ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition • 04-09 May 2024 • Singapore
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Improved Tx Efficiency in Mock Transcranial MRgFUS with Modified
Transfer Medium & Transducer Ground at 3T: Improved Results with
Updated Phantom
Karthik Lakshmanan1,2,
Jerzy Walczyk1,2,
Giuseppe Carluccio1,2,
and Christopher M. Collins1,2
1Bernard and Irene Schwartz Center for Biomedical Imaging, Department of Radiology, New York University Grossman School of Medicine, New York, NY, United States, 2Center for Advanced Imaging Innovation and Research (CAI2R), Department of Radiology, New York University Grossman School of Medicine, New York, NY, United States Keywords: MR-Guided Focused Ultrasound, MR-Guided Interventions Motivation: In MRI at 3T, the typical configuration of MR-guided focused Ultrasound (MRgFUS) results in a dark band through the brain in MRI. Goal(s): We introduce an approach to significantly improving MRI in the whole brain in addition to removing the dark band artifact, demonstrating here with an improved phantom for better results. Approach: An improved phantom for experimental validation of our method was developed by using a spheroidal compartment rather than a hemispherical compartment to represent the head. Results: Transmit Efficiency was improved by more than a factor of 4 on average in the ROI using our proposed method. Impact: By strategically adjusting electric permittivity of the transfer medium and slotting the transducer ground plane, transmit efficiency of MRI in transcranial MRgFUS can be improved by a factor of up to 4 while also eliminating a well-known dark band. |
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Four-channel receiver coil array for focused ultrasound spine
Hsin-Ju Lee1,2,
Meaghan O'Reilly1,2,
Ryan M. Jones1,2,
and Fa-Hsuan Lin1,2
1Physical Sciences Platform, Sunnybrook Research Institute, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2Department of Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada Keywords: MR-Guided Focused Ultrasound, RF Arrays & Systems, Focus Ultrasound Motivation: MRI with the focused ultrasound treatment on the spine has low image quality, presumably due to a tailored receiver coil array.
Goal(s): A receiver coil array for 3T MRI is
developed to image the spine of a large animal during
focused ultrasound (FUS) treatment using a flat,
large-aperture (25 cm diameter) phased array transducer. Approach: A 4-channel receiver coil array was built with a housing curved to conform to the back of the specimen. Results: Structural images with T1- and T2-weighted contrast confirmed an SNR gain of approximately 50% using this coil array compared with images acquired using a body coil. Impact: The FUS-compatible spine MRI receiver coil array will enhance visualization of BSCB openings. As a clinical application, this coil array will also alleviate intraprocedural imaging challenges. |
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Extrapolated-B1-corrected Variable Flip Angle T1 Mapping in
Cortical Bone with a Phase-Sensitive Method
Sheng Chen1,
Yekaterina K. Gilbo2,
Helen L. Sporkin1,
Samuel W. Fielden3,
Steven P. Allen4,
John P. Mugler III5,
G. Wilson Miller5,
and Craig H. Meyer1,5
1Biomedical Engineering, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, United States, 2Netflix, Los Gatos, CA, United States, 3U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD, United States, 4Electrical & Computer Engineering, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT, United States, 5Radiology and Medical Imaging, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, United States Keywords: MR-Guided Focused Ultrasound, Bone, Skull, UTE, B1, T1, VFA Motivation: Unintended heating of the skull and nearby soft tissue during transcranial MR-guided Focused Ultrasound surgery needs to be monitored. However, T1-based thermometry in cortical bone may be biased with variable flip angles. Goal(s): Our goal was to correct flip angles to improve the T1 mapping accuracy in cortical bone. Approach: In phantom and human studies, B1 maps of soft tissue were measured with a phase-sensitive method, extrapolating from which B1 maps of bone were generated and were used to correct flip angles for T1 mapping. Results: Improved accuracy and homogeneity of T1 maps were demonstrated as validation. Impact: Extrapolated-B1 correction with a phase-sensitive method should improve accuracy and homogeneity of T1 maps in cortical bone and is promising in monitoring unintended heating in the skull and nearby brain tissue during transcranial MR-guided Focused Ultrasound surgery. |
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Spectral fat saturation and accuracy of proton-resonance
frequency shift MR thermometry
Anne Josset1,
Ounay Ishak1,
Jonathan Vappou1,
and Élodie Breton1
1Université de Strasbourg, CNRS, ICube, UMR7357, Strasbourg, France Keywords: Thermometry/Thermotherapy, Thermometry Motivation: Monitoring thermal ablations with PRFS thermometry ensures therapy safety and efficiency. Spectral fat saturation cannot be 100% efficient: the remaining fat signal may affect PRFS temperature measurements. Goal(s): This work experimentally evaluates the residual signal after spectral fat saturation, and the error it causes in PRFS thermometry. Approach: The IDEAL algorithm is used to quantify fat signal after spectral fat saturation. The error in PRFS thermometry with spectral fat saturation is evaluated in fat-water phantoms. Results: The residual fat signal after spectral fat saturation leads to errors in PRFS thermometry, that increase with the fat content, and oscillate with TE and absolute temperature. Impact: This work demonstrates experimentally that PRFS temperature errors can be significant during hyperthermia despite fat suppression methods. Careful selection of the TE according to spectral fat saturation strategy can mitigate such errors and improve the accuracy of PRFS thermometry. |
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Absolute MR Thermometry in the breast using interleaved echo
planar spectroscopic imaging
Henrik Odéen1,
Peyton Wong1,
Duane Blatter1,
Seong-Eun Kim1,
Allison Payne1,
and Dennis L Parker1
1Radiology and Imaging Sciences, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, United States Keywords: Thermometry/Thermotherapy, Thermometry, Breast, Spectroscopic imaging Motivation: Clinically available MR thermometry methods only measures relative temperature change. Availability of absolute temperature measurements has high impact potential to improve monitoring and evaluation of thermal therapies. Goal(s): Develop an efficient and practical approach for spatial absolute MR thermometry in the breast. Approach: A multi-echo echo-planar spectroscopic imaging pulse sequence was implemented and tested in ex vivo human breast fat samples and healthy volunteers. Comparisons to single voxel spectroscopy was performed. Results: Water and fat peaks can be detected in both ex vivo samples and in vivo, and converted to absolute temperature measurements. Potential of spatial absolute thermometry is demonstrated. Impact: Absolute MR thermometry has the potential to improve treatment monitoring and evaluation of thermal therapies, and is demonstrated in the breast using a new efficient high-resolution interleaved echo planar spectroscopic imaging pulse sequence. |
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Recurrent reconstruction network enables real-time and
high-resolution PRF thermometry for LITT
Yuancheng Jiang1,
Ziyi Pan1,
Kai Zhang2,
Meng Han3,
Wenbo Liu3,
Guangzhi Wang4,
and Hua Guo1
1Center for Biomedical Imaging Research, Department of Biomedical Engineering, School of Medicine, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 2Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing, China, 3Sinovation Medical, Beijing, China, 4Department of Biomedical Engineering, School of Medicine, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China Keywords: Thermometry/Thermotherapy, Thermometry Motivation: Proton-resonance-frequency (PRF) shift-based thermometry is used to monitor the temperature change during Laser-interstitial-thermal-therapy (LITT). Recent LITT developments call for PRF thermometry to achieve larger volume coverage and higher spatiotemporal resolution for enhanced therapeutic efficacy. Goal(s): Accelerate the PRF thermometry by compressed-sensing (CS) undersampling to enlarge the volume coverage and increase the spatiotemporal resolution. Use a neural network for real-time reconstruction of the undersampled data. Approach: A recurrent reconstruction network (RRN) was proposed to reconstruct the highly undersampled PRF data. Retrospective and prospective undersampling experiments were conducted. Results: RRN demonstrated good image reconstruction quality in retrospective experiments, with promising results in prospective experiments. Impact: The introduction of the RRN offers a solution for real-time and high-resolution PRF thermometry during LITT, potentially improving treatment outcomes. |
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MR Thermometry with a Deep-Learning Reconstruction
Sherry S. Huang1,
Xinzeng Wang2,
Marc R. Lebel3,
Nastaren Abad4,
Steve Hushek5,
Desmond TB Yeo4,
and James H. Holmes6
1GE HealthCare, Royal Oak, MI, United States, 2GE HealthCare, Houston, TX, United States, 3GE HealthCare, Calgary, AB, Canada, 4Technology and Innovation Center, GE HealthCare, Niskayuna, NY, United States, 5GE HealthCare, Waukesha, WI, United States, 6Department of Radiology, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, United States Keywords: Thermometry/Thermotherapy, Thermometry Motivation: Improved MR thermometry is needed for thermal-based therapies. Goal(s): Improve precision while maintaining accuracy by denoising proton resonance frequency shift (PRFS)-based thermometry images using a deep learning-based reconstruction (DLR). Approach: 2D fast spoiled gradient-echo (FSPGR) images were acquired on a variety of phantoms with and without heating. Complex images were reconstructed with and without DLR to calculate temperature change maps. The mean and standard deviation of ROIs were analyzed to demonstrate any changes in accuracy and precision. Results: DLR improves precision and maintains accuracy in PRFS temperature change maps in phantoms. Impact: The improvements indicate an opportunity to increase spatial and/or temporal resolution in MRI thermometry. It may be possible to improve MRI-based heating optimization during clinical thermal therapies. |
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Principal component analysis assisted deep learning method for
motion artifacts correction in MR thermometry
Ning Wang1,2 and
Kui Ying2
1School of Medicine, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 2Department of Engineering Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China Keywords: Thermometry/Thermotherapy, Motion Correction Motivation: To improve the performance of convolutional neural network (CNN) for motion artifacts correction and demonstrate the feasibility of using motion-related information provided by principal component analysis (PCA). Goal(s): To achieve high accuracy of temperature mapping for motion existing organs like abdominal and thus expand a wide range of MR-thermometry in clinical applications. Approach: We proposed a combination method of PCA and basic CNN model to correct artifacts in abdominal MR-thermometry. Results: Preliminary results showed that the proposed method outperforms conventional CNN in terms of temperature mapping accuracy. The new method reduces the motion-related phase errors by leveraging PCA. Impact: Our proposed method has a high potential to handle motion organs with non-rigid motion. The PCA method in combination of CNN for its efficient reduction of motion induced errors may improve the feasibility and accessibility of MR-thermometry in abdominal applications. |
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Flexible, high spatial and temporal resolution absolute
thermometry of MRI phantoms
Wesley Judd1,
Seong-Eun Kim2,
John Dzikiy3,
Dennis L Parker2,
and Henrik Odéen2
1Biomedical Engineering, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, United States, 2Radiology and Imaging Sciences, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, United States, 3Psychology Software Tools, Sharpsburg, PA, United States Keywords: Thermometry/Thermotherapy, Thermometry, Phantom Motivation: Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging (qMRI) is becoming popular and is often evaluated in phantoms. However, MRI properties (T1, T2, diffusion, etc.) depend on temperature, so accurate absolute temperature measurements of the phantom is needed. Goal(s): Being able to measure absolute temperature throughout qMRI phantoms in a practical, efficient, and accurate way. Approach: A straight forward spectroscopic imaging approach is used to image ethylene glycol-filled vials and an automatic processing pipeline reconstructs temperatures. Results: Rapid (15 s/slice) and accurate (up to 0.5 °C) absolute temperature measurements are demonstrated at two different 3T scanners. Impact: With the described approach rapid and accurate MRI-based absolute phantom temperature measurements can be acquired in a practical way. This will help researchers developing quantitative measurements of temperature-sensitive parameters such as T1,T2, and diffusion, using phantoms for validation and benchmarking. |
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Cardiac MR-thermometry with integrated catheter drift detection
for guidance of ventricular tachycardia ablation
Charlotte Rogers1,
Ronald Mooiweer1,2,3,
Rohini Vidya Shankar1,
Donovan Tripp1,
Reza Razavi1,
René Botnar1,4,5,
and Sébastien Roujol1
1King's College London, London, United Kingdom, 2MR Research Collaborations, Siemens Healthcare Limited, Camberley, United Kingdom, 3MR Physics, Guy’s and St.Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom, 4School of Engineering, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile, 5Institute for Biological and Medical Engineering, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile Keywords: MR-Guided Interventions, Interventional Devices, Active Tracking Motivation: MR-thermometry is a promising approach for real-time monitoring of lesion formation during MRI-guided cardiac ablation. However, ablation catheters can potentially drift during ablation and lead to inaccurate lesion formation. Goal(s): To develop a cardiac MR-thermometry sequence with integrated catheter drift detection. Approach: Continuous active tracking modules were added between the cardiac triggered acquisitions of a cardiac MR-thermometry sequence. Low-pass temporal filtering of the active tracking signal was then applied to remove cardiac and respiratory components and estimate catheter drift. This approach was evaluated in a phantom. Results: This study showed that catheter drift detection is possible within active tracking in an MR-thermometry sequence. Impact: This study demonstrates the potential for simultaneous catheter drift detection and cardiac MR-thermometry, which may improve the safety of the procedure and the accuracy of lesion formation. Further evaluation in-vivo is now warranted. |
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MRI-guided histotripsy targeting using MR-thermometry and
Dinank Gupta1,
Tarana P Kaovasia1,
Steven P Allen2,
Timothy L Hall1,
Zhen Xu1,
and Douglas C Noll1
1University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United States, 2Brigham Young University, Provo, UT, United States Keywords: MR-Guided Focused Ultrasound, MR-Guided Interventions, Focused Ultrasound, Histotripsy Motivation: Transcranial histotripsy requires pre-therapy targeting to ensure treatment at the intended region of interest. MR-ARFI and MR-Thermometry are used for targeting HIFU treatments, but are not tested for targeting of transcranial histotripsy treatments since they use different ultrasound treatment parameters. Goal(s): We evaluate the accuracy of MR-thermometry and MR-ARFI for targeting histotripsy treatments in ex-vivo tissues. Approach: Low intensity MR-thermometry and MR-ARFI were done prior to histotripsy treatment on bovine brain tissues. The lesion location was compared with the peak temperature/displacement to quantify targeting error. Results: Both MR-thermometry and MR-ARFI can perform accurate targeting of histotripsy treatments with mean errors of 2mm. Impact: Transcranial histotripsy is a promising non-invasive treatment method that requires pre-treatment targeting to ensure treatment delivery at the desired location. We showed that both low temperature MR-thermometry and MR-ARFI can be used to accurately estimate histotripsy treatment location. |
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A Time-Resolved Forward Model for MR-ARFI: Towards Acoustic
Dosimetry for FUS Neuromodulation
Kristen Zarcone1,
Huiwen Luo2,
Charles F Caskey3,
and William A Grissom1
1Biomedical Engineering, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, United States, 2Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United States, 3Radiology, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United States Keywords: MR-Guided Focused Ultrasound, Focused Ultrasound, neuromodulation
Motivation: MR-ARFI is currently used to target
focused ultrasound in the brain, but as a quantitative
imaging method it has the potential to provide acoustic
dosimetry if the measured tissue displacement can be related
back to acoustic intensity or pressure.
Goal(s): Develop a method to calculate MR-ARFI
images based on high-intensity acoustic simulations of
focused ultrasound and finite element modeling.
Approach: We converted acoustic beam simulations to
acoustic force, which was input to an FEM solver to
calculate time-resolved tissue displacements, and
subsequently MR-ARFI images. Results: The method enabled a lookup table calculation to recover acoustic intensity from MR-ARFI measurements Impact: MR-ARFI is used to target focused ultrasound in the brain, but as a quantitative imaging method it could also provide dosimetry. We established the ability to relate simulated acoustic pressure fields to MR-ARFI images via finite element modeling. |
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Correction of LIFU Intensity Using MR Acoustic Radiation Force
Imaging (ARFI): Improved Correlations with Treatment Outcomes
Abubakr Eldirdiri1,
Linda Chang1,
David Martin1,
Donna Calu1,
Eric Cunningham1,
Segun Bernard1,
Prathibha Meesala1,
and Thomas Ernst1
1University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, United States Keywords: MR-Guided Focused Ultrasound, Focused Ultrasound Motivation: The effectiveness of low-intensity focused ultrasound (LIFU) for neuromodulation may be compromised by inaccuracies in target localization and variable energy deposition caused by skull characteristics. Goal(s): We aimed to improve the estimation of LIFU pressure using MR-acoustic radiation force imaging (ARFI) and test whether the adjusted LIFU intensity correlates with treatment outcomes in a behavioral economic task using sucrose pellets. Approach: Eight female rats underwent LIFU targeting the nucleus accumbens (NAc) bilaterally with three different pressures. MR-ARFI confirmed the targeting and corrected the intensities during LIFU treatments. Results: Improved correlations between behavioral outcomes and ARFI-adjusted LIFU intensity were observed. Impact: Our preliminary findings demonstrate the beneficial effects for using MRI-ARFI not only to verify the FUS target location but also to refine LIFU intensities in neuromodulation procedures. |
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MR-ARFI for transcranial ultrasound neuromodulation: The effect
of varying frequency and depth.
Morteza Mohammadjavadi1,
Gary H Glover1,2,
and Kim Butts Pauly1,2
1Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States, 2Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States Keywords: MR-Guided Focused Ultrasound, Focused Ultrasound Motivation: Previous MR-ARFI optimizations have incorporated tissue response times, but assumed those were constant in a homogenous medium. Goal(s): To demonstrate that tissue response times vary with ultrasound parameters such as frequency and depth, and to use those to optimize MR-ARFI. Approach: We measured displacement response time in a tissue-mimicking phantom at 0.5MHz and 1.0MHz ultrasound frequencies and depths of 40- and 60-mm. Results: With our tissue-mimicking phantom, the time constants were approximately 3ms and 6ms for 1.0MHz and 0.5MHz ultrasound frequencies, respectively. Impact: Ultrasound parameters of frequency and depth affect tissue response and can be used to optimize the acquisition to maximize SNR and minimize ultrasound dose. |
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Mild hyperthermia induced by MRgHIFU as an adjuvant to radiation
therapy in bone metastases: preliminary results of a phase I
Orane Lorton1,
Yacine M’Rad1,
Pauline Coralie Guillemin1,
Max Gau2,
Pelagia Tsoutsou2,
Thomas Zilli3,
Pierre-Alexandre Poletti4,
Rares Salomir1,4,
and Sana Boudabbous1,5
1University of Geneva, Faculty of Medicine, Geneva, Switzerland, 2Radio-oncology department, University Hospitals of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland, 3Radiation Oncology, Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland, Bellinzona, Switzerland, 4Radiology department, University Hospitals of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland, 5University Hospitals of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland Keywords: MR-Guided Focused Ultrasound, Focused Ultrasound, Hyperthermia, focused ultrasound, bone metastasis Motivation: Mild hyperthermia (HT) induced by magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound (MRgHIFU) before radiation therapy (RT) could act as adjuvant in pain relief for bone metastasis. Goal(s): This study aims to evaluate the feasibility and safety of MRgHIFU procedure in one patient with a posterior right acetabulum Approach: The target temperature elevation was 6°C. The targeting and temperature monitoring in near real-time were performed by MRI. Results: The temperature elevation lasting 30-minutes was 6.01°C on average in bone metastasis. The MR-guidance allowed a safe and successful procedure without adverse events. The 25-minutes between HT end point and RT demonstrated the technical feasibility of the procedure. Impact: This study is a first step to demonstrate MRgHIFU hyperthermia adjuvant to palliative radiotherapy of bone metastases. The non-invasive, safe and accurate use of focused ultrasound to sensitize tumors opens the way to more efficient application of the radiation dose. |
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Multi-Modality Imaging and Analysis of Mouse Cortex after
Focused Ultrasound-Induced Blood-Brain Barrier Opening.
Devin Patrick Murphy1,
Alex Samoy-Alvarado2,
Rhea Carlson1,
Christine Howison1,
Terry Matsunaga3,
Urs Utzinger1,
Theodore Trouard1,
and Elizabeth Hutchinson1
1Biomedical Engineering, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, United States, 2Wyatt College of Optical Sciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, United States, 3Medical Imaging, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, United States Keywords: MR-Guided Focused Ultrasound, Focused Ultrasound, 2-photon microscopy Motivation: The gold-standard for confirmation of blood-brain barrier (BBB) disruption after FUS is T1-weighted MRI with contrast enhancement. Conventional MRI-based metrics cannot differentiate between BBB leakage at the microvascular level, and thus there is a need for validation with higher spatial and temporal resolution modalities Goal(s): Use 2-photon microscopy to investigate solute extravasation from the microvasculature into the parenchyma and paravascular space. Approach: This project is an in-vivo validation of BBB opening after FUS using 2-photon microscopy and MRI. Results: Results suggest BBB opening occurs in capillaries, and that dye extravasation can be measured within minutes of sonication. Impact: Sub-micron imaging of the microvasculature after BBB opening will provide insight into which vessels are opened after FUS and improve pharmacokinetic understanding of the paravascular space around arterioles and venules. |
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