ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition • 04-09 May 2024 • Singapore

ISMRM & ISMRT 2024 Annual Meeting & Exhibition

Power Pitch

Pitch: Advances in Data Acquisition

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Pitch: Advances in Data Acquisition
Power Pitch
Acquisition & Reconstruction
Wednesday, 08 May 2024
Power Pitch Theatre 1
13:30 -  14:30
Moderators: Rui Pedro Azeredo Gomes Teixeira & Sophie Schauman
Session Number: PP-01
No CME/CE Credit

13:30 0941.
3D-Yarnball Acquisition and Reconstruction Advancement Yields High Resolution T1-Weighted Whole Brain Images in Just Over 1 Minute
Rob Stobbe1, Corey Baron2, and Christian Beaulieu1
1University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada, 2Western University, London, ON, Canada

Keywords: Data Acquisition, Data Acquisition

Motivation: This study is motivated by the creation of high-resolution T1-weighting whole brain images in considerably less time (1 minute) than currently required for standard MP-RAGE (~4 minutes).

Goal(s): The sampling efficient 3D-Yarnball trajectory offers a potential imaging solution, but trajectory/sequence design and reconstruction aspects remain to be explored.  

Approach: Variably under-sampled Yarnball trajectories with 2-10 ms duration were compared in healthy brain, along with different methods of steady-state sequence excitation. Iterative, off-resonance correcting, wavelet-regularized reconstruction was applied to Yarnball for the first time.   

Results: Yarnball sequence and reconstruction consideration enabled high-quality 0.77 mm isotropic whole brain images in 1 minute 

Impact: The image acquisition, sequence, and reconstruction investigation of this work enabled robust, high-quality 0.77 mm isotropic T1-weighted whole brain images in just over 1 minute.  The goal of this work is to facilitate considerably shorter MRI protocols. 

13:30 0942.
Towards Integrating 3D Fetal Brain Slice-to-Volume Reconstruction in a 0.55T Scanner Environment with Gadgetron
Sara Neves Silva1,2, Alena Uus1,2, Jordina Aviles Verdera1,2, Kelly Payette1,2, Megan Hall1,3, Kathleen Colford1,2, Sarah McElroy1,2,4, Raphael Tomi-Tricot1,2,4, Maria Deprez1,2, Joseph V Hajnal1,2, Mary Rutherford1,2, Lisa Story1,3, and Jana Hutter1,2
1Centre for the Developing Brain, School of Biomedical Engineering & Imaging Sciences, King's College London, London, United Kingdom, 2Biomedical Engineering Department, School of Biomedical Engineering & Imaging Sciences, King's College London, London, United Kingdom, 3Department of Women & Children’s Health, King's College London, London, United Kingdom, 4MR Research Collaborations, Siemens Healthcare Limited, Camberley, United Kingdom

Keywords: Data Acquisition, Data Acquisition, Fetal

Motivation: Fetal MRI is an important tool for antenatal diagnosis, allowing to assess appropriate growth with T2-weighted TSE sequences. Involuntary fetal motion is frozen in-plane with single-shot sequences, but 3D inconsistencies remain and are currently mostly addressed with offline slice-to-volume reconstruction.

Goal(s): The goal of this work is to integrate slice-to-volume reconstruction into a clinical fetal low-field scan.

Approach: A Gadgetron-based real-time pipeline including quality control, decision support, 3D reconstruction and transfer back to the scanner was implemented.

Results: The steps of the pipeline were successfully tested in-vivo in low-field fetal MRI.

Impact: The complete integration of Slice-to-Volume reconstruction into the normal clinical workflow and the resulting availability of high resolution 3D volumes during the scan overcomes challenges and current barriers of fetal MRI.

13:30 0943.
Echo-planar Imaging-based Rapid Simultaneous MR Angiography and Venography with Dedicated Flow-related Ghosting Suppression
Yue Wu1,2,3, Yan Yang1,2,3, Dehe Weng4, Jing An4, Yan Zhuo1,2,3, Rong Xue1,2,3, and Zihao Zhang1,2,5
1Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, 2The Innovation Center of Excellence on Brain Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, 3University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, 4Siemens Shenzhen Magnetic Resonance Ltd, Shenzhen, China, 5Institute of Artificial Intelligence, Hefei Comprehensive National Science Center, Hefei, China

Keywords: Data Acquisition, Vessels, Ghosting suppression, Sequence design, Low-rank reconstruction

Motivation: Ghost artifact of large vessels impede the use of echo-planar imaging(EPI) for accelerated MR Angiography(MRA) or MR Venography(MRV) acquisitions.

Goal(s): To analyze the physical principles of flow-related ghost, and develop targeted technical approaches to suppress the artifact, enabling EPI-based rapid and high-fidelity simultaneous MRAV.

Approach: By employing techniques including point-spread function modeling, alternating flow-compensation scheme, flow-related phase-based reconstruction, and automatic detection and correction algorithms, rapid in-vivo vascular imaging were achieved.

Results: DEPSAV-II achieved cerebral MRAV with suppressed ghost artifacts and comparable vascular depiction with GRE-based methods in 6 minutes, thereby improving the accessibility of comprehensive vascular examination in routine clinical practices.

Impact: Developed a suite of techniques to overcome flow-related ghosting of large vessels which tackling EPI-based rapid arteriovenous-imaging methods.
DEPSAV-II’s simultaneous MRAV and significant time-reduction may benefit clinical studies and practices like small vessel diseases requiring comprehensive arterial and venous examination.

13:30 0944.
Spiral HASTE using variable-flip-angle single-shot spiral-ring TSE for rapid T2-weighted abdominal imaging
Zhixing Wang1, Xiaodong Zhong2, Yang Yang3, John Mugler4, An Liu1, Craig Meyer5, and Kun Qing1
1Radiation Oncology, City of Hope National Medical Center, Duarte, CA, United States, 2Radiological Sciences, University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, United States, 3Radiology and Biomedical Imaging, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, United States, 4Radiology & Medical Imaging, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, United States, 5Biomedical Engineering, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, United States

Keywords: Data Acquisition, Data Acquisition, Spiral TSE, HASTE, Abdominal imaging

Motivation: Conventional Cartesian HASTE may be susceptible to image blurring, resolution loss, and artifacts in abdominal imaging.

Goal(s): To develop a 2D T2-weighted abdominal spiral HASTE technique to achieve better image sharpness, reduced scan time, and reduced power deposition compared to Cartesian HASTE.

Approach: A variable-flip-angle refocusing RF series was designed and employed to maintain high signal-intensity at middle- and late-echoes with a smooth signal-evolution compared to a constant-flip-angle scheme. Variable-density spiral-ring trajectories combined with L1-ESPIRiT reconstruction were performed to accelerate the data acquisition.

Results: Whole-abdomen spiral HASTE images were acquired with 1.5×1.5×6 mm3 spatial-resolution and 25 slices in a 7-second acquisition at 3T.

Impact: This work highlights the utilization of spiral-ring TSE acquisition along with variable-flip-angle RF pulses and L1-ESPIRiT reconstruction for accelerated single-shot abdominal imaging, providing images with improved image sharpness, shorter scan time, and reduced power deposition over conventional Cartesian HASTE.

13:30 0945.
Wideband joint black- and bright-blood late gadolinium enhancement imaging in patients with cardiac implantable devices
Pauline Gut1,2, Hubert Cochet2,3, Guido Caluori2, Dounia El-Hamrani2, Marion Constantin2, Konstantinos Valchos2, Soumaya Sridi3, Frederic Sacher2,4, Pierre Jaïs2,4, Matthias Stuber1,2,5, and Aurélien Bustin1,2,3
1Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, Lausanne University Hospital and University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2IHU LIRYC, Electrophysiology and Heart Modeling Institute, Université de Bordeaux – INSERM U1045, Bordeaux, France, 3Department of Cardiovascular Imaging, Hôpital Cardiologique du Haut-Lévêque, CHU de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France, 4Department of Cardiac Pacing and Electrophysiology, Hôpital Cardiologique du Haut-Lévêque, CHU de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France, 5CIBM, Center for Biomedical Imaging, Lausanne, Switzerland

Keywords: Pulse Sequence Design, Tissue Characterization

Motivation: Wideband bright-blood late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) enables artifact-free imaging of myocardial scars in patients with implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICDs). Unfortunately, the poor scar-blood contrast makes it difficult to depict subendocardial scars.

Goal(s): To improve myocardial scar visualization and localization in ICD patients.

Approach: We propose a 2D breath-hold single-shot ECG-triggered gradient echo wideband joint black- and bright-blood (wideband SPOT) LGE sequence to improve scar visualization and localization, while limiting ICD-artifacts. Wideband was implemented in an adiabatic inversion pulse and in an adiabatic T2 preparation.

Results: Wideband SPOT successfully suppressed ICD-artifacts while improving scar detection, and provided same image quality than reference wideband bright-blood.

Impact: This new technology will enable radiologists and cardiologists to detect and localize myocardial scars more accurately in ICD patients by eliminating ICD hyperintensity artifacts and enhancing scar tissue with unprecedented contrast.

13:30 0946.
Safe Spirals for Your Scanner
Matthew A. McCready1, Congyu Liao2, John Pauly1, and Adam B Kerr1,3
1Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States, 2Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States, 3Center for Cognitive and Neurobiological Imaging, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States

Keywords: Pulse Sequence Design, Pulse Sequence Design

Motivation: Vibration of gradient coils is a source of loud acoustics, signal dropout, field distortion, and potential system damage particularly at mechanical resonant frequencies.

Goal(s): To design safe spiral gradient waveforms which avoid mechanical resonant frequencies and their resulting severe vibrations.

Approach: Instantaneous gradient frequency during spiral readout is estimated as the rotational frequency of a circle at the current k-space radius and gradient amplitude. Amplitude is limited to drop through resonant bands quickly. A convex problem for spiral rewinders is formed minimizing the DFT at resonant frequencies.

Results: Coil vibration was significantly reduced using safe spirals, and gradient field oscillations were minimized.

Impact: Frequency constrained “safe” spiral waveforms were shown to avoid specified frequency bands, reducing gradient vibrations and k-space oscillations without degrading image quality. Such waveforms could potentially prolong gradient coil lifetime, reduce acoustic discomfort, and remove artefacts from persisting k-space oscillations.

Improved parallel imaging with N-periodic spatial banding patterns in bSSFP
Zimu Huo1,2, Lorena Garcia-Foncillas1, Krithika Balaji1, Michael Mendoza1, Neal K Bangerter1, and Peter J Lally1
1Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom, 2Univeristy of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom

Keywords: Parallel Imaging, Parallel Imaging

Motivation: This research explores the potential for temporally varying N-periodic bSSFP banding artifacts as a new dimension alongside coils for parallel imaging. 

Goal(s): Our goal is to leverage the temporally varying spatial modulation of a 2-periodic bSSFP acquisition to improve parallel imaging performance over a straightforward bSSFP approach.

Approach: We optimize imaging parameters using computational simulations and validate our methodology through in-vivo experiments in brain.

Results: Our findings demonstrate that the banding artifacts from 2-periodic bSSFP can serve as additional spatial encoding information in parallel imaging applications to reduce scan time.

Impact: Periodically varying bSSFP banding patterns can be exploited to achieve improved parallel imaging performance, creating opportunities for new experimental designs in accelerated imaging.

Open-Source, Cross-Platform Workflow for MRI Data Acquisition and Image Reconstruction Based on the Pulseq Framework
Qingping Chen1, Frank Zijlstra1,2, Patrick Hucker1, Sebastian Littin1, and Maxim Zaitsev1
1Division of Medical Physics, Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, University Medical Center Freiburg, Faculty of Medicine, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, 2Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, St. Olav's University Hospital, Trondheim, Norway

Keywords: Image Reconstruction, Image Reconstruction, open source vendor-independent sequences

Motivation: To enhance efficiency, transparency, and reproducibility of data acquisition and reconstruction in large-scale MRI studies.

Goal(s): To establish an open-source, cross-platform, easy-to-learn data acquisition and reconstruction workflow.

Approach: The Pulseq framework is extended to integrate Siemens’ “Image Calculation Environment” (ICE) and Gadgetron. To validate the workflow, MPRAGE and EPI sequences were developed using the extended Pulseq and executed on three Siemens scanners with comparison to the corresponding product sequences.

Results: The preliminary results show that Gadgetron had comparable reconstruction performance to ICE, and Pulseq sequences generally produced image quality comparable to product sequences. Online Gadgetron and ICE produce images within seconds/minutes after measurements.

Impact: An open-source, cross-platform MRI data acquisition and reconstruction workflow is established by extending the Pulseq framework to link to reconstruction tools. The preliminary results indicate that this workflow has the potential to enable efficient, transparent, reproducible data acquisition and reconstruction.

13:30 0949.
Isotropic 3D Sub-millimeter MRI of the Vocal Fold Oscillation with Sub-millisecond Temporal Resolution
Johannes Fischer1, Kian Tadjalli Mehr1, Louisa Traser2, Bernhard Richter2, and Michael Bock1
1Radiology, Medical Physics, University Medical Center Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, 2Institute of Musicians' Medicine, University Medical Center Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany

Keywords: New Trajectories & Spatial Encoding Methods, Data Acquisition

Motivation: Several diseases influence the human vocal fold oscillation which can currently only be studied with superficial stroboscopic imaging.

Goal(s): We aim to develop a technique that allows the full characterization of the vocal fold oscillation with sub-millisecond sub-millimeter resolution.

Approach: ZTE MRI allows to freeze sub-ms dynamic signal changes in k-space. With synchronization data from a microphone, we retrospectively gate ZTE MRI data of the larynx acquired during singing using a total variation constraint in the time domain to reconstruct the vocal fold motion.

Results: 3D vocal fold oscillations can be visualized with ultra-high spatial (0.8mm) and temporal (670μs) resolution.

Impact: This work aims to improve the understanding of the VF oscillation under various physiological and pathological conditions, and might have applications in 3D dynamic MRI of other oscillatory body motions.

13:30 0950.
Arc-ZTE: Incoherent k-space sampling in time using continuously-slewed gradients for flexible, dynamic, quiet Zero TE MRI
Shreya Ramachandran1, Tobias C. Wood2, Gavin Zhang1, and Michael Lustig1
1Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States, 2Neuroimaging, King’s College London, London, United Kingdom

Keywords: New Trajectories & Spatial Encoding Methods, New Trajectories & Spatial Encoding Methods, ZTE, Dynamic MRI, Quiet MRI

Motivation: Existing Zero TE methods are constrained due to gradient slew limits between spokes, which hinders their use in dynamic imaging applications.

Goal(s): We aim to improve temporal k-space sampling in time by increasing the possible angular distance between consecutive spokes via continuously-slewed gradients, while still maintaining minimal gradient refocusing and minimal acoustic noise.

Approach: We parameterize the k-space trajectory using sequential rotations of an arc in k-space, then optimize the rotation angles over metrics for sampling uniformity and refocusing.

Results: We demonstrate a proof-of-concept of this trajectory and show improvement over radial ZTE in k-space coverage metrics and reconstructions for various temporal resolutions.

Impact: By improving temporal k-space sampling for Zero-TE MRI, our work enables quiet, dynamic imaging with flexible temporal resolution. Potential applications include quiet DCE or respiratory motion-resolved imaging for neonates and other sound-sensitive populations.

13:30 0951.
Open-Source Console Software for the MRI4ALL Hackathon Scanner
Kai Tobias Block1, Roy Wiggins1, Amanpreet Singh Saimbhi1, Tarun Dutt1, Antonio Verdone Sanchez1, and Sairam Geethanath2
1Bernard and Irene Schwartz Center for Biomedical Imaging, Department of Radiology, New York University Grossman School of Medicine, New York University, New York, NY, United States, New York City, NY, United States, 2Accessible Magnetic Resonance Laboratory, Biomedical Imaging and Engineering Institute, Department of Diagnostic, Molecular and Interventional Radiology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mt. Sinai, New York, NY, United States, New York City, NY, United States

Keywords: Software Tools, New Devices, Open-Source

Motivation: Commercial MRI scanners have limited accessibility due to high costs and the proprietary nature of the hardware and software platforms.

Goal(s): To develop a comprehensive console software for community-built low-field MRI systems that is solely based on open-source components and provides a user interface similar to commercial systems.

Approach: The console software was programmed in the Python programming language. The platform is divided into three decoupled services that 1) provide the interface for scan planning and visualization, 2) run the scanner control, and 3) perform the image reconstruction.

Results: The architecture is described, providing a starting point for utilizing it in other projects.

Impact: The development of open-source MRI software and hardware will help to disseminate fundamental knowledge about the construction of MRI scanners. The software platform described in this work may serve as foundation for future community initiatives on building open-source scanners.

13:30 0952.
Further accelerating spin-echo EPI through combined patterned multislice excitation and SMS acquisition
Jiazheng Zhou1, Peter van Gelderen1, Jacco A. de Zwart1, Yicun Wang1, and Jeff H. Duyn1
1AMRI, LFMI, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, United States

Keywords: New Signal Preparation Schemes, Pulse Sequence Design, SMS, PME, Diffusion

Motivation: Both the recently introduced patterned multislice excitation (PME) technique and SMS acquisition can be used for faster imaging. Combining these would reduce imaging times further.

Goal(s): To demonstrate that the PME is compatible with SMS imaging.

Approach: Four RF pulses were combined to achieve acceleration from both SMS and PME. To limit peak RF amplitude, pulse components were time-shifted. The approach was demonstrated using diffusion weighted (DW) imaging at 3T.

Results: Close to fourfold acceleration was successfully implemented by combining twofold SMS and PME and evaluated for DW MRI performance versus twofold acceleration based on PME only.

Impact: Recently introduced PME approach and SMS can be combined to accelerate the acquisition.

13:30 0953.
MR Fingerprinting with Dynamic Transmit Shims
Felix Horger1,2, Sarah McElroy1,2,3, Joseph Hajnal1,2,4, and Shaihan Malik1,2,4
1School of Biomedical Engineering and Imaging Sciences, King's College London, London, United Kingdom, 2London Collaborative Ultra high field System, London, United Kingdom, 3MR Research Collaborations, Siemens Healthcare Limited, Camberley, United Kingdom, 4Centre for the Developing Brain, London, United Kingdom

Keywords: MR Fingerprinting, MR Fingerprinting

Motivation: Transmit-inhomogeneities at ultra-high-field cause realized/effective flip-angles to strongly deviate from the nominal. In quantitative MRI, retrospective correction is possible but leads to spatially varying efficiency for parameter estimation. Parallel-transmit enables spatio-temporal modulation of excitation pulses in MR Fingerprinting (PTX-MRF), potentially improving encoding power by filling in regions of poor precision achieved with a static configuration.

Goal(s): Investigate an MRF prototype sequence with temporal modulation of parallel-transmit shims.

Approach: We sequentially apply different transmit-shims to modulate realized flip-angles and employ temporal low-rank for reconstruction of singular-component-images.

Results: We explored the potential and key requirements for PTX-MRF, showing that parallel-transmit could prove advantageous for MRF.

Impact: This work is an explorative step towards addressing transmit-field inhomogeneities at ultra-high-field. Its impact is mainly indicating new directions worthwhile investigating, supported by evidence from phantom experiments.

13:30 0954.
Fast volumetric Cartesian MRI with auto-calibrated local B0 coil array – a reproducing kernel Hilbert space perspective
Rui Tian1, Martin Uecker2, Oliver Holder1, Theodor Steffen1, and Klaus Scheffler1,3
1High-Field MR center, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tuebingen, Germany, 2Institute of Biomedical Imaging, Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria, 3Department for Biomedical Magnetic Resonance, University of Tuebingen, Tuebingen, Germany

Keywords: Image Reconstruction, Image Reconstruction, nonlinear gradient

Motivation: The local B0 coil array has been shown to speed up 2D Cartesian MRI and provides a platform for investigating the most efficient B0 encoding fields. Nevertheless, optimizing the rapid modulations for accelerating volumetric scans without introducing additional artifacts becomes more challenging.

Goal(s): We explore distinct nonlinear modulation B0 fields and reconstruct artifact-free accelerated images.

Approach: With a recent RKHS framework, the k-space efficiency maps for various modulation fields are analyzed, and a novel auto-calibration reconstruction method is introduced.

Results: Our k-space analysis provides insights validating optimal modulation fields, and the ex-vivo and in-vivo scans demonstrate the robustness of the proposed reconstruction technique.

Impact: We demonstrate the RKHS formalism as a valuable tool for understanding 3D MRI scans encoded with nonlinear modulation fields. Our auto-calibration reconstruction, analogous to GRAPPA in parallel imaging, offers a promising approach for image acceleration with rapid B0 modulation.

13:30 0955.
Vendor-Neutral Development and Cross-Center Validation of Flip Angle Modulated 2D Sequential CSE-MRI Technique for Liver Fat Quantification
Jiayi Tang1,2, Daiki Tamada2, Xingwang Yong3,4, Yuting Chen4,5, Shohei Fujita4,6, Jitka Starekova2, Jeff Kammerman7, Jean H Brittain7, Alan McMillan1,2,8,9,10, Jon-Fredrik Nielsen11, Maxim Zaitsev12, Scott B Reeder1,2,8,13,14, Berkin Bilgic4, and Diego Hernando1,2
1Medical Physics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, United States, 2Radiology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, United States, 3Key Laboratory for Biomedical Engineering of Ministry of Education, Department of Biomedical Engineering, College of Biomedical Engineering & Instrument Science, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, 4Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Massachusetts General Hospital, Charlestown, MA, United States, 5State Key Laboratory of Extreme Photonics and Instrumentation, College of Optical Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, 6Radiology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States, 7Calimetrix, LLC, Madison, WI, United States, 8Biomedical Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, United States, 9Data Science Institute, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, United States, 10Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, United States, 11Radiology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United States, 12Division of Medical Physics, Department of Radiology, University Medical Center Freiburg, Faculty of Medicine, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, 13Medicine, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, United States, 14Emergency Medicine, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, United States

Keywords: Pulse Sequence Design, Fat, fat/water separation, data acquisition, liver, pulse sequence design, software tools

Motivation: 2D sequential chemical-shift-encoded acquisitions with centric encoding and flip-angle modulation (FAM) enables motion-robust and high-SNR liver fat quantification. Originally developed in a single vendor, the performance and relative simplicity of FAM motivate vendor-neutral implementation and validation.

Goal(s): Implement FAM in the vendor-neutral framework Pulseq, and determine its feasibility, bias, and reproducibility in a multi-center, multi-vendor study.

Approach: Pulseq-FAM was applied in two centers with two vendors on a phantom with controlled PDFF/T1water values, and in volunteers during free breathing.

Results: At both centers, Pulseq-FAM shows low bias and good reproducibility in the phantom, and excellent motion robustness and image quality in volunteers.

Impact: A vendor-neutral implementation of motion-robust liver fat quantification, as demonstrated in this study, may enable detection, staging, and treatment monitoring of steatotic liver disease with improved availability and standardization.

13:30 0956.
Self-gated 2D lung imaging using single petal rosette trajectory
Hanna Frantz1 and Volker Rasche1
1Department of Internal Medicine II, Ulm University Medical Center, Ulm, Germany

Keywords: Data Acquisition, New Trajectories & Spatial Encoding Methods

Motivation: Major limitation of lung MRI is respiratory motion which can be overcome by retrospective self-gating approaches.

Goal(s): Achieving sufficient SNR values in the parenchyma is crucial for clinical evaluations and the assessment of physiological parameters.

Approach: This abstract presents a single-petal rosette UTE trajectory that is evaluated for k-space-, as well as image-based, retrospective self-gated lung imaging in comparison to the radial UTE trajectory.

Results: Higher SNR values and sharpness are obtained when using the SPR trajectory, compared to radial UTE sampling approaches at constant temporal resolution.

Impact: This abstract presents a single-petal rosette UTE trajectory (SPR) for 2D self-gated lung imaging, yielding higher SNR and sharpness in comparison to radial UTE sampling approaches.

13:30 0957.
Dynamic interleaved radial amine CEST and sodium (INTERLACED) at 3T
Alfredo Liubomir Lopez Kolkovsky1,2,3, Chencai Wang1,2, Jingwen Yao1,2,4, and Benjamin M. Ellingson1,2,5
1Radiological Sciences, UCLA, Brain Tumor Imaging Laboratory, Los Angeles, CA, United States, 2Radiological Sciences, UCLA, Magnetic Resonance Research Laboratories, Los Angeles, CA, United States, 3NMR Laboratory, Neuromuscular Investigation Center, Institute of Myology, Paris, France, 4Bioengineering, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, United States, 5Neurosurgery, David Geffen School of Medicine, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Keywords: Data Acquisition, Non-Proton

Motivation: Sodium (23Na) and advanced 1H MRI provides valuable metabolic information but are not routinely used because of the required additional scan time.

Goal(s): Employ the idle times in 23Na MRI to perform 1H measurements, reducing total scan time.

Approach: An interleaved radial amine CEST and sodium pulse sequence was developed to simultaneously acquire acidity or T2* maps simultaneously with salinity maps in phantoms and in the lower leg during an exercise paradigm.

Results: A scan reduction of 46% relative to sequential acquisitions. Dynamic T2*, acidity and sodium changes were successfully tracked and in line with the expected physiological responses.

Impact: The achieved scan time reduction could facilitate the inclusion of sodium and advanced 1H imaging in clinical routine. Furthermore, it could benefit functional studies by providing dynamic multinuclear information simultaneously from the same transient state.

13:30 0958.
A preliminary investigation for a Localized Quadratic Encoded 3D bSSFP cardiac cine MRI
Tzu Cheng Chao1, Dinghui Wang1, Spencer Waddle1,2, and Tim Leiner1
1Department of Radiology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, United States, 2MR R&D, Philips Healthcare, Rochester, MN, United States

Keywords: Data Acquisition, Heart, 3D cardiac image, 3D cine image, localized quadratic encoding

Motivation: A gated 3D cardiac cine MRI will be useful to evaluate cardiac structure and function from different viewing angles, unlike conventional 2D scans covering only specific orientations.

Goal(s): To develop a retrospectively cardiac gated 3D imaging sequence for the cine scan with reasonable breath-hold time and reconstruction speed.

Approach: A bSSFP sequence was combined with Localized Quadratic Encoding RF pulses for the cardiac gated 3D imaging.

Results: The 3D cardiac cine imaging requires around 20 breath-holds and each breath-hold takes around 25 seconds. The images feature similar soft tissue contrast to the conventional 2D bSSFP scanning with isotropic resolution along different viewing angles.

Impact: The proposed method enables a 3D cardiac cine scan with reasonable breath-hold duration and much faster reconstruction speed.

13:30 0959.
Multi-slab whole-brain in vivo 0.35 mm human brain at 7 T with low undersampling to validate future acceleration & denoising
Omer Faruk Gulban1,2, Logan T Dowdle3, Desmond Ho Yan Tse4, Saskia Bollmann5, Rainer Goebel1,2, Benedikt A. Poser1, and Dimo Ivanov1
1Department of Cognitive Neuroscience, Maastricht Univesity, Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience, Maastricht, Netherlands, 2Brain Innovation, Maastricht, Netherlands, 3Department of Radiology, Center for Magnetic Resonance Research, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Netherlands, 4Scannexus, Maastricht, Netherlands, 5School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia

Keywords: Data Acquisition, Brain, Mesoscopic

Motivation: Our previous work provided 0.35×0.35×0.35 mm3 voxel resolution T2* dataset where the intracortical angioarchitecture details were captured and analyzed (Gulban et al. 2022). However, this work only covered a third of the brain while requiring two scanning sessions.

Goal(s): Our aim here is to explore reducing the scanning time while expanding the brain coverage to get similar quality data for vascular analyses.

Approach: Our approach consisted of exploring further acceleration for T2* imaging and boosting the SNR of T1 images though denoising instead of multi-run averaging.

Results: Our results suggest that we can reduce the scanning time five-fold while accomplishing whole brain overage.

Impact: We provide a low undersampling 0.35 mm in vivo human brain dataset and a scanning protocol (including 7 T T2*, T1 contrasts) for cortical angioarchitecture studies while delivering a reference dataset to test further acceleration and denoising.

13:30 0960.
Pushing contrast at low field with very high B1
David Leitão1, Ozlem Ipek1, Avanya Prathapan1, Daniel West1, Jo Hajnal1,2, Tobias C Wood3, and Shaihan Malik1,2
1Biomedical Engineering & Imaging Sciences, King's College London, London, United Kingdom, 2Centre for the Developing Brain, King's College London, London, United Kingdom, 3Department of Neuroimaging, King's College London, London, United Kingdom

Keywords: New Signal Preparation Schemes, Low-Field MRI

Motivation: Inherently reduced SAR at low B0 fields opens the possibility for sequences employing high B1 to generate contrasts inaccessible on common systems.

Goal(s): Explore generation of magnetization transfer (MT) and inhomogeneous MT (ihMT) contrast using high B1 sequences on low-field MRI system.

Approach: A tuned resonator was used to enhance B1 fields locally within a 0.55T scanner. Rapid gradient-echo based MT/ihMT sequences were tested on ex-vivo lamb brain sample.

Results: Achieved ~9-fold increase in B1, boosting observed MTR/ihMTR. Unexpectedly, RF pulses failed to function at high B1 due to Bloch-Siegert and spin-locking; new pulse designs for this regime will form future work.

Impact: Using high B1 fields at low B0 enables contrasts that were previously off-limits due to safety constraints at high B0. To exploit these with clinical hardware we demonstrate a passive resonator that increases the B1 by a factor of 9.

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