ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition • 04-09 May 2024 • Singapore
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Motion Correction in Multi-shot Acquisitions by Removal of
Motion-ridden Shots to fill with Unrolled DL Reconstruction
Megha Goel1,
Sudhanya Chatterjee1,
Sajith Rajamani1,
Sudhir Ramanna1,
Preetham Shankpal1,
Florintina C1,
Harsh Agarwal1,
Imam Ahmed Shaik1,
and Suresh Emmanuel Joel1
1GE Healthcare, Bangalore, India Keywords: Motion Correction, Motion Correction, Navigator, unrolled reconstruction, data consistency Motivation: Motion is the primary reason for artifacts in MRI. Goal(s): The proposed method is an attempt at solving motion correction problem for 2D-acquisitions by dropping motion-corrupt sections of k-space to be reconstructed in a fashion similar to under-sampled reconstruction by an unrolled DL framework. Approach: The estimation of motion-corrupt shots is proposed using: (a) camera tracking, (b) data relationships between channels, (c) navigator shots. Using these methods to find the dominant pose and outlier shots, reconstruction using an unrolled DL network would fill in for the corrupt k-space shots . Results: The method shows significant motion correction for T1/T2 FSE/FLAIR sequences. Impact: The proposed solution has the potential to save tens of thousands of dollars per year per scanner. Breaking up the problem into separate sub-problems can be investigated further, along with the various detection methods mentioned. |
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Deep learning based assessment of diagnostic image quality from
Free Induction Decay Navigators
Serge Vasylechko1,
Tess E. Wallace2,
Tobias Kober3,4,5,
Camilo Jaimes6,
Joanne Rispoli1,
Simon K. Warfield1,
Sila Kurugol1,
and Onur Afacan1
1Department of Radiology, Boston Children's Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States, 2Siemens Medical Solutions, Boston, MA, United States, 3Advanced Clinical Imaging Technology, Siemens Healthineers International AG, Lausanne, Switzerland, 4Radiology, Lausanne University Hospital and University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland, 5LTS5, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland, 6Department of Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States Keywords: Motion Correction, Data Acquisition Motivation: Motion-induced artifacts in pediatric MRI lead to frequent need for rescan, which increases examination time, costs and patient's discomfort. Goal(s): To develop and validate a deep learning-based method for automated assessment of diagnostic image quality, overcoming limitations of existing motion measurement techniques. Approach: FID navigators embedded into MPRAGE sequence can provide valuable motion information without prolonging scan time. We train a deep neural network on these signals to accurately predict the diagnostic quality of the image that is to be reconstructed. Results: Our method surpasses the existing FIDnavΔ approach, achieving AUC of 0.90, with 30% higher specificity and 21% improved precision. Impact: Our model streamlines MRI procedures by accurately predicting the need for rescans due to patient motion. It has potential to reduce healthcare costs and patient discomfort, and opens new avenues for early scan termination and enhanced clinical workflow efficiency. |
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Motion correction with subspace-based self-navigation for
combined angiography, structural and perfusion imaging using ASL
Qijia Shen1,
Wenchuan Wu1,
Joseph Woods1,
Mark Chiew2,3,
Yang Ji1,
and Thomas Okell1
1University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 2Physical Sciences, Sunnybrook Research Institute, Toronto, ON, Canada, 3Department of Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada Keywords: Motion Correction, Motion Correction Motivation: Perfusion and angiographic images using arterial spin labeling (ASL) are particularly susceptible to head motion. Goal(s): To correct motion for Combined Angiography, Structural and Perfusion using Radial Imaging and ASL (CASPRIA) and reduce motion induced aliasing and blurriness for angiographic, perfusion and structural imaging. Approach: 3D navigators are reconstructed after each ASL preparation using subspace to account for varying contrast. These are used to correct the raw data for motion. A joint label and control reconstruction was formulated to generate motion corrected perfusion and angiographic images. Results: Motion induced artefacts and blurriness were greatly reduced in angiographic, structural and perfusion data. Impact: Motion robustness of CASPRIA sequence was improved, facilitating future clinical application with less cooperative patients. |
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Relationship between Head Motion and Scattering: in-Silico
Evaluation of Linearity
Hugh Simmons1,
Boris Mailhe2,
and Aaron Hess1
1Wellcome Centre for Integrative Neuroimaging, FMRIB, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 2Digital Technology and Innovation, Siemens Healthineers, Princeton, NJ, United States Keywords: Motion Correction, RF Arrays & Systems Motivation: To investigate the relationship between head motion and scattering for potential future work on motion correction, using radio frequency sensors to detect changes in head pose. Goal(s): Establish if scattering changes are linearly related to head translations or rotations. Approach: Simulations were run using the Sim4Life EM FDTD software with a human model at different positions relative to a coil model. Results: Translations in the x and y directions varied co-linearly with scattering. However, rotations and z-translation display both linear and non-linear relationships. Impact: These results allow for a greater understanding of the relationship between head motion and scattering, and demonstrates the potential for scattering to be used as a rapid, contact-free head pose tracker. |
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Real-time Multislice-to-volume Motion Correction with B1+
Shimming for Task-based Functional MRI at 7T
Steven Winata1,
Daniel Christopher Hoinkiss2,
Graeme Alexander Keith1,
Sydney Nicole Williams1,
Belinda Yuan Ding3,
Salim al-Wasity1,
Shajan Gunamony1,4,
and David Andrew Porter1
1Imaging Centre of Excellence, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland, 2Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Medicine MEVIS, Bremen, Germany, 3Siemens Healthineers UK, Frimley, United Kingdom, 4MR CoilTech Ltd, Glasgow, Scotland Keywords: Motion Correction, Motion Correction, Brain, neuroscience, parallel transmit imaging, pTx, b1+ shimming, slice-by-slice, Siemens ICE, Terra, BrainVoyager Motivation: 7T MRI has the capacity for higher resolution imaging, but is also more sensitive to motion artefacts and B1+ field inhomogeneity. A motion-robust, B1+ homogeneous technique will enable routine 7T usage for motion-sensitive protocols such as in fMRI. Goal(s): Our goal was to develop integrated real-time motion correction and parallel transmission technique that improves the data quality in 7T fMRI. Approach: The multislice-to-volume motion correction technique and the capability to execute slice-specific B1+ shims were integrated into an in-house-developed EPI sequence. A cohort was scanned in a task fMRI study. Results: The combined technique demonstrated reduced motion, increased brain activation and improved tSNR. Impact: With improved data quality, the integrated real-time motion correction and B1+ shimming parallel transmission technique provides an option for better statistical parametric mapping in neuroscience studies with 7T fMRI, and potentially benefiting other future 7T applications. |
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Hybrid Motion Correction: Latency Compensation In The Presence
Of Respiratory Motion
Malte Laustsen1,
Thomas Gaass1,
Jakob Slipsager1,
Robert Frost2,
Melanie Ganz3,
André van der Kouwe2,
and Stefan Glimberg1
1TracInnovations, Ballerup, Denmark, 2Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Massachusetts General Hospital, Charlestown, MA, United States, 3Copenhagen University Hospital, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark Keywords: Motion Correction, Motion Correction, hybrid motion correction Motivation: Prospective motion correction (PMC) techniques face challenges due to inherent latency and filter-induced delays, particularly impactful in cases of periodic motion, like breathing. Goal(s): This study examines how periodic motion affects PMC with increased latency and employs retrospective techniques to compensate for latency-induced discrepancies. Approach: Brain MRI scans were conducted on a volunteer performing exaggerated breathing using a PMC-enabled sequence. Retrospective motion correction was used to reverse latency-induced errors and compensate for residual motion. Results: The hybrid approach combining PMC and RMC yielded superior results when compared to no correction and PMC-only, emphasizing the importance of addressing latency in motion correction for MRI. Impact: Breathing motion can lead to suboptimal results in prospective motion correction. Implementing this technique broadens PMC's applicability, aiding its integration into clinical practice. |
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Rapid FLASH scout and guidance lines for robust retrospective
motion correction across all 2D TSE contrasts
Daniel Polak1,
Daniel Nicolas Splitthoff1,
Bryan Clifford2,
Thorsten Feiweier1,
Yantu Huang3,
Wei-Ching Lo2,
Susie Y. Huang4,
John Conklin4,
Lawrence L. Wald5,
and Stephen F. Cauley2
1Siemens Healthineers, Erlangen, Germany, 2Siemens Medical Solutions, Boston, MA, United States, 3Siemens Shenzhen Magnetic Resonance Ltd, Shenzhen, China, 4Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, United States, 5A. A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Boston, MA, United States Keywords: Motion Correction, Motion Correction Motivation: Motion remains a common source of artifacts in brain imaging. Goal(s): To facilitate retrospective motion correction across all 2D TSE contrasts. Approach: A 1-2 sec pre-scan (scout) using a saturation preparation and FLASH readout precedes the TSE imaging scan and is then compared to two additional rapid FLASH k-space encoding lines (guidance lines) inserted after every TSE echo train. The contrast-matched scout and guidance line data provide fully separable estimation of motion parameters shot-by-shot using a SENSE+motion model. Results: In vivo, rapid motion trajectory estimation and robust artifact mitigation is demonstrated in T1w, T2w and FLAIR TSE scans with instructed subject motion. Impact: We present a generalized strategy for retrospective motion correction in 2D TSE brain imaging using an ultra-fast pre-scan and the repeated acquisition of two additional k-space lines. This facilitates rapid motion estimation and robust artifact mitigation across all TSE contrasts. |
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Motion and B0 correction for multiparametric mapping with
jointly acquired FID and spherical navigators
Miriam Hewlett1,
Omer Oran2,
Junmin Liu3,
and Maria Drangova1,3
1Western University, London, ON, Canada, 2Siemens Healthcare Limited, Oakville, ON, Canada, 3Robarts Research Institute, London, ON, Canada Keywords: Motion Correction, Brain Motivation: In cases of motion, multi-echo GRE sequences are susceptible to motion artifacts as well as additional phase errors caused by motion-induced B0 inhomogeneity. Goal(s): Implement jointly acquired FID and spherical navigators for prospective correction of motion and retrospective correction of field offsets in a multi-echo GRE protocol for multiparametric mapping. Approach: One volunteer was scanned with/without prospective motion correction. Motion was guided by visual prompt to produce repeatable and clinically relevant trajectories. Results: Prospective motion correction alone provided a notable improvement in image quality, as well as quantitative fat-fraction, R2*, and susceptibility maps. Additional retrospective correction of field offsets reduced residual artifacts. Impact: Combining spherical navigators with an additional FID readout is a promising approach to simultaneous motion and B0 correction with multiple applications, including quantitative mapping techniques. |
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Real-Time Respiration Feedback System to Correct Respiration
Induced Fluctuation of B0 Field
Kwan-Jin Jung1,
Ryan Larsen2,
Yaokun Shi3,
and Sepideh Sadaghiani2
1Beckman Institute, Biomedical Imaging Center, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, United States, 2Department of Psychology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, United States, 3Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, United States Keywords: Motion Correction, fMRI (resting state), respiration feedback Motivation: To implement the respiration-feedback system using the respiration monitor signal available at the MRI console and a solenoid shim coil that has been developed for direct neuronal current mapping. Goal(s): To compensate for the respiration induced B0 fluctuation in a real-time mode. Approach: The respiration signal was extracted from the MRI console display using a USB screen capture in real-time. The extracted respiration signal was adjusted and driven to the solenoid shim coil using a custom-built amplifier. Its function was checked by monitoring a resonance frequency at a MRS voxel. Results: The B0 fluctuation was compensated by the captured respiration signal in real-time. Impact: The respiration signal which is available at any MRI console can be used for real-time feedback with a USB capturing device to compensate for the respiration induced B0 fluctuation. This will make the respiration feedback system more easily implementable. |
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Motion Tracking inside the MRI scanner using gradient artifacts
Mohammadreza Rezaei-Dastjerdehei1 and
Pierre LeVan2
1Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada, 2Dept. of Radiology, Dept. of Paediatrics, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada Keywords: Motion Correction, Motion Correction, EEG-fMRI Motivation: Motion tracking in EEG-fMRI has been a challenging area of research in recent years, with existing approaches frequently suffering from limitations in spatial and temporal resolution or requiring additional hardware or calibration scans. Goal(s): We aim to introduce a motion-tracking approach by modelling the gradient artifacts induced in EEG recordings during EEG-fMRI studies. Approach: We introduce an algorithm tailored for detecting rigid and non-rigid head motion in EEG-fMRI data and aim to assess its performance by comparing it with camera-based motion detection techniques. Results: We have demonstrated the capability of our algorithm to accurately identify motion in EEG-fMRI. Impact: Our method shows potential across a range of uses, such as enhancing EEG data quality, especially in the context of reducing motion-related artifacts in EEG-fMRI studies. |
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Volumetric self-navigated (vSNav) 3D-EPI for motion-robust
functional MRI
Samuel Getaneh Bayih1,
Andre van der Kouwe 2,
and Ernesta Meintjes1
1University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa, 2Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Charlestown, MA, United States Keywords: Motion Correction, fMRI Motivation: 3D-EPI overcomes spatial resolution, spin-history and acceleration limitations of 2D-EPI but is rarely used for functional MRI (fMRI) due to its greater sensitivity to motion. Goal(s): To examine the performance of our volumetric self-navigated (vSNav) 3D-EPI sequence for fMRI acquisition. Approach: We acquired fMRI data using both our vSNav 3D-EPI and the standard 2D-EPI sequence during a block design finger tapping experiment both without and with intentional motion to compare the quality of the BOLD signal and the impact of different pre-processing steps. Results: Although data quality was similar, 3D data were more robust to spatial smoothing. Impact: A motion-robust 3D-EPI sequence will permit functional MRI with higher spatial and temporal resolutions. However, since the sequence acquires data and performs motion correction in a new way, it requires suitable preprocessing and analyses pipelines. |
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Using Pilot Tone for Sequence-Independent Motion Detection in
the Head
Jocelyn Philippe1,2,
Ludovica Romanin1,2,
Jean-Baptiste Ledoux2,3,
Peter Speier4,
Mario Bacher2,4,
Yantu Huang5,
Tobias Kober1,2,6,
and Tom Hilbert1,2,6
1Advanced Clinical Imaging Technology, Siemens Healthineers International AG, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, University Hospital of Lausanne (CHUV), Lausanne, Switzerland, 3Center for Biomedical Imaging (CIBM), Lausanne, Switzerland, 4Siemens Healthcare GmbH, Erlangen, Germany, 5Siemens Shenzhen Magnetic Resonance Ltd., Shenzhen, China, 6LTS5, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland Keywords: Motion Correction, Motion Correction, Pilot Tone, Neuro, Motion detection, Artifact Motivation: Motion artifacts are a major cause for rescans or for the patient to be recalled for another scanning session; this results in patient discomfort, workflow disruptions and additional costs. Goal(s): Prospectively provide MR operators with a “motion sensor signal” indicating subject motion to assist them in detecting and reacting to motion events. Approach: Design a sequence-agnostic Pilot Tone processing pipeline to detect motion and predict image quality degradation. Results: We showed that Pilot Tone can be used to detect head movement and predict with high accuracy whether the resulting image will be usable for diagnosis. Impact: This work shows that Pilot Tone can be used for prospective motion detection and image degradation prediction. Such a method may lead to a practically applicable solution to improve the MR workflow, thus reducing patient burden and costs. |
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Streaming-MoCo: Real-Time Motion-Compensated Image
Reconstruction from 3D Non-Cartesian MRI
Fatih Calakli1,2 and
Simon K Warfield1,2
1Computational Radiology Laboratory, Boston Children's Hospital, Boston, MA, United States, 2Department of Radiology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States Keywords: Motion Correction, Brain, streaming, motion correction, real-time, image reconstruction, 3D, radial, non-cartesian
Motivation: A real-time motion compensation monitoring
system is vital for structural MRI:
Goal(s): Develop a system that enables real-time:
Approach: Introduced a framework that includes online:
Results: Streaming motion-compensated
image reconstructions from 3D radial MRI and the progression
of image quality improvements were demonstrated in
real-time during k-space data collection. Impact: Our streaming-MoCo framework enables rapid reconstruction of motion-compensated images both during k-space data collection and post scan. This facilitates immediate assessment of image quality during scans, and potentially trigger corrective action well in advance before the scan concludes. |
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Comparison of Fat Navigators and Optical Camera Based
Retrospective Motion Correction
Bingbing Zhao1,
Yichen Zhou1,
Xuanhang Diao1,
Lixuan Zhu1,
Han Zhang1,2,
and Xiaopeng Zong1
1School of Biomedical Engineering, ShanghaiTech University, Shanghai, China, 2Shanghai Clinical Research and Trial Center, Shanghai, China Keywords: Motion Correction, Motion Correction, Retrospective Motion Correction, Fat Navigator, Markerless Optical Camera, Brain MRI Motivation: A comparison between efficacies of navigators and optical camera in retrospective motion correction (MC) on brain MR images remains largely unknown. Goal(s): Our goal was to compare two motion tracking techniques (fat navigators [FatNav] and markerless optical camera [MoCAP]) and their performance in MC. Approach: Twenty-one healthy subjects were imaged by T2-weighted turbo-spin-echo sequence with their head movements monitored simultaneously by both techniques. Performance was evaluated by image sharpness calculated at lateral ventricle/white matter boundary. Results: Compared to MoCAP, FatNav had lower motion scores and less fluctuations at small motion. Images after FatNav-based MC showed greater sharpness than MoCAP. Impact: The better performance of FatNav-based MC despite low temporal resolution suggest that FatNav can be integrated with MoCAP to achieve robust image quality in the presence of both abrupt and slow head motions. |
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Prospective Motion Correction with Radial MRI for Improved
Neuroimaging during Severe Motion
Sophie Schauman1,
Adam van Niekirk1,
Henric Rydén1,2,
Ola Norbeck1,2,
Tim Sprenger3,
Enrico Avventi1,2,
and Stefan Skare1,2
1Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, 2Department of Neuroradiology, Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden, 3MR Applied Science Laboratory Europe, GE Healthcare, Munich, Germany Keywords: Motion Correction, Data Acquisition Motivation: Prospective motion correction can correct motion-induced sampling errors in real time but is still sensitive to large motion due to position based non-linear phase differences. Goal(s): We aim to increase motion robustness of 3D sequences. Approach: By combining prospective motion correction with radial sampling, non-linear phase errors can be mitigated due to repeated sampling of the k-space center. Results: We show that prospective motion correction alone is enough for subtle motion but during severe motion (rotations well above ±5°) radial sampling can outperform Cartesian sampling. Impact: Radial sampling in combination with prospective motion correction allows for imaging during severe motion corruption. This is crucial in imaging e.g. paediatric populations. |
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Hybrid Motion Correction: Prospective Thresholding and
Retrospective Residual Correction
Stefan Glimberg1,
Malte Laustsen1,
Jakob Slipsager1,
Robert Frost2,
Melanie Ganz3,
André van der Kouwe2,
and Thomas Gaass1
1TracInnovations, Ballerup, Denmark, 2Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Massachusetts General Hospital, Charlestown, MA, United States, 3Copenhagen University Hospital, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark Keywords: Motion Correction, Motion Correction, hybrid motion correction Motivation: Prospective Motion Correction (PMC) demands real-time tracking and may introduce artifacts due to imperfect tracking due to noise. Goal(s): To introduce hybridMC, harnessing the strengths of thresholded PMC combined with retrospective motion correction to address motion artifacts comprehensively in neurological MRI. Approach: Apply a PMC update threshold to avoid incorrect motion correction due to noisy motion tracking. Correct for residual motion artifacts using model-based RMC. Results: The hybrid motion correction approach showed superior results when compared to PMC in the presence of noisy tracking, while maintaining good performance for non-noisy tracking. Impact: To enhance neurological MRI quality, we introduce a hybrid motion correction. This innovation effectively mitigates tracking noise and residual artifacts, offering superior results compared to PMC alone. It promises improved diagnostic accuracy. |
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