ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition • 04-09 May 2024 • Singapore

ISMRM & ISMRT 2024 Annual Meeting & Exhibition

Member-Initiated Session

Ultrahigh Spatial Resolution Imaging in the Presence of Motion

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Ultrahigh Spatial Resolution Imaging in the Presence of Motion
Member-Initiated Session
Sunday, 05 May 2024
Room 325-326
09:45 -  11:45
Session Number: MIS-06
No CME/CE Credit

This MIS is endorsed by the Ultra-High Field MR and Motion Detection & Correction study groups.

Recent developments in MRI acquisition methods and hardware (for example, the proliferation of ultrahigh field scanners) have enabled imaging at substantially sub-millimetre resolution. Although now technically feasible, patient movements and physiologically induced motion is a significant challenge to imaging at such resolutions since most subjects will be unable to remain sufficiently still (i.e., less than the resolution). Furthermore, motion causes additional challenges when using ultrahigh field MRI, such as pose-dependent changes in magnetic fields, which can further degrade image quality. A number of technical solutions have been proposed specifically for this context, including prospective correction based on external sensors or image based retrospective motion correction, and other more practical solutions such as positioning/restraints have also been explored.

This member-initiated symposium is co-organised by members from the Motion Detection & Correction and the Ultra-High Field MR study groups. The topic is well-aligned with interests of both study groups, and we hope that an MIS in this area will help to bring together researchers working on ultrahigh resolution imaging (not exclusively those working at ultrahigh field) with those who work on motion detection and correction more broadly. The session will include perspectives from those for whom motion is a challenge, along with researchers working on a variety of technical solutions.

Researchers and clinicians interested in high-resolution imaging and motion implications, particularly at ultra-high field.

- Discuss the impact of patient motion on high resolution MRI and describe practical strategies for minimizing this;
- Explain data-driven motion correction methods relevant to high resolution imaging; and
- Describe motion detection and correction strategies that are specific to ultrahigh field MRI

09:45   Motion Correction for Ultrahigh-Resolution Brain Imaging
Oliver Speck
Otto-von-Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany
10:09   Experiences Scanning Infants & Children in Cape Town
Ernesta Meintjes
University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa
10:33   High-Resolution Functional Imaging (in the Presence of Motion)
Renzo Huber
National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, United States
10:57   Motion in the Spinal Cord? Influences, Strategies & Needs!
Virginie Callot
Aix-Marseille University, Marseille, France
11:21   Prevention Is Better Than Cure? Approaches To Improve Head Stabilization for High-Resolution MRI
David Carmichael
King's College London, London, United Kingdom
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