ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition • 04-09 May 2024 • Singapore

ISMRM & ISMRT 2024 Annual Meeting & Exhibition

Digital Poster

Quantitative Cardiac, Body & MSK

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Quantitative Cardiac, Body & MSK
Digital Poster
Acquisition & Reconstruction
Thursday, 09 May 2024
Exhibition Hall (Hall 403)
13:45 -  14:45
Session Number: D-19
No CME/CE Credit

  Computer #
65 Single-Shot Propeller Turbo Spin Echo EPI with Model-Based Distortion Correction for Ultra Fast Abdominal T2 Mapping
Zhitao Li1, Congyu Liao2, Xiaozhi Cao2, Kawin Setsompop2, and Shreyas Vasanawala2
1Department of Radiology, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, United States, 2Department of Radiology, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, United States

Keywords: Quantitative Imaging, Relaxometry, T2 Mapping, EPI, Distortion Correction, Liver

Motivation: T2 mapping is limited by slow acquisition speed and/or are susceptible to motion artifacts, this study aims to develop a ultra fast T2 mapping technique for abdominal imaging.

Goal(s): This study explores the possibility of using a single-shot propeller TSE EPI sequence for abdominal T2 mapping with model-based reconstruction technique for EPI distortion correction with a self-generated B0 map.

Approach: The distortion technique is tested both on the brain and abdominal contrast images. T2 mapping with distortion correction is validated in the abdomen.

Results: The proposed technique is able to generate distortion-corrected images, and provide accurate T2 maps of the liver.

Impact: This preliminary study showed the feasibility to provide distortion-corrected T2 maps from a single-shot TSE EPI sequence with a speed of <0.5 seconds/slice. The early results showed that this technique can significantly reduce distortion and provide accurate liver T2 maps.

66 Free breathing cardiac T2 mapping via single-shot ZOOM-MOLED and deep learning reconstruction
Chenyang Dai1, Liuhong Zhu2, Jian Wu1, Qinqin Yang1, Zhigang Wu3, Zhong Chen1, Congbo Cai1, and Shuhui Cai1
1Department of Electronic Science, Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory of Plasma and Magnetic Resonance, Xiamen University, Xiamen, China, 2Department of Radiology, Zhongshan Hospital Fudan University Xiamen Branch, Xiamen, China, 3MSC Clinical & Technical Solutions, Philips Healthcare, Shenzhen, China

Keywords: Quantitative Imaging, Quantitative Imaging, Data acquisition, Myocardium

Motivation: Quantitative cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging has important applications in clinic. However, conventional parametric mapping methods suffer from inherent inefficiencies.

Goal(s): To enhance the resolution of reconstructed images, mitigate image distortion and artifacts, and improve the signal-to-noise ratio in quantitative CMR imaging.

Approach: A method was proposed which combines single-shot multiple overlapping-echo detachment (MOLED) imaging with outer volume suppression (OVS) and zonal oblique multislice (ZOOM) techniques, and deep learning reconstruction was used for image reconstruction.

Results: The results of simulation, phantom, and in vivo healthy volunteer experiments show great performance of the proposed method.

Impact: This study developed a cardiac T2 mapping method without requirement of breath-holding or respiratory-gating. It paves the way for real-time dynamic high-resolution cardiac T2 mapping.

67 Amide Proton Transfer Imaging Has added Value for Predicting Extraprostatic Extension in Prostate Cancer Patients
Xiaoyan Qin1, Ronghua Mu1, Kan Deng2, Wei Zheng1, Yang Peng1, Bingqin Huang1, Zhiwei Shen3, and Xiqi Zhu1
1Department of Radiology, Nanxishan Hospital of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Guilin, China, 2Philips Healthcare, Guangzhou, China, 3Philips Healthcare, Beijing, China

Keywords: Quantitative Imaging, Cancer

Motivation: Multi-parametric MRI is the most favorable imaging technique for local staging of PCa. Creating a combined model using these parameters would be desirable to improve the assessment of EPE.

Goal(s): To verify the diagnostic efficiency of tumor size, LCC, ADC, APT, and their combined models for predicting EPE.

Approach: The difference of tumor size, LCC, ADC and APT value between groups were compared.  The ROC analysis was used for EPE prediction.

Results: APT, ADC, tumor size and the LCC were independent predictors of EPE. The AUC of model III (APT +ADC+LCC+tumor size) were 0.869.

Impact: These findings hold crucial clinical significance in the selection of appropriate therapeutic strategies for clinical cases of prostate cancer.

68 A Novel Renal 3D Saturation Recovery T1 Mapping readout by GRASE (3D-SR-GRASE)
Wenyan Zhang1,2,3, Quan Tao2,3,4, Zelong Chen5, Kan Deng6, Zhigang Wu7, Yizhe Zhang1,2,3, Qianqian Zhang1,2,3, Yikai Xu5, and Yanqiu Feng1,2,3,4
1School of Biomedical Engineering, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, China, 2Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Medical Image Processing, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, China, 3Guangdong Provincial Engineering Laboratory for Medical Imaging and Diagnostic Technology, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, China, 4Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Zhujiang Hospital, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, China, 5Medical Imaging Center, Nanfang Hospital, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, China, 6Philips Healthcare, Guangzhou, China, 7Philips Healthcare, Shenzhen, China

Keywords: Quantitative Imaging, Quantitative Imaging

Motivation: Renal T1 mapping has been explored as a tool to visualize localized and diffuse renal diseases. 2D-MOLLI imaging have limited coverage, and 3D imaging are currently focused on cardiac imaging and with long acquisition time.

Goal(s): In this study, we aimed to propose a fast 3D T1 mapping sequence for kidney.

Approach: A saturate-recovery(SR) pulse, followed by 3D-GRASE readout, is used for T1 mapping. We also verified its effectiveness in T1 mapping for phantom and normal volunteers.

Results: The proposed sequence allows for 3D renal T1 imaging within two minutes and measured T1 value in phantom and volunteers were consensus with 2D-MOLLI.

Impact: This SR-GRASE sequence may provide a 3D fast clinical imaging technique for kidney.

69 Comparison of reduced field-of-view DWI and conventional DWI in the assessment of lumbar bone marrow infiltration in patients with acute leukemia
Wenjin Bian1, Jinliang Niu2, Jianting Li2, and Luyao Wang1
1Shanxi Medical University, Taiyuan, China, 2The Second Hospital of Shanxi Medical University, Taiyuan, China

Keywords: Quantitative Imaging, Diffusion/other diffusion imaging techniques, Reduced field-of-view, Acute leukemia, Image quality, Cellularity

Motivation: To investigate whether reduced field-of-view diffusion-weight imaging (r-FOV DWI) is superior to conventional DWI for the evaluation of bone marrow infiltration in acute leukemia (AL).

Goal(s): To compare the imaging quality, apparent diffusion coefficient, and value of assessing bone marrow infiltration between r-FOV DWI and conventional DWI in the lumbar spine of AL.

Approach: The image quality and the performance in assessing bone marrow infiltration of the two sequences in AL were compared qualitatively and quantitatively.

Results: Compared with conventional DWI, r-FOV DWI provides superior image quality of the lumbar spine in AL patients, thus yielding better performance in assessing bone marrow infiltration.

Impact: The findings suggest that r-FOV DWI is a promising technique for reducing image artifacts, improving image quality, and assessing bone marrow infiltration in AL. r-FOV DWI can be proposed as a common sequence for evaluating bone marrow infiltration in AL.

70 Score-based Diffusion Models with Self-supervised Learning for Accelerated 3D Multi-contrast Cardiac MR Imaging
Yuanyuan Liu1, Zhuo-Xu Cui1, Congcong Liu1, Qingyong Zhu1, Jing Cheng1, Dong Liang1, and Yanjie Zhu1
1Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenzhen, China

Keywords: Quantitative Imaging, Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence, 3D cardiac magnetic resonance imaging, self-supervised, diffusion models, multi-contrast

Motivation: Long scan time significantly hinders the widespread applications of three-dimensional multi-contrast cardiac magnetic resonance (3D-MC-CMR) imaging.

Goal(s): This study aims to accelerate 3D-MC-CMR acquisition by a novel method based on score-based diffusion models with self-supervised learning.

Approach: We first establish a mapping between the undersampled k-space measurements and the MR images, utilizing a self-supervised Bayesian reconstruction network. Secondly, we develop a joint score-based diffusion model on 3D-MC-CMR images to capture their inherent distribution. The 3D-MC-CMR images are finally reconstructed using the conditioned Langenvin Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling. 

Results: This approach enables accurate reconstruction with high acceleration rates up to 14.

Impact: The proposed method is trained in a self-supervised manner and therefore particularly suited for 3D CMR imaging that lacks fully sampled data.

71 Influence of temporal resolution in determining pharmacokinetic parameters from CAIPIRINHA-Dixon-TWIST-VIBE DCE-MRI for breast lesions
Tianwen Xie1,2, Yan Huang1,2, Caixia Fu3, Grimm Robert4, Marcel Dominik Nickel4, Weijun Peng1,2, and Yajia Gu1,2
1Radiology, Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center, Shanghai, China, 2Oncology, Shanghai Medical College, Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 3MR Applications Development, Siemens Shenzhen Magnetic Resonance Ltd., Shenzhen, China, 4MR Application Predevelopment, Siemens Healthineers AG, Erlangen, Germany

Keywords: Quantitative Imaging, Breast

Motivation: The quantitative parameters from dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE) MRI can improve the diagnosis in characterizing breast cancer.

Goal(s): However, the influence of temporal resolution in determining pharmacokinetic parameters is still unclear. 

Approach: In this study, we aimed to evaluate influence of scan temporal resolution on pharmacokinetic parameters and performance in diagnosing breast cancer. 

Results: The results demonstrated that as temporal resolution decreases, Ktranskep, and ve increase, and there were no significant differences in AUCs in diagnosing breast cancer for any of the parameters.

Impact: This study transforms breast cancer diagnosis by validating the influence of temporal resolution in determining pharmacokinetic parameters. It encourages exploration into broader adaptations, aiming to provide the accurate pharmacokinetic quantitative parameters in the diagnosing cancer and assessing prognosis across multi-institutions.

72 Improving Cardiac Phase-Resolved T2*-Mapping of the Murine Heart: Artifact Reduction and Enhanced Accuracy
Shahriar Shalikar1, Oumaima Laghzali1,2, Siqin Liu1, Andreas Pohlmann1, Joao dos Santos Periquito1, Sonia Waiczies1, Thoralf Niendorf1,2,3, and Min-Chi Ku1,2
1Berlin Ultrahigh Field Facility (B.U.F.F.), Max Delbrueck Center for Molecular Medicine in the Helmholtz Association, Berlin, Germany, 2DZHK (German Centre for Cardiovascular Research), Berlin, Germany, 3Experimental and Clinical Research Center, Charité—Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany

Keywords: Quantitative Imaging, Animals, Relaxometry, Gradient Moment Nulling, T2*, Retrospective gating, Mouse

Motivation: Rapid blood flow in mice heart imposes severe phase shift error in k-space data, resulting ghosting artifact in the image. These artifacts notably affect the accuracy of myocardial T2* relaxometry, as they introduce variable ghosting artifacts into echo images.

Goal(s): To investigate the effect of Flow Compensation (FC) on myocardial T2*-map acquired by retrospective-gated Multi-Gradient-Echo (MGE) sequence. 

Approach: First-order GMN were added to MGE sequence. Retrospective ECG-gating was performed on murine heart.

Results: FC technique can potentially reduce T2* estimation error by mitigating the flow artifact on echo images in mice heart with very fast heart rate.

Impact: First-order Gradient Moment Nulling minimizes image artifacts and enhances the accuracy of myocardial T2* measurements.

73 Predicting post-hepatectomy liver failure with whole-liver histogram analysis on T1 maps of gadoxetic acid-enhanced MRI
Jun Li1, Yi Li1, Yuan-Yuan Chen1, Xiao-Ying Wang1, Cai-Xia Fu2, Robert Grimm3, Ying Ding1, and Meng-Su Zeng1
1Zhongshan Hospital of Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 2Siemens Shenzhen Magnetic Resonance Ltd., Shenzhen, China, 3Siemens Heathineers AG., Erlangen, Germany

Keywords: Quantitative Imaging, Liver, MRI, gadoxetic acid, hepatic insufficiency, indocyanine green

Motivation: Current clinical modalities still have several limitations for accurately predicting post-hepatectomy liver failure (PHLF).

Goal(s): To explore more effective non-invasive tools to quantitatively predict PHLF.

Approach: The performances of the hematological tests, the indocyanine green (ICG) clearance test and the newly-based albumin-bilirubin (ALBI) scoring system for predicting PHLF were compared with that of whole-liver histogram analysis on gadoxetic acid-enhanced T1 maps.

Results: Whole-liver histogram analysis on gadoxetic acid-enhanced T1 maps had a better performance than the ICG clearance test and ALBI scoring system. It also showed potential for stratifying preoperative liver function.

Impact: The histogram parameters extracted from whole-liver regions of interest (ROI) on gadoxetic acid-enhanced T1 maps were proved to be effective and non-invasive tools for assessing liver function. Further accurate liver function assessment based on sectional histogram analysis is promising.

74 Highly efficient simultaneous joint T1-T2 mapping for isotropic resolution 3D knee imaging at 0.55 T
Nicolás Garrido1,2,3, Carlos Castillo-Passi1,2,3, Nicole Araya2, Andrew Phair3, Claudia Prieto2,3,4, and René Botnar1,2,3,4,5
1Instituto de Ingeniería BIológica y Médica, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile, 2Millenium Institute for intelligent Healthcare Engineering, Santiago, Chile, 3School of Biomedical Engineering and Imaging Sciences, King’s College London, London, United Kingdom, 4Escuela de Ingeniería, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile, 5Institute for Advanced Study, Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany

Keywords: Quantitative Imaging, Low-Field MRI, Quantitative imaging

Motivation: Low-field 0.55T knee imaging promises to provide more accessible assessment of injuries. Anatomic imaging has been evaluated, however quantitative knee imaging at 0.55T has not been demonstrated.

Goal(s): To investigate the feasibility of 3D joint T1-T2 mapping for evaluation of the articular cartilage at 0.55T.

Approach: A free-running, 3D-radial sequence with golden-angle and spoiled gradient echo readout and 1mmisotropic resolution was implemented using Pulseq for T1-T2 mapping. Bloch simulations were used for dictionary matching.

Results: The sequence was tested with a standardized phantom, showing good agreement with reference values, and promising results for in-vivo images in healthy subjects in a ~4min scan.

Impact: 3D joint T1-T2 mapping of knee articular cartilage with low-field MRI could provide a fast, more accessible and comprehensive test to assess knee injuries and chronic knee disease.

75 Comparative Analysis of Cardiac T1 Mapping Reliability: Free-Breathing Versus Breath-Hold Techniques
Julia V Velikina1, Orhan Unal1, and Alexey A Samsonov1
1University of Wisconsin - Madison, Madison, WI, United States

Keywords: Quantitative Imaging, Myocardium, T1 Mapping, Repeatability

Motivation: Quantitative myocardial T1 mapping is an invaluable tool for detection and characterization of myocardial fibrosis and infarction. Recent emergence of free-breathing non-ECG-gated techniques requires evaluation of their reliability in controlled experiments.

Goal(s): We evaluated repeatability of free-breathing non-ECG-gated Multitasking and breath-held MOLLI T1 mapping techniques and studied factors influencing them.

Approach: Test-retest study was performed in 15 healthy adult volunteers. Bland-Altman plots and Spearman rank correlation were used for statistical analysis.

Results: Our analysis reveals that while free-breathing technique has low bias, controlling data sampling patterns is needed to prevent high variability of test-retest measurements.

Impact: Reliability of myocardial T1 mapping with free-breathing techniques may benefit from designing controlled data sampling patterns utilizing either external or self-calibrated cardiac/respiratory triggers.

76 Accelerated T1rho mapping for knee cartilage Using Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model (DDPM)
Ruiying Liu1, Zhiyuan Zhang2, Peizhou Huang1, Jee Hun Kim2, Xiaojuan Li2, and Leslie Ying1
1Department of Biomedical Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, United States, 2Program of Advanced Musculoskeletal Imaging (PAMI), Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, United States

Keywords: Quantitative Imaging, Quantitative Imaging

Motivation: Deep learning methods have achieved superior reconstruction in MR quantitative T1ρ imaging due to their ability to learn the non-linearity relationship between the undersampled k-space data and corresponding quantitative maps.

Goal(s): In this study, we investigate the use of DDPM for highly accelerated T1ρ imaging.

Approach: The DDPM learns the image properties from fully acquired images during training without the knowledge of the subsampling patterns used for the accelerated scans. This is advantageous to most existing models that need to be retrained every time for a new sampling scheme.

Results: Our results demonstrate that DDPM can achieve superior T1ρ-weighted images and T1ρ map. 

Impact: The proposed DDPM can achieve superior T1ρ map then compressed sensing and other learning methods. 

77 KTSSI: Quantitative fascial magnetic resonance imaging
Xiaohan Zhou1, Yan Liang1,2, Wentao Liu1, Weinan Tang3, and Dong Han1,2
1National Center for Nanoscience and Technology, Beijing, China, 2School of Future Technology, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, 3Beijing Wandong Medical Technology Co.,Ltd., Beijing, China

Keywords: Quantitative Imaging, Quantitative Imaging, Fascia

Motivation: Fascia, a challenging component in MRI due to its rapid signal decay, remains elusive in in vivo imaging under normal physiological conditions.

Goal(s): This study introduces an innovative K-T Space Section Imaging-MRI (KTSSI) method, aimed at illuminating the T2* characteristics of fascial tissues. 

Approach: Through extensive phantom testing and MRI scans of healthy human lower legs using KTSSI, we reveal a new dimension of fascia within the broader MRI domain.

Results: Obtained were extensive, continuous 3D reconstructed images of the fascia in healthy individuals, displaying distinct and clear features under normal physiological conditions.

Impact: This work reframes enable the imaging of fascia, paving the way for patients with myofascial conditions by enabling early detection and precise evaluation of structural changes. This opens avenues for investigating dynamic anatomical adhesions or structural ruptures.

78 Mapping fat-water separated R1, R2*, and fat fraction with bipolar multi-echo MP2RAGE
Jorge Campos Pazmino1, Marc-Antoine Fortin2, Véronique Fortier1,3, Andre van der Kouwe4, Cristian Ciobanu1, Evan McNabb3, Renée-Claude Bider1, and Ives Roger Levesque1,5
1Medical Physics Unit, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada, 2Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway, 3Medical Imaging, McGill University Health Center, Montreal, QC, Canada, 4Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States, 5Research Institute of the McGill University Helth Centre, Montreal, QC, Canada

Keywords: Quantitative Imaging, Quantitative Imaging, MP2RAGE, Bipolar, R1, R2*, Proton density fat fraction, Multi-echo, Cramér–Rao bounds, Fat-water phantom

Motivation: Multi-Echo Magnetization Prepared Two Rapid Acquisition of Gradient Echoes (ME-MP2RAGE) can be combined with chemical shift-encoded fat-water separation to simultaneously map fat and water-specific R1. However, long echo times in the multi-echo portion of the technique can lead to poor fat-water separation and compromised accuracy and precision of the estimates.

Goal(s): Simultaneous mapping of fat and water-specific R1, R2*, and proton density fat fraction with bipolar ME-MP2RAGE.

Approach: Unipolar and bipolar ME-MP2RAGE sequences were compared in simulation and phantom experiments.

Results: Numerical simulations and phantom experiments showed that bipolar readouts produce more accurate and precise estimates than unipolar alternatives.

Impact: We propose a technique for simultaneous measurement of PDFF, fat and water-specific R1, and R2* combining multi-echo MP2RAGE and fat-water separation. Moreover, we show that bipolar readouts produce more accurate and precise estimates of these parameters using multi-echo MP2RAGE.

79 Ultrashort Echo Time Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (UTE-QSM) of The Human Knee with Motion Registration
Jiyo S Athertya1, Dina Moazamian1, Bhavsimran Singh Malhi1, Saeed Jerban1, Annette Von Drygalski2, Eric Y Chang1,3, Jiang Du1,4,5, and Hyungseok Jang1
1UCSD, San Diego, CA, United States, 2Dept of Medicine, UCSD, San Diego, CA, United States, 3Radiology Service, Veterans Affairs San Diego Healthcare System, San Diego, CA, United States, 4Research Service, Veterans Affairs San Diego Healthcare System, San Diego, CA, United States, 5Dept of Bioengineering, UCSD, San Diego, CA, United States

Keywords: Motion Correction, Quantitative Susceptibility mapping

Motivation: There is a need for improving UTE-QSM in the human knee joint, which is prone to motion artifacts due to multiple repeated scans required for a short echo spacing.

Goal(s): To investigate the efficacy of motion registration-based UTE-QSM for knee joint imaging.

Approach: We employed rigid affine-based registration and non-rigid deformable registration based on B-spline as a pre-processing step for generating the QSM data. 

Results: It is seen that the registration process helps in reducing streaking artifacts and improving UTE-QSM of the knee joint.

Impact: The UTE-QSM technique of the human knee joint is a potentially sensitive biomarker for the diagnosis of musculoskeletal diseases. Motion registration can improve the accuracy of UTE-QSM and hence likely enhance the diagnostic power. 

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