ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition • 04-09 May 2024 • Singapore
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Decreased water exchange rate across blood-brain barrier within
14 days after cardiac arrest
Yingying Li1,
Rui Shao2,
Xuejia Jia1,
Tao Wang2,
Xingfeng Shao3,
Chen Zhang4,
Xiuqin Jia1,
Danny J.J. Wang3,
Ziren Tang2,
and Qi Yang1
1Department of Radiology, Beijing Chaoyang Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing, China, 2Department of Emergency Medicine, Beijing Chaoyang Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing, China, 3Laboratory of FMRI Technology (LOFT), Mark & Mary Stevens Neuroimaging and Informatics Institute, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, United States, 4MR Research Collaboration, Siemens Healthineers, Beijing, China Keywords: Traumatic Brain Injury, Brain Motivation: The alteration of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and cerebral perfusion in the short period of time after cardiac arrest remains unclear. Goal(s): To determine the changes of BBB and cerebral blood flow (CBF) in patients with cardiac arrest. Approach: Diffusion prepared pseudo-continuous arterial spin labeling was used to estimate the water exchange rate across the BBB (kw) and CBF in 21 cardiac arrest patients and 21 matched healthy controls. Results: The kw was significantly decreased in cardiac arrest patients compared to healthy controls, whereas CBF was not significantly different. Reduced kw was associated with neurologic dysfunction in surviving patients after cardiac arrest. Impact: This study demonstrated that the kw decreased within 14 days after cardiac arrest, suggesting that BBB dysfunction occurred in the short term after cardiac arrest, which will help clarify the pathophysiological changes in the brain after cardiac arrest. |
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Multicenter Harmonization of Longitudinal DTI and NODDI of White
Matter Microstructure after Acute TBI: A TRACK-TBI* Study
Lanya T. Cai1,2,
Amir Sadikov1,
Jaclyn Xiao1,
Jamie Wren-Jarvis1,
Ioanna Bourla1,
Esther L. Yuh1,2,
Christine L. Mac Donald3,
Joseph T. Giacino4,
Michael A. McCrea5,
Nancy R. Temkin3,
Claudia S. Robertson6,
Amy J. Markowitz2,
Xiaoying Sun7,
Sonia Jain7,
Murray B. Stein7,
Ramon Diaz-Arrastia8,
David O. Okonkwo9,
Geoffrey T. Manley2,
and Pratik Mukherjee1,2
1Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, United States, 2Department of Neurosurgery, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, United States, 3University of Washington, Seattle, WA, United States, 4Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States, 5Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, United States, 6Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, United States, 7University of California San Diego, San Diego, CA, United States, 8University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States, 9University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PA, United States Keywords: Traumatic Brain Injury, Neurodegeneration, TBI, White matter, DTI, NODDI Motivation: Diffusion MRI-derived NODDI demonstrated promise as biomarkers of post-TBI long-term symptoms and clinical outcomes in single-center studies, but hasn't been validated in large-scale multi-center trials. Goal(s): This study aimed to detect post-TBI white matter degeneration and its significance to outcomes using analysis methods incorporating RISH-based harmonization, followed by DTI and NODDI fitting. Approach: Harmonized DTI and NODDI are analyzed for a longitudinal comparison between 2 weeks and 6 months post-TBI, and for associations with GOSE, RPQ, and WAIS-PSI outcomes. Results: Widespread white matter degeneration was evident in longitudinal changes of DTI and NODDI. The 2-week metrics were predictive of 3 and 6-month outcomes.
Impact: This study applies RISH-based harmonization
to a multi-shell, multi-center dMRI study that involved 7
scanners of different manufacturers and models with
different software versions and pulse-sequence parameters.
These efforts brought new insights into post-traumatic white
matter injury and patient outcomes. |
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High-Resolution Diffusion-MRI Detects Accelerated White Matter
Degeneration in Alzheimer's Mice after Neurotrauma
Ning Hua1,
Olga Minaeva1,
Douglas Parsons1,
Juliet Moncaster1,
Hernan Jara1,
and Lee Goldstein 1
1Boston University, Boston, MA, United States Keywords: Traumatic Brain Injury, Traumatic brain injury Motivation: It is important to understand how neurotrauma accelerates the progression of Alzheimer's disease. Goal(s): The project's goal is to use ultra-high isotropic resolution (60μm) diffusion-MRI for exploring changes in white matter integrity after neurotrauma. Approach: Ex vivo diffusion-MRI was acquired using a 9.4T Bruker scanner in a transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer's disease with and without neurotrauma. Results: We observed decreased quantitative anisotropy in mice 8 months post the brain injury. Impact: Our preliminary finding demonstrated that neurotrauma can induce accelerated white matter degeneration in Alzheimer's disease. |
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Detection of neuroinflammation and ischemia in traumatic brain
injury in rats using amide proton transfer MRI
Yunfan Zou1,2,
Qianqi Huang3,
Chongjun Yang4,
Jingpu Wu5,
Puyang Wang1,
Shanshan Jiang1,
and Jinyuan Zhou1
1Department of Radiology, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, United States, 2Department of Biomedical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, United States, 3Department of Computer Science, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, United States, 4Department of Mechanical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, United States, 5Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, United States Keywords: Traumatic Brain Injury, Traumatic brain injury, neuroinflammation, ischemia Motivation: Ischemia and neuroinflammation, two key endophenotypes post-TBI, are difficult to assess in vivo. Goal(s): Our goal was to evaluate the feasibility of utilizing amide proton transfer-weighted (APTw) imaging as a biomarker for detecting neuroinflammation and ischemia post-TBI. Approach: Brain APTw MRI signals of 55 rats subjected to a mild, moderate, or severe TBI were analyzed and compared to other criteria defining neuroinflammation and ischemia. Results: The areas under curve (AUCs) of the ipsilateral cortex APTw signals at 3 days and 1 hour post-TBI were 0.725 for detecting neuroinflammation and 0.411 for detecting ischemia, respectively. Impact: The feasibility of detecting neuroinflammation and ischemia using APTw MRI would improve the capability of MRI to objectively assess TBI and enable the accurate detection of these pathological processes at an early stage post-TBI. |
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Functional MRI and diffusion tractography correlates of
functional recovery after a penetrating cephalic injury: A
longitudinal case study
Ahmed M. Radwan1,
Thomas Decramer2,3,
Tom Theys2,3,
Patrick Dupont4,
and Stefan Sunaert1,5
1Imaging and pathology, translational MRI, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, 2Neurosurgery, UZ Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, 3Department of Neurosciences, Research Group Experimental Neurosurgery and Neuroanatomy, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, 4Neurosciences, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, 5Radiology, UZ Leuven, Leuven, Belgium Keywords: Traumatic Brain Injury, Traumatic brain injury, functional MRI, diffusion MRI, tractometry
Motivation: Understanding brain changes occurring
during recovery from a sword-inflicted head injury. Goal(s): To detect longitudinal changes in diffusion and functional MRI accompanying the patient’s functional recovery after the trauma. Approach: Diffusion MRI and tractometry to assess white matter tract changes and task-based and resting-state functional MRI to monitor changes in brain function. Results: Reduced diffusion metrics were found in the affected white matter tracts, which seemed to partially recover over time. Task-based fMRI showed significantly (p < 0.05) increased functional activity over time for the right-hand and language scans reflecting gradual clinical improvement in right hand, and language functions. Impact: This longitudinal case study reveals significant brain recovery post-penetrating trauma, which is less common in clinical practice, and highlights the value of diffusion and functional MRI in tracking brain changes that parallel rehabilitation progress. |
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Fiber-specific white matter properties related to clinical
features in military service members after a remote mild
traumatic brain injury
Ping-Hong Yeh1,
Chihwa Song1,
Rujirutana Srikanchana1,
Cheng Guan Koay1,
Wei Liu1,
and John Ollinger1
1National Intrepid Center of Excellence, Bethesda, MD, United States Keywords: Traumatic Brain Injury, Traumatic brain injury, repetitive brain injury, fixel-based analysis, post-concussion syndrome, post-traumatic stress disorder Motivation: Identifying brain changes that are associated with repetitive insult and persistent post-concussive symptoms can be potentially useful in differentiating mild traumatic brain injury from purely psychological disorders. Goal(s): Apply fixel-based analysis (FBA) method to assess the relationships between clinical symptoms and tissue features using advanced dMRI techniques, and to identify WM changes that are associated with repetitive insult in service members (SMs). Approach: Employ FBA, tractography and TSA on NODDI in SMs with mTBI. Results: Unique anatomical locations where structural properties related to clinical symptoms. The white matter changes over the brainstem fibers are associated with the number of total lifetime TBI. Impact: Advanced diffusion MRI techniques using higher model should be considered as a choice of option in assessing subtle white matter alterations in mild traumatic brain injury presenting due to the great heterogeneity of underlying pathological features. |
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Multimodal MRI Investigation of Brain Structural and Functional
Changes in Acute Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
Ning Xu1,
sisi wang1,2,
qiujuan zhang1,
cuiping mao1,
chongxiao liu1,
Xiaocheng Wei3,
and huajuan yang1
1Second Affiliated Hospital of Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China, 2Wang Jing Hospital of CACMS, Beijing, China, 3GE HealthCare MR Research, Beijing, China Keywords: Traumatic Brain Injury, fMRI (resting state) Motivation: Incidence of traumatic brain injury (TBI) are rising over years. Goal(s): Accurately and objectively evaluate the degree of brain injury and judge the prognosis of patients with mTBI. Approach: Neuropsychological assessment results, brain volume from morphological MR data, and brain functional connectivity from fMRI data were compared between 48 acute mTBI patients and 30 healthy controls. Results: Acute mTBI patients exhibit reduced volume in the right frontal lobe compared to the healthy control group, which is associated with cognitive decline. Impact: The morphological changes in the right frontal lobe observed in this study may serve as a potential biomarker for acute mTBI, offering a more objective measure for the diagnosis and treatment of brain injury in acute mTBI patients. |
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In vivo Detection of Ball Heading-Associated Microstructure
Changes at the Sulcal Fundi and Gyral Crowns in Amateur Soccer
Bluyé DeMessie1,
Roman Fleysher2,
and Michael Lipton2
1Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY, United States, 2Columbia University, New York, NY, United States Keywords: Traumatic Brain Injury, Traumatic brain injury, repetitive head impacts Motivation: Neurodegenerative changes in the cortical sulci and gyri have been associated with repetitive head impacts (RHI) but have only been observed post-mortem. Goal(s): To detect sulcal and gyral extrema white matter microstructure changes in vivo. Approach: Automated image-analysis algorithms were used to average the fractional anisotropy (FA) of sulcal fundi and gyral crowns in a cohort of amateur adult soccer players and age- and sex- matched non-collision amateur athletes. Results: We found soccer players’ FA was significantly lower within the fundi and crowns of the frontal, orbitofrontal, temporal regions, as well as the cingulate and parietal regions for fundi only. Impact: Here we report the first in vivo imaging study demonstrating white matter microstructure changes within sulci and gyri due to RHI. We anticipate our approach to be a starting point for more sophisticated use of DTI to study RHI effects. |
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Quantitative UTE MRI of Demyelination in mTBI Mice Subject to
Open-field Low-intensity Blast Injury
Yajun Ma1,
Qingbo Tang1,2,
Jiyo S Athertya1,
Xin Cheng1,2,
Roland Lee1,2,
Mingxiong Huang1,2,
Eric Y Chang1,2,
Catherine E Johnson3,
Jiankun Cui4,
Zezong Gu4,
and Jiang Du1,2,5
1Radiology, UC San Diego, La Jolla, CA, United States, 2VA San Diego Healthcare System, La Jolla, CA, United States, 3Department of Explosive Engineering, Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, MO, United States, 4Pathology and Anatomical Sciences, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO, United States, 5Bioengineering, UC San Diego, La Jolla, CA, United States Keywords: Traumatic Brain Injury, Traumatic brain injury Motivation: mTBI can lead to myelin damage, culminating in substantial cognitive function impairment. Yet, conventional neuroimaging methodologies often fall short in identifying abnormalities in a significant proportion of mTBI instances. Goal(s): To assess the potential of UTE sequence in detecting demyelination in mTBI mice subject to an open-field LIB injury. Approach: A new STAIR-UTE sequence was employed to study demyelination in mTBI mice subject to an open-field LIB injury at 3T. Results: The STAIR-UTE measured MPFs in the corpus callosum region for the mTBI mice are significantly lower (8.5±0.4% vs. 8.8±0.4%; p-value = 0.0055) than those for the control mice. Impact: STAIR-UTE sequence enables quantitative myelin imaging at 3T MRI, facilitating the detection of demyelination within the mouse brain's white matter following open-field LIB exposure. This innovative STAIR-UTE technique holds significant promise for in vivo mTBI diagnosis and treatment monitoring. |
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Cognitive Performance and Brain Connectivity in High-Contact and
Low-Contact Sport Athletes
Mahta Karimpoor1,
Hossein Moein Taghavi1,
Marios Georgiadis1,
Jessica Towns2,
Nicholas Cecchi2,
Brian Mills1,
Narvin Phouksouvath1,
Maged Goubran3,
Nicole Mouchawar1,
Sohrab Sami1,
Max Wintermark1,
Gerald Grant4,
David Camarillo2,
and Michael Zeineh1
1Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States, 2Bioengineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States, 3Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada, 4Neurosurgery, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States Keywords: Traumatic Brain Injury, Traumatic brain injury, Brain Connectivity, high-contact sports, resting state functional connectivity Motivation: Repetitive head impact in contact sports is linked to long-term cognitive sequelae, but the complexities of these changes remain unclear. Goal(s): Determine potential relationships between resting-state functional connectivity (rsFC) and cognitive performance differential between high- and low-contact sports. Approach: We assessed baseline rsFC and cognitive performance in PAC-12 athletes using rsfMRI and the ImPACT test. Results: Enhanced ImPACT visual-motor-speed performance was present in low-contact sports and associated with increased connectivity between attentional networks and sensorimotor/visual/auditory regions. High-contact sports showed less connectivity between these motor and auditory regions, but more connectivity between these motor and visual regions. Impact: This research sheds light on how repetitive head impacts in contact sports affect cognitive function and brain connectivity. |
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Increased brain entropy and its association with cognitive
function following mild traumatic brain injury
Li Jiang1,2,
Ze Wang1,2,
Steven Roys1,2,
Rosy Linda Njonkou Tchoquess1,2,
Andrew Furman1,2,
Prashant Raghavan Raghavan1,
Rao Gullapalli1,2,
and Jiachen Zhuo1,2
1Department of Diagnostic Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, University of Maryland Baltimore, Baltimore, MD, United States, 2Center for Advanced Imaging Research, University of Maryland Baltimore, Baltimore, MD, United States Keywords: Traumatic Brain Injury, Traumatic brain injury, brain entropy Motivation: Mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) is a prevalent neurological condition involved with physical, cognitive, and emotional impairments. Brain dynamics measured with sample entropy and its association with cognitive functions in mTBI patients remains unexplored. Goal(s): We aim to investigate brain entropy changes in mTBI as compared to non-TBI control patients and explore their potential associations with cognitive function in mTBI patients. Approach: Brain entropy mapping was applied based on rs-fMRI images. Results: Results show hyper-entropy within hippocampus and para-hippocampal gyrus which has significant negative association with cognitive scores related to working memory and processing speed. Impact: This study underscores the promise of brain entropy analysis as a valuable addition to mTBI research, with implications for improved diagnostic and treatment strategies. |
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Network-based statistic and connectome-based predictive modeling
for structural alterations in military service members with mild
Ping-Hong Yeh1,
Chihwa Song1,
Rujirutana Srikanchana1,
Cheng Guan Koay1,
Wei Liu1,
and John Ollinger1
1National Intrepid Center of Excellence, Bethesda, MD, United States Keywords: Traumatic Brain Injury, Traumatic brain injury, network-based statistic, Connectome-based Predictive Modeling, post-concussion syndrome, post-traumatic stress disorder Motivation: Mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) presents with a wide array of clinical features due to the great heterogeneity of underlying pathological features. Goal(s): To identify aberrant structural connectivity in mTBI service members (SMs) and to evaluate the usefulness of predictive models of brain-behavior relationships from structural connectivity data. Approach: Employ Network-Based Statistic (NBS) and Connectome-based Predictive Modeling (CPM) to evaluate the structural connectome of SMs who had a remote mTBI, as mapped by advanced diffusion MRI. Results: NBS identified sub-networks involving the default mode networks with decreased connectivity density; CPM revealed an association between the predicted post-concussive symptom scores and the self-report scores. Impact: Structure connectome-based analysis using advanced diffusion MRI techniques has the potential for the objective evaluation of white matter properties, which can become biomarkers in monitoring clinical symptoms in SMs after a remote brain injury |
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Structural connectome disruption and gray matter morphologic
changes in active young boxers
Wenjing Huang1,
Laiyang Ma1,
Wanjun Hu1,
Yuhui Xiong2,
and Jing Zhang1
1Lanzhou University Second Hospital, Lanzhou, China, 2GE Healthcare MR Research, Beijing, China Keywords: Traumatic Brain Injury, Traumatic brain injury Motivation: The effects of repeated concussions on the structural covariance network of active young boxers are unknown. Goal(s): To reveal the effects of sport-related concussion (SRC) on the brain morphology of boxers and to construct a structural covariance network to investigate global and local property changes in SRC networks. Approach: The cortical thickness and structural covariance network properties were calculated using 3D-T1WI of 57 SRC athletes and 72 healthy controls (HCs). Results: Compared with the HCs group, the SRC group had a thicker cortex in the bilateral hemisphere, reduced small-world properties, and reduced local efficiency. Impact: The topological properties of boxers' structural covariance networks were significantly abnormal, indicating that both network integration and separation functions were impaired due to repeated concussions. |
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Overcoming challenges of quantitative susceptibility mapping in
moderate-to-severe TBI patients
Juan F. Domínguez D.1,
Ashley Stewart2,
Alex Burmester1,
Hamed Akhlaghi3,
Kieran O’Brien4,
Steffen Bollmann5,
and Karen Caeyenberghs1
1Cognitive Neuroscience Unit, Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia, 2School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering,, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, 3Department of Emergency Medicine, St. Vincent’s Hospital, Melbourne, Australia, 4Siemens Healthcare, Brisbane, Australia, 5Centre for Advanced Imaging, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia Keywords: Quantitative Imaging, Quantitative Susceptibility mapping, lesion filling, individualised profiling Motivation: Quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) is being increasingly used to investigate pathophysiological changes in traumatic brain injury (TBI). However, generating artefact-free quantitative susceptibility maps in brains with large focal lesions, as in the case of moderate-to-severe TBI (ms-TBI), is particularly challenging. Goal(s): To generate artefact-free quantitative susceptibility maps in moderate-to-severe TBI patients with large focal lesions. Approach: We utilized a novel two-pass masking technique and reconstruction procedure in combination with a recently developed virtual brain grafting tool for brain repair. Results: Our innovative approach allowed us to generate artefact-free personalised QSM profiles of individual ms-TBI patients with reference to a sample of healthy controls. Impact: We outline an approach to obtain magnetic susceptibility values in the presence of large focal lesions and provide a framework to generate personalised QSM profiles that may be used by clinicians to characterise TBI pathophysiology or implement neuroscience-guided rehabilitation programs. |
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White and gray matter abnormalities in active young boxers after
sports-related concussions
Wenjing Huang1,
Wanjun Hu1,
Laiyang Ma1,
Jing Zhang1,
and Yuhui Xiong2
1Lanzhou University Second Hospital, Lanzhou, China, 2GE Healthcare MR Research, Lanzhou, China Keywords: Traumatic Brain Injury, Traumatic brain injury Motivation: The neurological effects of active young boxers with sport-related concussions (SRC) are still unclear. Goal(s): To reveal the micro- and macrostructural changes in active young boxers with SRC. Results: In the gray and white matter of concussed boxers, T1WI and NODDI measures showed lower white matter volume, greater CSF and CSP, and significant white matter abnormalities than in the controls. Impact: This study demonstrated the significant effects of repeated concussions on the micro- and macrostructural in active young boxers, suggesting that we should monitor and maintain the neurological health of these athletes over the long term. |
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