The aim of this session is to promote the official ISMRM challenge format and encourage new submissions for challenges to be launched at the next annual meeting in Toronto (2023).
An ISMRM “Challenge” is a competition aimed at identifying robust solutions to impactful open research questions within the scope and mission of the ISMRM, often including a component at the Society’s Annual Meeting. Challenges promote interest, engagement, involvement, and innovation by members of the society, often (ideally) promoting cross-disciplinary collaboration within our membership. They can also promote reproducible science and harmonization of methods by laying down clear benchmarks to qualify any new solutions.
The ISMRM has been running an official challenge format since 2015, after various successful precursor challenges in the first Sedona workshops and a first challenge session on the Stockholm meeting in 2010. The guidelines and SOPs have recently been revised and a new call for challenges has been opened in 2021 (
In this session we will present an overview of past ISMRM challenges, and organisers of successful challenges will be presenting their experiences and lessons learned. Finally we will open the call for new challenges in 2023 and launch the first challenge reviewed and accepted under the new guidance.
A Historical Perspective on ISMRM Challenges
Jim Pipe
My Experience Running the fastMRI Challenges with Facebook AI Research
Florian Knoll
My Experience Running the Reproducibility Challenge
Nikola Stikov
My Experience Running theFiber Tractography Challenge
The International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.