ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition • 04-09 May 2024 • Singapore
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Pre-Excitation Gradients for Eddy Current Nulled Convex
Optimized Diffusion Encoding (Pre-ENCODE)
Matthew J. Middione1,
Michael Loecher1,
Xiaozhi Cao1,
Kawin Setsompop1,2,
and Daniel B. Ennis1
1Department of Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States, 2Department of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States Keywords: Diffusion Acquisition, Diffusion/other diffusion imaging techniques, eddy currents, image distortion, time-optimal Motivation: Eddy current-induced image distortions in DWI require either tedious image-based corrections or time inefficient pulse sequence acquisitions that increase the minimum echo time (TEmin) and limit SNR. Goal(s): Pre-excitation gradients for eddy current-nulled convex optimized diffusion encoding (Pre-ENCODE) was used to mitigate eddy current-induced image distortions without increasing TEmin. Approach: Simulations, phantoms, and volunteer DWI with monopolar (MONO), eddy current-nulled convex optimized diffusion (ENCODE), and Pre-ENCODE were used to evaluate TEmin, eddy current-induced image distortions, and ADC. Results: Pre-ENCODE offers shorter TEmin compared to MONO and ENCODE as well as reduced eddy current-induced image distortions and more accurate ADC values compared to MONO. Impact: Pre-ENCODE reduces eddy current-induced image distortions by incorporating an additional pre-excitation gradient. Pre-ENCODE provides a shorter TEmin, increased SNR, improved image registration, and more accurate ADC quantification compared with conventional DWI encoding techniques. |
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Quantitative Brain Diffusion Metrics are Fragile to Voxel Size:
A Prospective Volunteer Study Calling for Protocol
Jingyu Zhong1,
Xianwei Liu1,
Yangfan Hu1,
Wenjie Lu1,
Yang Song2,
Huan Zhang3,
and Weiwu Yao1
1Department of Imaging, Tongren Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China, 2Research Collaboration Team, Siemens Healthineers Ltd., Shanghai, China, 3Department of Radiology, Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China Keywords: DWI/DTI/DKI, Diffusion/other diffusion imaging techniques, Reproducibility of results Motivation: The quantitative brain diffusion metrics showed potential to provide functional information about diseases, but their robustness must be established before their implementation in clinical practice. Goal(s): To evaluate the variability and reproducibility of quantitative brain diffusion metrics. Approach: Fourteen volunteers prospectively underwent brain diffusion spectrum imagingusing a protocol designed to investigate the impact of scan-rescans, voxel size, coils on twenty-five quantitative diffusion metrics. Two observers drew thirteen regions of interests for metrics calculation. Results: The voxel size has a greater influence on reproducibility of quantitative diffusion metrics than scan-rescans and coils. The reproducibility within an observer was higher than that between two observers. Impact: Quantitative brain diffusion metrics, as promising tools for providing functional information of diseases, should be interpreted with caution because they are fragile to voxel size, which calls for standardization of scan protocols before prior to their implementation in clinical practice. |
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Navigator-free, high-resolution prostate diffusion imaging:
Multi-Shot EPI with Multi-Scale Low-Rank Reconstruction
Yiming Dong1,
Kirsten Koolstra2,
David Atkinson3,
Matthias J.P. van Osch1,
and Peter Börnert1,4
1C.J. Gorter MRI Center, Department of Radiology, LUMC, Leiden, Netherlands, 2Philips, Best, Netherlands, 3Centre for Medical Imaging, University College London, London, United Kingdom, 4Philips Research Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany Keywords: Diffusion Reconstruction, Prostate Motivation: Prostate DWI is an important contrast for the diagnosis of prostate cancer. Goal(s): The aim is to achieve prostate DW images and ADC maps with less-geometric-distortion, high-resolution and high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Approach: A novel multi-scale low-rank reconstruction approach is introduced to improve multi-shot EPI diffusion-weighted imaging of the prostate. It addresses the ability to jointly reconstruct images over all b-value/diffusion directions at multiple different spatial scales without loss of contrast/structure information. Results: Applied to healthy volunteers using different resolution protocols, the method demonstrates significant improvements in image resolution and SNR compared to a state-of-the-art reference method in a clinically acceptable scan time. Impact: This multi-scale, low-rank reconstruction approach for prostate DWI can significantly improve the quality of diagnostic images, benefiting clinicians and patients by enabling more accurate prostate cancer diagnoses within short scan times. |
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Whole-Brain Mesoscale 0.7 millimeter-Isotropic-Resolution
Diffusion MRI at Ultra-High Fields: The JETS-NAViEPI Approach.
Annika Hofmann1,
Zhengguo Tan1,
Patrick Liebig2,
Frederik B. Laun3,
and Florian Knoll1
1Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Engineering, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen, Germany, 2Siemens Healthcare GmbH, Erlangen, Germany, 3Institute of Radiology, University Hospital Erlangen, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), Erlangen, Germany Keywords: DWI/DTI/DKI, High-Field MRI Motivation: Diffusion weighted MRI (DWI) may blur structures due to limited resolution. Increasing to submillimeter resolution reduces partial volume effects but sacrifices SNR. Goal(s): We seek to demonstrate submillimeter isotropic DWI at 7T in 3 minutes, and enhanced high-resolution DTI maps. Approach: Data acquisition is done via NAViEPI, enforcing consistent echo spacing between the imaging and the navigator echo, rendering minimal distortion mismatch. Image reconstruction is done using JETS, benefiting from complementary k-q-space sampling and regularization. Results: We show a 3-scan trace acquisition with a scan time of 3:19 minutes, and offer high-resolution DTI measurement leading to Mean Diffusivity and colored Fractional Anisotropy maps. Impact: This work demonstrates submillimeter isotropic diffusion MRI at ultra-high field 7T with improved image quality and reduced scan duration. The JETS-NAViEPI method has the potential to advance high-resolution diffusion MRI, enhancing both spatial and temporal resolution. |
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Correcting temperature related diffusivity drift for postmortem
diffusion MRI
Michael Paquette1,
Cornelius Eichner1,
Christian Bock2,
and Alfred Anwander1
1Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany, 2Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, Germany Keywords: Diffusion Reconstruction, Diffusion/other diffusion imaging techniques, Postmortem Motivation: In diffusion MRI, large post-mortem samples reach steady-state temperature and diffusivity only after a very long scan time. Goal(s): Our goal was to use data during steady-state temperature adaptation to model changing diffusivity and still obtain reliable tissue orientations. Approach: We estimated the diffusivities at steady-state temperature with a subset of the data and computed the temperature correction coefficients from the difference between predicted and measured data. Results: The corrected data has greatly increased test-retest agreement and angular accuracy of fiber orientation estimates. Impact: Accelerate post-mortem diffusion MRI by replacing dummy scans with our new data-driven temperature modeling. |
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Short echo-time high-resolution diffusion imaging using
multi-interleave spiral acquisition with simultaneous
multi-slice (SMS) technique
Zhe Wu1,
Alexander Jaffray2,
Lars Kasper1,3,
and Kamil Uludag1
1Krembil Research Institute, University Health Network, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2Department of Physics, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 3Department of Psychology, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada Keywords: Diffusion Acquisition, Diffusion Tensor Imaging, Spiral Acquisition, Multi-Interleave, SMS, Field Inhomogeneity Correction Motivation: Diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) using spiral readout has higher signal-to-noise efficiency comparing to EPI approaches. Spiral DWI with a high spatial-resolution with improved image qualities is desirable for studies in fine-scale brain structures. Goal(s): The goal is to develop a short echo-time distortion-free diffusion imaging method with about 1 mm in-plane resolution with spiral readouts and simultaneous multi-slice (SMS) to accelerate acquisition. Approach: We developed a SMS multi-interleave spiral acquisition of DWI with gradient and B0 inhomogeneity corrections. The between-interleave phase error was corrected using a CG-SENSE method. Results: We demonsrated that a distortion-free short-TE high-resolution DWI using SMS multi-interleave spiral readout is feasible. Impact: A short echo-time multi-interleave spiral diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) method with gradient and B0 inhomogeneity corrections without additional hardware is developed, leading to a high spatial-resolution DWI with an improved image quality for studies in fine-scale brain structures. |
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Efficient High-Resolution Cardiac DTI with Spiral Keyhole
Sampling (SPIK) and Joint Spatial-Angular Sparse Representation
Shokoufeh Golshani1,
Irvin Teh2,
Nishant Ravikumar1,
Jurgen E Schneider2,
and Alejandro F Frangi3
1School of Computing, University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom, 2Leeds Institute of Cardiovascular and Metabolic Medicine (LICAMM), School of Medicine, University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom, 3School of Health Sciences, University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom Keywords: Simulation/Validation, Pulse Sequence Design, Cardiac Diffusion MRI Motivation: In cardiac diffusion MRI, spatial resolution is often limited by the available SNR and scan time. However, reducing voxel size enables precise microstructure characterisation. Goal(s): To develop and evaluate the feasibility of a new sampling/reconstruction scheme that takes advantage of similarities between diffusion-weighted images in (k,q) space in order to provide high spatial resolution with significantly reduced scan times. Approach: A new spiral-based sampling scheme is proposed and its benefits when combined with an efficient reconstruction is demonstrated through simulations. Results: Evaluations showed that the proposed technique provides high-quality diffusion parameter maps comparable to fully sampled reference data with RMSEs less than 4%. Impact: We introduce a novel sampling technique for accelerating high-resolution cardiac diffusion tensor imaging (cDTI). Harnessing the improved spatial resolution and scan time reduction has the potential to make significant contributions to practicability of more complex diffusion models in the heart. |
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Deep learning constrained compressed sensing reconstruction for
diffusion-weighted imaging in patients with breast cancers: a
plot study
Sixian Hu1,
Lanqing Yang1,
Xiaoyong Zhang2,
Chunchao Xia1,
and Zhenlin Li1
1Department of Radiology, West China Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China, Cheng du, China, 2Clinical Science, Philips Healthcare,Chengdu,China, Chengdu, China Keywords: Diffusion Reconstruction, Diffusion/other diffusion imaging techniques, Breast cancer, Deep learning Motivation: The challenges such as image quality and long scan time limitations have degraded the diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) of breast cancer in clinical practice. Goal(s): This study aims to investigate the application of deep learning constrained compressed sensing (CS) reconstruction in DWI to overcome existing limitations. Approach: Quantitative and qualitative image quality of DWI and value apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) of using CS (DWI-CS) and deep learning constrained CS (DWI-DLCS) were compared. Results: The results of DWI-DLCS exhibited better contrast, contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR), lesion detectability and diagnostic confidence. There were no differences regarding the signal intensity values of the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC). Impact: Our study showcases the potential of deep learning constrained reconstruction in enhancing the quality and efficiency of DWI. This approach offers a promising clinical implementation to obtain high-quality DWI images while reducing scan time. |
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Achievable Flow-Compensation Parameters on a Clinical 33 mT/m
Wide-Bore Scanner for Intravoxel Incoherent Motion Imaging
Ivan A. Rashid1,2,
Emil Ljungberg3,4,
Markus Nilsson5,
Adalsteinn Gunnlaugsson6,7,
Lars E. Olsson1,2,
and Patrik Brynolfsson1,2
1Medical Radiation Physics, Department of Translational Medicine, Lund University, Malmö, Sweden, 2Radiation Physics, Department of Hematology, Oncology, and Radiation Physics, Skåne University Hospital, Lund, Sweden, 3Department of Medical Radiation Physics, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, 4Department of Neuroimaging, King's College London, London, United Kingdom, 5Radiology, Department of Clinical Sciences, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, 6Oncology, Department of Hematology, Oncology, and Radiation Physics, Skåne University Hospital, Lund, Sweden, 7Systemic Radiation Therapy, Department of Clinical Sciences, Lund University, Lund, Sweden Keywords: IVIM, Diffusion/other diffusion imaging techniques, Intravoxel incoherent motion, IVIM Motivation: Can flow-compensated intravoxel incoherent motion be performed on a wide-bore scanner with a 33 mT/m gradient system? Goal(s): To find the shortest feasible diffusion encoding time for double diffusion encoding waveforms. Approach: Phantom measurements with various diffusion encoding times, with application of the optimal encoding times on in-vivo brain and prostate scans. Results: The shortest achievable encoding time was found to be 80 ms, with artefacts being the limiting factor. This encoding time was found to not be sufficiently short for brain imaging. For prostate imaging, it was found to be sufficient for imaging the transitional zone, but not the peripheral zone. Impact: Due to ghosting artefacts associated with higher gradient amplitudes, we found a diffusion encoding time of 80 ms to be the shortest practically feasible. This encoding time was shown to be insufficient for brain IVIM, and partially so for prostate. |
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Single-shot diffusion trace spectroscopic imaging using
tetrahedral encoding with semi-LASER and radial echo-planar
trajectories at 7T
Andres Saucedo1,
M. Albert Thomas2,
and Danny JJ Wang1
1Stevens Neuroimaging and Informatics Institute, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, United States, 2Department of Radiological Sciences, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, United States Keywords: Diffusion Acquisition, Spectroscopy, Spectroscopic imaging Motivation: We show the first demonstration of single-shot diffusion trace-weighted radial echo planar spectroscopic imaging with tetrahedral diffusion encoding in both phantom and in vivo at 7T. Goal(s): The advantage of the single-shot DW-REPS is the reduction of the measurement time. This proof-of-concept study applies radial EPSI at 7T for diffusion trace-weighted MRSI. Approach: Trace ADCs from 3 phantom and 2 in vivo datasets were determined from single-shot DW-REPSI acquisitions. Results: Preliminary results show good agreement in the estimated phantom ADC values, while in vivo trace ADCs are generally within the expected range although the values tend to be slightly higher than previously reported. Impact: Our preliminary results indicate a promising approach for determining the orientation-independent trace ADC value with DW-REPSI at 7T. This technique can reduce the total acquisition time for DW-MRSI studies relevant for probing the intracellular properties underlying pathological conditions. |
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Fast susceptibility distortion correction for diffusion MRI
using style transfer and nonrigid registration
Sreekar Chigurupati1,2,
Kurt G Schilling3,4,
Simon Keith Warfield5,6,
and Eleftherios Garyfallidis1
1Department of Intelligent Systems Engineering, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, United States, 2Program in Neuroscience, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, United States, 3Vanderbilt University Institute of Imaging Science, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN, United States, 4Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United States, 5Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States, 6Department of Radiology, Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston, MA, United States Keywords: Diffusion Analysis & Visualization, Susceptibility, Distortion correction, Nonrigid registration, Susceptibility distortion, Deep learning Motivation: Diffusion MR images suffer from susceptibility distortion artifacts due to field inhomogenities and susceptibility changes at tissue interfaces. This results in a spatial mismatch of the MR signal. Current methods either use blip-up, blip-down acquisitions and/or are compute-intensive. Goal(s): Our goal is to develop a fast registration-based susceptibility distortion correction method without the need to acquire an opposite phase-encode scan. Approach: We use synthesized b0 volumes generated using synb0 as a registration target for SyN registration to correct susceptibility distortion. Results: Our distortion correction method produces results that are qualitatively and quantitatively similar to state-of-the-art methods in a fraction of the time. Impact: Our approach serves as a good starting point to explore registration based distortion correction methods. Faster correction methods will enable widespread use of dMRI in the clinical setting where accurate shape is needed for critical decisions like treatment planning. |
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Multi-shot 3D diffusion MRI sequence for a fast and
high-resolution imaging at 3T
Sajjad Feizollah1,2 and
Christine L. Tardif1,2,3
1McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada, 2McConnell Brain Imaging Center, Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada, 3Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada Keywords: Diffusion Acquisition, Brain Motivation: Several multi-shot 2D acquisition techniques have been developed to improve the resolution of diffusion MRI (dMRI) of the brain, but require long scan times. Goal(s): To develop a 3D dMRI sequence with improved SNR efficiency to achieve high-resolution scans in a reasonable time. Approach: We implemented a 3D spin echo sequence with an inversion pulse before the excitation to improve SNR at short repetition times and a TURBINE readout trajectory. Projection-based image reconstruction is employed to avoid artifacts caused by shot-to-shot phase errors. Results: Phantom and human scans at 3T show an improvement in SNR efficiency over 2D dMRI. Impact: We designed a multi-shot 3D dMRI sequence that is SNR efficient and robust to motion artifacts between shots. This sequence will enable high-resolution diffusion-weighted imaging of the whole brain in short scan times. |
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Pushing the boundaries of in-vivo human diffusion MRI using
Romer-EPTI: initial results on the Connectome 2.0 scanner
Zijing Dong1,2,
Timothy G. Reese1,2,
Hong-Hsi Lee1,2,
Yixin Ma1,2,
Gabriel Ramos Llordén1,2,
Daniel J. Park1,2,
Mirsad Mahmutovic3,
Boris Keil3,
Bruce R. Rosen1,2,4,
Jonathan R. Polimeni1,2,4,
Susie Y. Huang1,2,4,
Lawrence L. Wald1,2,4,
and Fuyixue Wang1,2
1Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Massachusetts General Hospital, Charlestown, MA, United States, 2Department of Radiology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States, 3Institute of Medical Physics and Radiation Protection, TH Mittelhessen University of Applied Science, Giessen, Germany, 4Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, United States Keywords: Diffusion Acquisition, Data Acquisition, Diffusion Acquisition Motivation: The progress in in-vivo high-resolution and high-b-value dMRI has advanced the investigation of structural connectivity and tissue microstructure. Goal(s): We aim to further push the spatial resolution and b-value of in-vivo diffusion MRI. Approach: A high-SNR(√25x), distortion-free, motion-robust Romer-EPTI technique that addresses the challenges in dMRI acquisition with further enhanced capabilities by taking advantage of the cutting-edge Connectome 2.0 scanner. Results: We demonstrate motion-robust distortion-free in-vivo mesoscale dMRI (~485um-istropic) on clinical 3T&7T scanners, and further improvements in SNR on Connectome2.0 scanner enabling high-SNR, high b-value dMRI and a spatial resolution up to 400um-iso. Impact: Romer-EPTI achieves high-SNR motion-robust distortion-free in-vivo mesoscale dMRI (~485 um) with exceptional quality on clinical 3T&7T scanners. Its capabilities were further enhanced on the Connectome 2.0 scanner, enabling high-SNR high b-value dMRI and a spatial resolution up to 400um-iso. |
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Diffusion tensor cardiovascular magnetic resonance with
monopolar spin-echo at ultra-high gradient strength Connectom
Shubhajit Paul1,2,
Pedro F. Ferreira1,2,
John Evans3,
Camila Munoz Escobar1,2,
Fabrizio Fasano3,4,
Dudley J Pennell1,2,
Sonia F. Nielles-Vallespin1,2,
and Andrew D. Scott1,2
1National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom, 2Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Unit, The Royal Brompton Hospital, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom, 3Cardiff University Brain Research Imaging Centre (CUBRIC), Cardiff University, Cardiff, United Kingdom, 4Siemens Healthcare Ltd, Camberly, United Kingdom Keywords: Diffusion Acquisition, Cardiovascular Motivation: Spin-echo (SE) diffusion tensor cardiovascular magnetic resonance (DT-CMR) imaging with monopolar diffusion encoding scheme is limited by bulk motion induced signal loss. Goal(s): Utilization of ultrahigh gradient-strengths to substantially reduce the echo-time (TE) in monopolar SE DT-CMR. Approach: A monopolar SE DT-CMR pulse-sequence was developed. An in-vivo study at ultra-high gradient-strength (180mT/m, Connectom scanner) for diastolic cardiac phases was conducted. Results: With ultra-high gradient strength, it was possible to obtain reasonable DT-CMR data with monopolar SE in 60% of subjects. To our knowledge this is the first report of SE DT-CMR with monopolar diffusion encoding utilizing the ultra-high gradient-strength of the Connectom scanner. Impact: The ability to acquire monopolar SE using ultra-high diffusion gradient strengths and the associated drastic reductions in TE may provide substantial increase in imaging efficiency for DT-CMR acquired in diastolic cardiac phases, a key step towards clinical translation. |
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Multi-dimensional denoising of diffusion MRI using low rank
tensor dictionary learning
Kang Yan1,
Quan Dou1,
and Craig H Meyer1
1University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, United States Keywords: Diffusion Analysis & Visualization, Diffusion/other diffusion imaging techniques Motivation: Joint denoising diffusion-weighted images in high b-values Goal(s): to achieve a better joint denoising of diffusion-weighted image at high b-values. Approach: A low-rank tensor dictionary learning model was introduced to joint denoising diffusion-weighted images at b-values of 1000/2000 s/mm2 for both simulations and in vivo datasets. Three state-of-the-art methods, MPPCA, WNNM, and a pre-trained complex-valued DnCNN were compared. Results: In the simulation, the proposed method achieved the smallest RMSE. In vivo, the proposed method demonstrated a promising denoising ability while better preserving the image structures. Impact: We proposed a low-rank tensor dictionary learning method to better exploit non-local spatial redundancies and image correlations across different b-values with learned dictionaries and low-rank tensor approximation, providing a promising performance in denoising and preserving the image structures. |
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Improved fat suppression of TSE-DWI in the head-neck using
enhanced slice-selective gradient reversal (enhanced LIPO)
Daichi Murayama1,
Masami Yoneyama2,
Takayuki Sakai3,
Iain Ball4,
and Shigehiro Ochi3
1Radiology, Eastern Chiba Medical Center, Chiba, Japan, 2Philips Japan, Tokyo, Japan, 3Eastern Chiba Medical Center, Chiba, Japan, 4Philips Australia & New Zealand, North Ryde, Australia Keywords: Diffusion Acquisition, Diffusion/other diffusion imaging techniques, fat suppresstion Motivation: TSE-DWI provides distortion-free images, but it has a disadvantage in terms of its low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). TSE-DWI basically requires several signal averages to obtain sufficient SNR, resulting in long scan time. Goal(s): We modified and optimized the LIPO selective gradients (enhanced LIPO) to maximize the fat suppression effect for TSE-DWI in the neck, and compared with conventional methods (SPAIR TSE-DWI and LION TSE-DWI) to investigate its clinical usefulness. Approach: SNR and CR were calculated with ROIs placed in parotid gland and fat around neck. Results: Combining TSE-DWI with enhanced LION improves the robustness of fat suppression while maintaining better SNR. Impact: The present findings suggest that both conventional and enhanced LION TSE-DWI showed improved SNR because it does not require fat suppression pre-pulse. Furthermore, enhanced LION further improved the robustness of fat suppression. |
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