Gold Medal Award Winner

R. Todd Constable, Ph.D.
Yale University School of Medicine
New Haven, CT, USA
For contributions in the technical development of multiple MR imaging techniques such as nonlinear gradients as well as in rigorous studies in fMRI, including relating the brain connectome to independent measures of behavior, potentially leading to use of fMRI as a biomarker.
Gold Medal Award Winner

Garry E. Gold, M.D.
Stanford University
Palo Alto, CA, USA
For outstanding contributions to MR imaging of musculoskeletal conditions, for advancing MRI techniques to quantitatively characterize and improve understanding of the global problem of osteoarthritis and joint disease.
Gold Medal Award Winner

Petra S. Hüppi, M.D.
Hôpital des Enfants, University of Geneva
Geneva, Switzerland
For seminal contributions to our understanding the brain microstructure of the developing white matter, the cortical folding of the immature brain, in the field of early human brain development, as well as brain deficits in preterm infants and in fetal growth restricted infants.