifumi Hagiwara
With the advancement of MRI and processing methods, multiple quantitative values have been developed to investigate the brains. Some acquisition models simultaneously acquire multi-contrast images to reduce scan times and avoid potential issues associated with registration of different images. Machine learning models, including radiomic analysis, have been gaining popularity in research settings. Some other techniques combine multiple images to extract single images associated with the meaningful aspects of biology in the brain. The current talk will cover techniques to acquire multiple quantitative values and analysis methods to deal with the acquired quantitative values.

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The International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.