ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition • 04-09 May 2024 • Singapore
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Characterisation of cortical depth dependent hemodynamics in
early human development using high-resolution BOLD fMRI at 7
Jucha Willers Moore1,2,3,
Elisabeth Pickles4,5,
Philippa Bridgen4,5,
Alena Uus1,6,
Ines Tomazinho1,4,
Beya Bonse1,4,
Maria Deprez1,6,
Sharon Giles1,4,5,
A. David Edwards1,2,4,
Jo V Hajnal1,6,
Shaihan J Malik1,5,6,
Tomoki Arichi1,2,4,
and Jonathan R Polimeni3,7,8
1Centre for the Developing Brain, School of Biomedical Engineering and Imaging Sciences, Kings College London, London, United Kingdom, 2MRC Centre for Neurodevelopmental Disorders, King's College London, London, United Kingdom, 3Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Massachusetts General Hospital, Charlestown, MA, United States, 4Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom, 5London Collaborative Ultra high field System (LoCUS), King's College London, London, United Kingdom, 6Biomedical Engineering Department, School of Biomedical Engineering and Imaging Sciences, King's College London, London, United Kingdom, 7Department of Radiology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States, 8Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, United States Keywords: fMRI Analysis, High-Field MRI, Brain, Neuro Motivation: Hemodynamic responses in adults vary across cortical depths, partly due to specific differences in vascular anatomy and physiology. It is unknown how these differences relate to the responses seen in neonates, when the cortex and neurovasculature are rapidly maturing. Goal(s): To characterize the amplitude and timing of the hemodynamic response across cortical depths during the neonatal period. Approach: Cortical depth-dependent hemodynamic responses to sensorimotor stimulation were delineated using GRE-BOLD fMRI in term-aged neonates. Results: A cortical depth-specific profile of key hemodynamic response parameters, including onset and undershoot, was observed in the neonatal cortex that differs from those seen in the adult. Impact: We demonstrate for the first time how developing vascular network may alter hemodynamic response across cortical depths. It illuminates what underlying neurobiology may generate the neonatal specific BOLD signal profile and what components are altered relative to the adult response. |
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T1234: A distortion-matched structural scan solution to
misregistration of high resolution fMRI data
Chung (Kenny) Kan1,
Rüdiger Stirnberg2,
Marcela Montequin1,
Omer Faruk Gulban3,
A Tyler Morgan1,
Sean Marrett1,
Peter A Bandettini1,
and Renzo Huber1
1NIH, Bethesda, MD, United States, 2German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE), Bonn, Germany, 3Maastricht University, Maastricht, The Netherlands, & Brain Innovation, Maastricht, The Netherlands, Maastricht, Netherlands Keywords: fMRI Acquisition, fMRI, layer-fMRI, Ultra High Field, Structural scan Motivation: High-resolution fMRI at 7T is limited by misregistration of functional data with structural scans. Goal(s): We aim to provide a fast acquisition method that provides distortion matched, artifact mitigated structural reference data. Approach: T1234: T1-weighted 2-inversion 3D-EPI with 4 directions for high-resolution fMRI. A forward Bloch model is implemented for T1 quantification and protocol optimization. Results: Our protocol is fast (3:40 min) and provides whole-brain segmentations in EPI-space. It is robust across sessions, participants, and scanners. Impact: This structural mapping approach allows precise registration with fMRI data. T1234 is implemented, validated, and tested to serve users of our sequence (locally and 43 centers worldwide). |
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Characterizing spatial heterogeneity of BOLD fMRI cortical-depth
profiles of activation: the average profile may not be typical
Anna I Blazejewska1,2,
Daniel Gomez1,2,
and Jonathan R Polimeni1,2,3
1Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Massachusetts General Hospital, Charlestown, MA, United States, 2Department of Radiology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States, 3Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, United States Keywords: fMRI Analysis, fMRI, fMRI Analysis, fMRI (task based), Brain, Gray Matter, Neuroscience, Blood, Data Analysis Motivation: Laminar-fMRI analysis routinely averages cortical-depth profiles within an ROI to estimate a typical laminar activation profile and increase SNR. Previous studies suggested heterogeneity of cortical-depth profiles measured with GE-BOLD-fMRI, therefore the assumption that profiles inside ROI are similar may not hold. Goal(s): To test whether the average cortical-depth profile is typical for the whole ROI. Approach: We applied k-means clustering to identify cortical locations within an ROI with similar BOLD-fMRI cortical-depth profiles. Results: Cortical-depth profiles vary substantially across the activated region and therefore the average response profile inside the ROI may not be resemble that of any particular activated location. Impact: In laminar-fMRI analysis, due to heterogeneity of neuronal responses and/or vascular architecture the average cortical-depth profile within an ROI may not match the profile at any one location, suggesting that averaging may lose meaningful layer-specific information within the activated region. |
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300 µm multi-echo bSSFP fMRI at 7 Tesla revealed the IPS-V1
feedback circuit of spatial attention in the human brain
Yifei Wang1,2,
Fanhua Guo1,2,
Huilou Liang1,2,
Jing An3,
Rong Xue1,2,
Chencan Qian1,2,
and Peng Zhang1,2
1State Key Laboratory of Brain and Cognitive Science, Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, 2University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, 3Siemens Shenzhen Magnetic Resonance Ltd., Shenzhen, China, Beijing, China Keywords: Task/Intervention Based fMRI, fMRI (task based) Motivation: Layer-specific response in frontoparietal areas and their connectivity with the visual cortex are important to understand the neural circuitry of attention. Goal(s): Investigate the neural circuitry of attention in IPS and V1 with laminar fMRI. Approach: Using ultra-high resolution multi-echo bSSFP fMRI at 7 Tesla, layer-specific functional activity in IPS and V1 were simultaneously recorded in a spatial attention task. Results: Attention demanding task induced significant activations in both superficial and deep layers of IPS, enhanced activity in the deep layers of V1, and increased feedback connectivity from the deep layers of IPS to the deep layers of V1. Impact: This study demonstrates the feasibility of using ultra-high resolution multi-echo bSSFP fMRI at 7 Tesla to simultaneously image multiple brain regions to investigate the neural circuitry of high-level cognition. |
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Enabling brain-wide mapping of directed functional connectivity
at 3T via layer-dependent fMRI with draining-vein suppression
Wei-Tang Chang1,
Weili Lin1,
and Kelly Sullivan Giovanello2
1Radiology, UNC at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, United States, 2Psychology, UNIV OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL HILL, Chapel Hill, NC, United States Keywords: fMRI Acquisition, fMRI, Layer-dependent fMRI Motivation: Mapping brain-wide directed functional connectivity demands techniques with high spatiotemporal resolution yet current methods fall short. Goal(s): To improve spatial specificity of GE-BOLD EPI by reducing draining-vein contamination without compromising speed. Approach: Incorporating velocity-nulling (VN) gradients into a GE-BOLD fMRI sequence at 3T. We also integrated NORDIC denoising to enhance signal sensitivity. Results: The VN fMRI method demonstrated decent spatial specificity, evidenced by identifying double-peak activation patterns within the M1 area during a finger-tapping task. This technique showed enhanced robustness across participants compared to conventional fMRI. Our findings on directed functional connectivity reveal layer-specific relationships that closely align with the existing literature. Impact: Leveraging its comprehensive brain coverage and efficient scan time, VN fMRI has yielded promising results in directed FC studies. Given the widespread accessibility of 3T scanners, we anticipate this development will have a significant impact across multiple neuroscience research domains. |
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Human fMRI at 10.5T: new regimes of high resolutions
Luca Vizioli1,
Logan T Dowdle1,
Steen Moeller1,
Andrea Grant1,
Essa Yacoub1,
and Kamil Ugurbil1
1CMRR, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States Keywords: Task/Intervention Based fMRI, fMRI (task based), Neuroscience Motivation: Submillimeter fMRI allows imaging the human brain noninvasively at the mesoscopic scale, targeting layers and columns. Standard submillimeter resolution however may be inadequate to fully capture these ensembles. Consequently, the Brain Initiative challenged the MR community to achieve 0.1µL, and subsequently, 0.01µL voxel resolution Goal(s): Achieve and surpass the goal of human functional mapping at 0.1µL, towards the goal of 0.01µL using a 10.5T scanner. Approach: We recorded human functional BOLD responses at 10.5T, during visual experiments, at different spatial resolutions.
Results: Using 10.5T and NORDIC denoising we
demonstrate functional imaging the human brain with <0.1µL
resolution. Impact: We demonstrate functional mapping at 10.5 T with unprecedented spatial resolutions, moving towards the 0.01µL voxel volume goal (Brain Initiative 2.0). At these resolutions single voxels contain a few thousand neurons, heralding major new opportunities in human neuroscience. |
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Laminar profile of hippocampal subregions during spatial
Khazar Ahmadi1,
David Stawarczyk1,
Viktor Pfaffenrot2,
Carlos A. Gomez1,
Zita Patai1,
David G. Norris3,
and Nikolai Axmacher1
1Department of Neuropsychology, Ruhr University Bochum, Bochum, Germany, 2University of Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany, 3Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands Keywords: Task/Intervention Based fMRI, High-Field MRI, Hippocampus, navigation
Motivation: Despite substantial progress in
understanding the role of the hippocampus in spatial
navigation, the layer-specific microcircuits underlying
distinct navigation processes are yet to be determined. Goal(s): We aimed to investigate the laminar organization of hippocampal subregions during spatial navigation including its relationship to specific strategies.
Approach: Leveraging submillimeter-resolution fMRI at
7T, we quantified BOLD signal changes across hippocampal
depths and applied mixed-effect models to probe the
relationship between subregional laminar activity and
specific strategies reflected by straight paths and
deviation towards environmental boundaries. Results: We show that laminar profiles in hippocampal subregions are differentially associated with navigation strategies. Impact: Our results demonstrate the promise of laminar fMRI for mapping complex cognitive functions in the hippocampus at mesoscale. Given the vulnerability of this region to Alzheimer’s disease pathology, these findings may have clinical implications for early diagnosis. |
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Laminar specific fMRI response is mainly regulated by first
synaptic input-driven or more synchronous activity
Won Beom Jung1,2,
Geun Ho Im1,
Haiyan Jiang1,2,
and Seong-Gi Kim1,3
1Center for Neuroscience Imaging Research (CNIR), Suwon, Korea, Republic of, 2Korea Brain Research Institute (KBRI), Daegu, Korea, Republic of, 3Department of Biomedical Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, Korea, Republic of Keywords: Task/Intervention Based fMRI, fMRI (task based) Motivation: While responses to feedforward inputs have been well-observed in layer-specific fMRI studies, our understanding of responses to feedback projections within the ongoing functional processing remains limited. Goal(s): Our study aimed to investigate how synaptic onset and strength contribute to specificity of laminar fMRI responses. Approach: We performed the ultrahigh resolution CBV-weighted laminar fMRI by modulating thalamocortical and corticocortical projections with stimulus onset asynchrony in mice. Results: We observed that the laminar response is highly sensitive to the strength of synaptic inputs, shifting from early to later input sites with increased strength. Impact: Laminar CBV responses are highly regulated by micro-vessels coupled with earlier synaptic input activity, but potentially driven by the most synchronous activity within neural circuits. |
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Decoding directionality of information in cortical networks
using layer-based connective field model
Joana Carvalho1,
Francisca Fernandes1,
Koen Haak2,
and Noam Shemesh1
1Laboratory of Preclinical MRI,Champalimaud Experimental Clinical Research Programme, Champalimaud Foundation, Lisboa, Portugal, 2Donders Institute for Brain Cognition and Behaviour, Nigmegen, Netherlands Keywords: Functional Connectivity, Brain Connectivity, BOLD, difusion fMRI, visual system, connective field model Motivation: To disentangle feedback and feedforward signals in cortical circuits. Goal(s): To unravel the intricate neural connections within cortical layers. Approach: We implemented a layer connective field (lCF) model and applied it to ultrafast RS data and RS dfMRI data. Results: 1.Intracortical lCF shows two lCF size profiles: feedforward with inverse U shape with the larger lCF sizes at layer 5 and feedback with U shape and larger CF sizes at superficial and deeper layers. 2.In the absence of visual input the functional connectivity reflects visuotopic organization. 3.lCF estimates obtained from dfMRI(ADC) are more layer specific than the ones estimated from BOLD. Impact: This study showcases the ability of high spatio-temporal resolution MRI techniques (ultrafast BOLD and dfMRI) when coupled with biologically grounded connectivity models (lCF) to unveil the intricacies of information directionality within topographically organized cortices. |
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Distinct laminar neurovascular and metabolism responses across
eccentricity revealed by multi-contrast visual fMRI at 7T
Xingfeng Shao1,
Fanhua Guo1,
Jung Hwan Kim2,
David Ress3,
Chenyang Zhao1,
Qinyang Shou1,
Kay Jann1,
and Danny J.J. Wang1
1Laboratory of FMRI Technology (LOFT), Mark & Mary Stevens Neuroimaging and Informatics Institute, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, United States, 2Vivian L. Smith Department of Neurosurgery, UTHealth Houston Medical School, Houston, TX, United States, 3Department of Neuroscience, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, United States Keywords: Task/Intervention Based fMRI, High-Field MRI, Arterial spin labeling, cortical layers, calibrated fMRI, CMRO2, negative BOLD Motivation: To better understand the complex interplay between neurovascular responses and metabolism. Goal(s): The goal was to develop a multi-contrast laminar fMRI tool to concurrently measure CBF, CBV, BOLD, and CMRO2 signals. Approach: We employed a novel pulse sequence to simultaneously acquire ASL CBF, VASO CBV, and T2-BOLD signals at a high spatial resolution of 7T. We also incorporated a calibrated fMRI approach (Davis model) to calculate CMRO2, using parameters estimated from breath-hold induced hypercapnia. Results: We found distinct neurovascular and metabolic responses across cortical layers and eccentricities in response to a ring-shaped visual stimulus. Impact: Multi-contrast laminar fMRI significantly impacts neuroscientific research by providing a more comprehensive understanding of neurovascular (CBF, CBV, BOLD) and metabolic (CMRO2) interactions across cortical layers. It opens doors for exploring complex brain functions and disorders. |
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