Gold Medal Award Winner

Nola M. Hylton, Ph.D.
San Francisco, CA, USA
For outstanding translational research and leadership in breast cancer imaging, including contributions to breast MR technology and its application to clinical breast cancer care.
Gold Medal Award Winner

Zhi-Pei Liang, Ph.D.
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Urbana, IL, USA
For his lifetime of significant contributions in the fields of constrained MRI and MRS reconstructions. His early work set the stage for both parallel imaging and compressed sensing. His more recent work has revolutionized the field of spectroscopic imaging through advanced acquisition and reconstruction.
Gold Medal Award Winner

John P. Mugler III, Ph.D.
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA, USA
For seminal contributions to the development of multiple rapid MR imaging techniques, in particular for the Magnetization-Prepared with RApid Gradient Echo (MP-RAGE) imaging method which has become routinely used in multiple clinical and research studies worldwide.
Gold Medal Award Winner

Hollis G. Potter, M.D.
Hospital for Special Surgery
New York, NY, USA
Hollis Potter has been a leader and pioneer in the development and application of MRI for studies of the musculoskeletal system, bringing quantitative MRI to the forefront in orthopedics. Her work constitutes a remarkable compendium spanning a broad range from fundamental research in animal models to practical diagnostic challenges in radiology, hall-marked by a deep appreciation of the technical aspects of MRI, as well as careful considerations of the interpretation of complex phenomena in images. She is a generous mentor for clinicians and imaging scientists alike and has built the careers and trained many of the current leaders not only in imaging but also in orthopedics. She has provided sterling service to the ISMRM and her profession. Her numerous, substantive contributions to research and clinical care, without a doubt, makes her the international leader and advocate for orthopedic imaging, an outstanding role model for women in radiology and biomedical research, and a true exemplar of the ISMRM Gold Medal.