Watch the five finalists' videos here:
Organizers: Natalya Buxbaum, Carinne Piekema, Stuart Clare
Our science is great, but can anyone outside our field understand it?
In this session, hosted by Derek Jones, five early career researchers battle it out to become the winner of the 4th Annual Magnetic Moments Competition and win free access to the annual meeting in 2023! Whose explanation of their work is easiest to understand? Who has used the right props? Who has pitched their 3-minute presentation at the right level? Find out in this session.
Being able to present our work to a wide variety of audiences is a skill that we should recognise and promote within the society. Importantly, many major funding bodies, including the Wellcome Trust in the UK and the National Institute of Health in the US, increasingly require a layperson’s description of the proposed research. However, making our science accessible for the public is not the only objective for engaging. Presenting to different audiences allows scientists to more accurately represent their work to the public, increase public interest, and generate enthusiasm in the next generation of scientists. The aim of this session is to provide an opportunity for young scientists to gain confidence presenting their research to a lay audience, and promote the ISMRM’s mission to the public.
The International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.