ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition • 04-09 May 2024 • Singapore
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Approaches for correcting motion in diffusion-weighted imaging
acquired using diffusion gradient cycling
Boyan Xu1,
Shaojun Hu2,
Yang Fan1,
Bing Wu1,
and Ming Song2,3,4
1MR Research, GE Healthcare, Beijing, China, 2Brainnetome Center, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, 3University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, 4Laboratory of Brain Atlas and Brain-inspired Intelligence, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China Keywords: Diffusion Analysis & Visualization, Motion Correction, Diffusion Gradient Cycling Motivation: Diffusion gradient cycling (DGC) enables more efficient diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) scanning, but it is not compatible with typical preprocssing pipelines. Goal(s): Our goal is to propose two approaches for correcting motion in DWI data acquired using DGC: slice-to-volume registration and volume-to-volume registration with the assistance of slice reordering. Approach: Intentional motion was introduced during the DWI acquisition, and the proposed approaches were implemented and applied to remove artifacts caused by this motion. Results: Both approaches effectively eliminated motion-induced artifacts, and the intentional motion was estimated correctly.
Impact: Motion-induced artifacts can be eliminated,
and correct motion estimation can be achieved in DWI
acquired with DGC. Our proposed approaches are publicly
available and can be easily integrated into preprocessing
pipelines. |
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Observation of morphochemical changes and water molecule
dynamics of Trypoxylus dichotomus in the pupal stage using 9.4-T
Shoto Ikegami1,
Ren Harada2,
Kyoya Takei3,
Kenji Osaku3,
Yoshiki Oda4,
Kinuko Niihara5,
Masafumi Yoshida5,6,
Takashi A. Inoue6,
Keiichi Honda7,
and Kagayaki Kuroda1,2,3
1Course of Science and Technology, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Tokai University, Hiratsuka, Japan, 2Course of Electrical and Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Tokai University, Hiratsuka, Japan, 3Department of Human and Information Science, School of Information Science and Technology, Tokai University, Hiratsuka, Japan, 4Technical Joint Management Office, Tokai University, Hiratsuka, Japan, 5Department of Natural Sciences, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Tokyo City University, Setagaya, Japan, 6Division of Natural Sciences, Graduate School of Integrative Science and Engineering, Tokyo City University, Setagaya, Japan, 7Saijo Ecology Institute, Higashi-hiroshima, Japan Keywords: Diffusion Analysis & Visualization, Diffusion Tensor Imaging, Spectroscopy, Morphology Goal(s): Observation of Morpholochemical changes and water molecule dynamics in the pupal body. Approach: We applied T2W, DTI and PRESS to the pupal body of Trypoxylus dichotomus. Impact: In the pupal body, the tissue absorbed into the digestive tract while some of the nervous system and muscles are retained formed a liquid reservoir, used to form adult tissues such as flight muscles through certain liquid channel. |
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Harmonization of multi-site diffusion MRI data of Human
Connectome Project Lifespan and Disease Studies from 2545
Suheyla Cetin-Karayumak1,
Ryan Zurrin2,
Kang Ik Kevin Cho1,
Steven Pieper2,
Lauren J. O'Donnell1,
and Yogesh Rathi1
1Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA, United States, 2Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA, United States Keywords: Diffusion Analysis & Visualization, Diffusion/other diffusion imaging techniques, Harmonization Motivation: The Human Connectome Project (HCP) is a multi-site neuroimaging initiative that studies brain connections across the lifespan and in diseases. Scanner variability, especially in diffusion MRI (dMRI) data, can introduce bias and prevent reliable pooling of data. Goal(s): We present our harmonization efforts on the dMRI data from 11 HCP datasets using a well-validated harmonization algorithm based on rotation-invariant spherical harmonics. Approach: Using several diffusion measures, we demonstrate that harmonization removes significant statistical differences between datasets. Results: Harmonized HCP dMRI data will be shared in the NIMH Data Archive and facilitate large-scale analysis and potentially enhance our understanding of neurological and psychiatric disorders. Impact: Harmonizing diffusion MRI data from 11 Human Connectome Project scanners enables more reliable cross-site brain connectivity analyses. Leveraging large-scale harmonized diffusion MRI data can enhance statistical power, paving the way for advanced neurological and psychiatric insights within the HCP study. |
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Validating a novel normalization method - 'Pscore' to assess
individual deviations using diffusion MRI data from the Human
Connectome Project
Rakibul Hafiz1,
M. Okan Irfanoglu1,
Amritha Nayak1,2,3,
and Carlo Pierpaoli1
1Quantitative Medical Imaging, NIBIB, NIH, Bethesda, MD, United States, 2Military Traumatic Brain Injury Initiative, Bethesda, MD, United States, 3The Henry Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine, Bethesda, MD, United States Keywords: Diffusion Analysis & Visualization, Diffusion/other diffusion imaging techniques, Statistical Analysis, Normalization Techniques, Zscore, Pscore, Human Connectome Project Motivation: Conventional methods like Zscores are often used to evaluate individual patients against a normative distribution. This can lead to biased estimations when distributions are skewed. We showed this in a pilot study using 48 controls and proposed a novel metric - 'Pscore', to address this bias. We aimed to reproduce these results systematically using a larger dataset. Goal(s): Validate the 'Pscore' approach on a large-scale high resolution neuroimaging dataset. Approach: Diffusion MRI data from the Human Connectome Project (HCP) was used to test various normalization methods Results: Pscores demonstrate symmetric distributions and no systematic biases observed in Zscores of all diffusion MRI derived metrics. Impact: The non-Gaussian nature of neuroimaging data has implications for building normative databases and their use to assess abnormalities in individual subjects. The proposed 'Pscore' approach reliably addresses this, which implies its usefulness for individual assessments even in smaller neuroimaging datasets. |
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Low-rank based motion correction followed by automatic frame
selection in diffusion tensor CMR
Fanwen Wang1,2,3,
Pedro Ferreira2,3,
Camila Munoz2,3,
Ke Wen2,3,
Yaqing Luo2,3,
Jiahao Huang1,2,3,
Yinzhe Wu1,2,3,
Dudley Pennell2,3,
Andrew Scott2,3,
Sonia Nielles-vallespin2,3,
and Guang Yang1,2,3,4
1Bioengineering Department and Imperial-X, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom, 2Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Unit, Royal Brompton Hospital, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom, 3National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom, 4School of Biomedical Engineering & Imaging Sciences, King's College London, London, United Kingdom Keywords: Diffusion Analysis & Visualization, Motion Correction Motivation: Post-processing of in-vivo diffusion tensor CMR (DT-CMR) is challenging due to the low SNR and variation in contrast between frames which makes image registration difficult, and the need to manually reject frames corrupted by motion. Goal(s): To develop a semi-automatic post-processing pipeline for robust DT-CMR registration and automatic frame selection. Approach: We used low intrinsic rank averaged frames as the reference to register other low-ranked frames. A myocardium-guided frame selection rejected the frames with signal loss, through-plane motion and poor registration. Results: The proposed method outperformed our previous noise-robust rigid registration on helix angle data quality and reduced negative eigenvalues in healthy volunteers. Impact: This improved image registration and frame selection algorithm may enable groupwise deformable registration on DT-CMR, paving the way towards clinical translation. |
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Efficient and High-Quality Ray Marched Glyphs for Diffusion
Tensor Imaging
Javier Ricardo Guaje Guerra1,
Tania Valentina Castillo Delgado2,
Serge Koudoro1,
Francisco Albeiro Gomez Jaramillo2,
and Eleftherios Garyfallidis1
1Department of Intelligent Systems Engineering, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, United States, 2Department of Mathematics, National University of Colombia, Bogota, Colombia Keywords: Diffusion Analysis & Visualization, Visualization, Computer Graphics, Ray Marching, Signed Distance Functions Motivation: Traditional rendering engines represent surfaces using simpler polygons (triangles or quads). This discretization can compromise real-time performance as more polygons are required to build smoother surfaces. Goal(s): Develop a new efficient method for building and displaying DTI-related glyphs without compromising their visual quality using continuous geometric representations. Approach: Ray marching is a robust technique for tracing implicit surfaces using signed distance functions (SDFs). Our method uses these techniques to create representations of commonly used DTI-related glyphs. Results: Our SDFs glyphs make it possible to define smooth surfaces in a more efficient way that allows us to visualize more objects than traditional polygon-based renderers. Impact: By using SOTA efficient rendering algorithms for complex elements, such as DTI-related glyphs, we improved the performance of scientific visualization systems, enabling the visualization of more extensive datasets and/or multiple types of data in real-time without sacrificing visual quality. |
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Diffusion-T2 relaxation correlation spectroscopic imaging at 3T
versus 5T: in vivo human brain application
Junqi Xu1,
Qianfeng Wang1,
Jiayu Zhu2,
Junpu Hu2,
Xijing Zhang2,
Jianmin Yuan2,
Hao Li1,
and Wang He1,3,4
1Institute of Science and Technology for Brain-Inspired Intelligence, Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 2Central Research Institute, United Imaging Healthcare Group, ShangHai, China, 3Department of Neurology, Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University, ShangHai, China, 4Human Phenome Institute, Fudan University, ShangHai, China Keywords: Diffusion Analysis & Visualization, High-Field MRI, diffusion-relaxation correlation spectroscopic imaging,brain Motivation: Motivated by the promise of higher SNR and gradient performance at ultra-high magnetic fields (5T), we conducted in-vivo experiments of diffusion-relaxation correlation spectroscopic imaging (DR-CSI) to tap into its prospects at 5T. Goal(s): This study aims to assess the feasibility and performance of DR-CSI at 5T for brain tissue measurement and to explore its 5T applications compared to 3T. Approach: We have acquired two-dimensional diffusion-relaxation data and resolved the 2D spectra and spatial maps at both field strengths for comparative analysis. Results: Results at 5T showed clearer differentiation of brain tissues and improved sensitivity to deep brain nuclei. Impact: At 5T, diffusion-relaxation correlation spectroscopic imaging excels in estimating deep brain nuclei, promising for future applications in infarcts and neurodegenerative conditions. |
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Using time-dependent diffusion MRI to investigate brain tumor
Jiaji Mao1,
Chihhsuan Hu1,
Zhuoheng Yan1,
Weifeng Qin1,
Mengzhu Wang2,
Xu Yan2,
Meining Chen2,
and Jun Shen1
1Department of Radiology, Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hospital, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China, 2MR Research Collaboration, Siemens Healthineers Ltd., Beijing, China Keywords: Diffusion Analysis & Visualization, Diffusion/other diffusion imaging techniques, brain tumor Motivation: Imaging microstructural parameters using limited spectrally edited diffusion (IMPULSED) based on time-dependent diffusion MRI (dMRI) could be utilized to quantify cell size, cellularity, and extracellular space, but its ability to distinguish common brain tumors remains unknown. Goal(s): To determine the capacity of IMPULSED to distinguish between glioma, brain metastases, and meningioma. Approach: Time-dependent dMRI was performed on patients with untreated glioma (n = 24), brain metastases (n = 67), and meningioma (n = 38). These patients’ IMPULSED-based parameters were evaluated and compared. Results: Glioma, brain metastasis, and meningioma have distinctive IMPULSED-based parameters. Impact: IMPULSED-based parameters could distinguish glioma, brain metastases, and meningioma. Time-dependent diffusion MRI is a potential approach for assessing the microstructures of brain tumors. |
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Atlas-based analysis of diffusion imaging may predict efficacy
of constraint-induced movement therapy in stroke rats
Xinxin Zhao1,
Ce Li2,
Yulong Bai2,
Jianrong Xu1,
and Yan Zhou1
1Ren Ji Hospital, School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, 2Huashan Hospital, School of Medicine, Fudan University, Shanghai, China Keywords: Diffusion Analysis & Visualization, Data Analysis Motivation: Atlas-based diffusion imaging of whole brain white matter analysis might be helpful in evaluating obscure motor function recovery in chronic stroke. Goal(s): Our goal was to evaluate the potential of diffusion imaging atlas-based in predicting motor function recovery in stroke rats with constraint-induced movement therapy. Approach: We used atlas-based analysis of diffusion imaging to conduct multi-parameter measurements of white matter fibers in the entire brain, combined with catwalk-automated gait analysis to test quantificationally evaluated the motor function. Results: Atlas-based analysis of diffusion observations indicated that treatment with constraint-induced movement therapy improved microstructural integrity of axon and myelin. Impact: Atlas-based analysis of diffusion imaging were intended to advance non-invasive imaging approaches for understanding microstructural changes of axon and myelin in chronic stroke. |
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Structural Volumetric and Periodic Table DTI Patterns in Complex
Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus – Towards Principles of a
Translational Taxonomy
Nicole CH Keong1,2,
Christine Lock1,
and Emma M.S. Toh3
1Neurosurgery, NNI, Singapore, Singapore, 2Duke-NUS medical school, Singapore, Singapore, 3Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore Keywords: Diffusion Analysis & Visualization, Diffusion Tensor Imaging, structural volumes Motivation: The Periodic Table of DTI Elements organizes neural tract patterns by their diffusivity and neural properties but mainly describes white matter injury. Goal(s): Our goal was to expand the utility of this methodology by interrogating other subcortical and cortical structures of interest and comparing them to brain metrics in controls derived from an open-access dataset. Approach: We examined brain volumes and DTI profiles in Complex Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus (CoNPH) vs. healthy controls from ADNI. Results: Lateral ventricular volumes were significantly higher but most other volumes significantly lower in CoNPH vs. controls. Most DTI metrics (supratentorial and infratentorial) were significantly higher in CoNPH. Impact: The Periodic Table of DTI Elements can demonstrate white matter and cortical injury and alterations of grey matter structures. The strategy can be used to compare cohorts with controls-in-common from an open-access dataset for wider community use. |
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Quantifying uncertainty in diffusion MRI: a comparative study at
different magnetic fields
Emilio Cipriano1,2,
Paolo Bosco1,
Marta Lancione1,
Laura Biagi1,
and Michela Tosetti1
1IRCCS Stella Maris Foundation, Pisa, Italy, 2University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy Keywords: Diffusion Analysis & Visualization, Diffusion/other diffusion imaging techniques Motivation: Diffusion MRI (dMRI) is a very noisy MRI technique. The low signal-to-noise ratio introduces uncertainties in diffusion metrics and structural connectivity measures. Goal(s): We searched for a method to investigate the uncertainty in dMRI measurements and to compare them across different magnetic field strengths. Approach: We assessed uncertainties using wild and residual bootstrapping techniques in a group of 7 healthy subjects undergoing optimized acquisition protocols at 1.5T, 3T, and 7T. Results: 7T diffusion metrics and uncertainties are comparable with 3T and exhibited significant differences with 1.5T. The enhanced 7T spatial resolution demonstrated capabilities in representing structural connectivity with greater complexity and reduced uncertainty. Impact: The findings support the hypothesis that 7T dMRI can offer new insights into structural connectivity and may be particularly valuable for single-subject studies, thanks to its ability to detect more connections and reduce uncertainty compared to clinical fields. |
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DTI Denoising by Directional Filtering of k-space Inspired by
the Pattern of Gradient Influence
Khashayar Esmaeilzadeh1,
Farzaneh Keyvanfard2,3,
and Abbas Nasiraei Moghaddam1,2
1Department of Biomedical Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran (Islamic Republic of), 2School of Cognitive Sciences, Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM), Tehran, Iran (Islamic Republic of), 3Department of Biomedical Engineering, K. N. Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran (Islamic Republic of) Keywords: Diffusion Analysis & Visualization, Diffusion Tensor Imaging, Diffusion Denoising Motivation: DTI suffers from intrinsic low SNR compared to conventional MRI, making denoising crucial. Goal(s): Our study aims to introduce a novel filtration method based on an estimated pattern of areas most directionally affected in the spatial frequency domain. Approach: A pattern was suggested through DTI theory and observations of simulation data. This was then used to propose a filter for noise reduction. The application of this filter was quantitatively and qualitatively evaluated on simulated MR and DTI images, considering added noise. Results: The results showed not only the method’s increased robustness to noise but also a clearer representation of white matter tracts. Impact: By integrating the fundamental concepts of diffusion within the white matter into our filter design, we present a promising approach to denoising DTI data, potentially yielding more reliable and biologically meaningful results, and benefiting researchers investigating brain connectivity. |
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Optimizing data sampling pattern and analysis algorithm in
T2-based water suppression diffusion MRI (T2wsup-dMRI)
Tokunori Kimura1
1Radiological engineering, Shizuoka College of Medical care Science, Hamamatsu, Japan Keywords: Diffusion Analysis & Visualization, Multi-Contrast
Motivation: It is very important to suppress CSF
partial-volume effects in tissue-specific quantitative
parameters of T2, T1, PD, ADC,
and FA etc. in
brain MRI. Goal(s): To assess and confirm the optimal method to improve the accuracy and precision of quantitative parameters in our proposed method of T2wsup-dMRI. Approach: Evaluated the tissue SNRs of quantitative parameters for in-vivo brain MRI data with the several combinations of data sampling pattern in (TE, b) space and analysis algorithm. Results: The combination of Triangle-pattern and 2d-single and bi-exponential combined LSQ fitting (2dSi&BiExpLSQ) was the best from the views of SNR, hardware, and computing costs. Impact: The combination of Triangle sampling pattern and 2dSi&BiExpLSQ fitting algorithm in T2wsup-dMRI provides high quality maps with minimum hardware and computing costs for obtaining multi-quantitative parameter mapping especially in clinical brain diffusion MRI. |
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Exploring the precision of robust modelling methods for
diffusion-weighted MRI
Viljami Sairanen1,2 and
Jesper Andersson3
1Radiology, Hämeenlinna Central Hospital, Hämeenlinna, Finland, 2Baby Brain Activity Center, Children’s Hospital, Helsinki University Hospital and University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, 3Wellcome Centre for Integrative Neuroimaging, FMRIB, Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences, University of Oxford, United Kingdom, Oxford, United Kingdom Keywords: Diffusion Modeling, Diffusion/other diffusion imaging techniques, DTI, DKI, robust modeling, outliers, motion correction Motivation: Clinical research with infants, subject motion can cause many subjects being excluded from analyses due to large parts of their data is corrupted by outliers. While robust modelling methods can mitigate this problem, how they affect dMRI model estimate precision is not well known. Goal(s): We demonstrate how dMRI model precision can be evaluated with two robust modelling strategies. Approach: We used white-matter simulation to compare multi-tensor model precision between 1) Gaussian Process outlier replacements and ordinary model estimator to 2) robustly weighted model estimation. Results: Model precision estimation is possible with both robust approaches, but outlier replacement can cause inflated precision estimates. Impact: Our aim is to enable larger sample sizes for clinical dMRI research by decreasing the need to exclude subject due to subject motion. Additionally, we provide new robust tools to evaluate the precision of dMRI model estimates. |
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Subject-specific analysis approach to longitudinal tracing of
heterogeneous white matter abnormalities in sports-related
Ho-Ching Yang1,
Mario Dzemidzic1,2,
Qiuting Wen1,
Larry D Riggen3,
Steven P Broglio4,
Michael A McCrea5,
Thomas W McAllister6,
Jaroslaw Harezlak7,
and Yu-Chien Wu1,8
1Department of Radiology and Imaging Sciences, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN, United States, 2Department of Neurology, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN, United States, 3Department of Biostatistics and Health Data Science, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN, United States, 4Michigan Concussion Center, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United States, 5Department of Neurosurgery, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, United States, 6Department of Psychiatry, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN, United States, 7Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Health, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, United States, 8Stark Neurosciences Research Initiative, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN, United States Keywords: DWI/DTI/DKI, Diffusion Tensor Imaging, Sport-related concussion, Subject-specific analysis Motivation: Unlike groupwise approaches, subject-specific analysis has the potential to pinpoint highly individualized abnormalities in white matter structure caused by sport-related concussion (SRC). Goal(s): Develop a subject-specific analysis approach to investigate the heterogeneity and longitudinal changes in white matter microstructures after SRC. Approach: The DTI metrics were voxel-by-voxel Z-transformed using a normal distributed template created from non-contact sport controls. The extreme Z maps were obtained, and averaged extreme Z-scores were compared across three study time points. Results: The existence of heterogeneity in the concussed brains can be appreciated in the projected extreme Z maps and their longitudinal trajectories. Impact: We developed a subject-specific analysis pipeline to demonstrate heterogeneity in sport-related concussion with respect to anatomical locations and recovery trajectories. |
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The assessment of the within-participant reliability of
fractional anisotropy measurements of different spinal cord
Hussein Al-shaari1,2,
Jonathan Fulford1,
and Christine Heales1
1The University of Exeter, Exeter, United Kingdom, 2Diagnostic Radiology Department, Najran University, Saudi Arabia, Najran City, Saudi Arabia Keywords: Simulation/Validation, Data Analysis, Reliability Motivation: DTI-MRI reliability studies are performed to validate findings, improve clinical applications, assure scientific precision, and advance methodology. Goal(s): The aim was to assess the within-participant reliability of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) measurements, specifically fractional anisotropy (FA) determinations, within different regions of the (CSC).
Approach: In total, 20 healthy controls were
recruited over two months. Each participant was scanned
twice. The within-participants coefficients of variation
(CV%) was used to evaluate the reliability of FA metric
between (C2-C5) for the WM, and WM sub-regions. Results: In general, the CV%s were low for the WM, DC, VC and LC regions demonstrating higher reproducibility Impact: Results from this study indicated high within-participants reliability and demonstrated that FA may be highly effective in assessing CSC changes. Previous studies have used semi-automated or manual segmentation methods, while this study used automatic-segmentation by SCT, which provides tract-based analysis. |
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