ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition • 04-09 May 2024 • Singapore

ISMRM & ISMRT 2024 Annual Meeting & Exhibition

Power Pitch

Pitch: Cardiovascular Tissue Characterization & Functional Assessment

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Pitch: Cardiovascular Tissue Characterization & Functional Assessment
Power Pitch
Tuesday, 07 May 2024
Power Pitch Theatre 3
13:30 -  14:30
Moderators: Daniel Kim & Susanne Schnell
Session Number: PP-08
No CME/CE Credit

13:30 0604.
Right ventricular electromechanical discoordination predict long-term clinical outcomes in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension
Wen Li1, Xu-yang Chang2, Xian-chang Zhang3, Yu-ling Qian1, Jens Wetzl4, Qing Gu1, and Jian-guo He1
1Fuwai Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Beijing, China, 2Université Paris-Saclay, CentraleSupélec, ENS Paris-Saclay, CNRS:LMPS, Paris, France, 3MR Research Collaboration, Siemens Healthineers Ltd., Beijing, China, 4MR Application Predevelopment, Siemens Healthcare GmbH, Erlangen, Germany

Keywords: Heart Failure, Myocardium, pulmonary hypertension; electromechanical discoordination;

Motivation: Non-invasive and accurate evaluation of right ventricular (RV) function in pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is of urgent need in clinical practice.

Goal(s): To investigate the clinical implications of RV electromechanical dyssynchrony which were non-invasively derived from cardiac MRI.

Approach: Calculate systolic stretch fraction (SSF) and diastolic relaxation fraction (DRF) based on strain MRI and test their prognostic values in an observation prospective PAH cohort.

Results: SSF-RV-Longitudinal could independently predict the clinical worsening.

Impact: The present study first reported SSF-RV-Longitudinal as a novel parameter to evaluate RV function, which could predict the clinical worsening in PAH patients.

13:30 0605.
Novel Robust Threshold-Free Probabilistic 3D LGE Fibrosis Signature Technique for Left Atrial Fibrosis Quantification
Mehri Mehrnia1,2, Eugene Kholmovski3, Daniel Kim4, Aggelos Katsaggelos 4,5,6, Rod Passman4, and Mohammed S.M. Elbaz1
1Radiology, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, United States, 2Biomedical Engineering, Northwestern university, Chicago, IL, United States, 3Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, United States, 4Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, United States, 5Electrical and Computer Engineering, Northwestern university, Chicago, IL, United States, 6Computer Science, Northwestern university, Chicago, IL, United States

Keywords: Arrhythmia, Arrhythmia, atrial fibrillation, 3D LGE, fibrosis, signature

Motivation: Left atrial fibrosis assessment from 3D LGE-MRI is pivotal for predicting atrial myopathy and AF recurrence. However, current methods are clinically ineffective and sensitive to data uncertainties such as noise and inter-observer variability of thin LA wall segmentation

Goal(s): Hence, we propose a novel, robust, and standardized probabilistic 3D LGE fibrosis signature technique for quantifying fibrosis burden. 

Approach: Our threshold-free signature technique  probabilistically encodes multi-billion LGE intensity comparisons from the entire LA volume (not just LA wall).

Results: We evaluated feasibility of our threshold-free method in quantifying LA fibrosis burden, and its stability against Rician noise and interobserver variability of LA volume segmentation.

Impact: Our signature technique as an index of fibrosis burden is highly robust to inherent scan uncertainties including high power Rician noise and inter-observer LA segmentation variability. As a result, our method increases potential clinical utility of 3D LGE MRI 

13:30 0606.
Biventricular Myocardial Kinetic Energy Distribution in Patients With Repaired Tetralogy of Fallot
Shih-En Hsu1, Ming-Ting Wu2, Ken-Pen Weng3, and Hsu-Hsia Peng1
1Department of Biomedical Engineering and Environmental Sciences, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 2Department of Radiology, Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital, Taiwan, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 3Department of Pediatrics, Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital, Taiwan/Department of Pediatrics, National Yang-Ming University, Taiwan, Hsinchu, Taiwan

Keywords: Myocardium, Heart

Motivation: Patients with repaired Tetralogy of Fallot (rTOF) have varied cardiac structures, yet there's a current lack of analysis on their cardiac kinetic energy.

Goal(s): We aim to assess myocardial kinetic energy (KE) differences between patients and normal groups.

Approach: We utilized tissue phase mapping images combined with MATLAB programs to calculate myocardial kinetic energy.

Results: The results revealed differences in myocardial kinetic energy values between patients and normal groups. Besides, significant variations were observed in the proportional values across three directions, along with notable differences in the KE systolic-to-diastolic ratio of the right ventricle.

Impact: Differential myocardial kinetic energy serves as a novel indicator for evaluating cardiac function in rTOF patients. It aids in early detection of cardiac abnormalities, potentially identifying the optimal timing for pulmonary valve replacement surgery.

Mitigating Geometric Distortion & Susceptibility Artifacts in cDTI via SAP-M2-EPI: A feasibility study
Mehdi Sadighi1, Danielle Kara1, Dingheng Mai1, Khoi Nguyen1, Shi Chen1, Deborah Kwon1, and Christopher Nguyen1
1Cardiovascular Innovation Research Center (CIRC), Heart, Vascular, and Thoracic Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, United States

Keywords: Myocardium, Heart, cardiac diffusion, Motion compensated gradients, Aliasing, geometric distortion, PROPELLER MRI

Motivation: We aimed to enhance in vivo cardiac diffusion tensor imaging (cDTI), a technique challenged by limitations, especially in high-BMI patients, causing notable aliasing and distortion issues.

Goal(s): Our primary goal was to introduce and validate Short-Axis-PROPELLER-M2-EPI (SAP-M2-EPI) for cDTI. The focus was on reducing aliasing and distortion artifacts while ensuring robust motion correction.

Approach: SAP-M2-EPI combines motion-compensated diffusion gradients with PROPELLER, effectively minimizing motion artifacts and suppressing aliasing and distortion.

Results: Our study shows that SAP-M2-EPI successfully mitigates motion artifacts and significantly reduces aliasing and distortion, particularly beneficial for high-BMI patients. This innovative approach holds great promise for enhancing cDTI diagnostic accuracy.

Impact: Impact: SAP-M2-EPI’s success offers clinicians a potent tool for enhancing cDTI diagnoses, especially in high-BMI patients. It opens doors to in-depth cardiac research, encourages further methodological innovations, and ultimately promises better patient care through more accurate imaging.

3D Image Enhancement for High-Resolution ky-kz Accelerated 3D LGE CMR
Omer Burak Demirel1, Manuel A Morales1, Jordan A Street1, Warren J Manning1,2, and Reza Nezafat1
1Department of Medicine (Cardiovascular Division), Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States, 2Radiology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States

Keywords: Myocardium, Cardiovascular

Motivation: Prolonged scan times in high-resolution 3D late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging hinders the full potential in clinical applications.  

Goal(s): The primary goal of this study was to develop and evaluate a 3D enhanced-resolution for 2D (ky-kz) accelerated 3D LGE imaging. 

Approach: A 3D generative adversarial network was implemented to enhance the spatial resolution of 2D-accelerated 3D LGE images.

Results: The proposed method at 6-fold acceleration (3-fold in ky and 2-fold in kz) maintained intricate scar details and improved image quality.

Impact: The improvement in acquisition speed by 2D acceleration may benefit patients presenting with heavy respiratory motion and may be less sensitive to contrast washout. 

13:30 0609.
In vivo STEAM and motion compensated spin echo diffusion tensor CMR in multiple cardiac phases: The effect of field strength
Andrew Scott1,2, Ke Wen1,2, Yaqing Luo1,2, Jiahao Huang1,3, Simon Gover1, Rajkumar Soundarajan1, Pedro F Ferreira1,2, Dudley J Pennell1,2, and Sonia Nielles-Vallespin1,2
1CMR Unit, The Royal Brompton Hospital, London, United Kingdom, 2National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom, 3Bioengineering, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom

Keywords: Myocardium, Magnets (B0)

Motivation: Diffusion tensor cardiovascular magnetic resonance (DT-CMR) studies described in the literature have almost uniquely been performed at 3T while 1.5T scanners are more widely available.

Goal(s): To compare the performance and microstructural parameters available from stimulated echo (STEAM) and motion compensated spin echo (MCSE) DT-CMR sequences at 1.5T and 3T.

Approach: DT-CMR was performed in 20 healthy volunteers using both sequences at both field strengths at peak systole and end diastole.

Results: MCSE and STEAM sequences are effective at both 1.5T and 3T. STEAM benefits from the increased SNR available at 3T.

Impact: DT-CMR studies should consider making use of 1.5T hardware where access to 3T scanners is more difficult particularly where MCSE sequences are to be used with systolic triggering.

13:30 0610.
Phenotypic clustering using cardiovascular magnetic resonance for risk stratification in beta-thalassemia major
Antonella Meloni1, Laura Pistoia1, Antonino Vallone2, Riccardo Righi3, Gennaro Restaino4, Nicolò Schicchi5, Emanuele Grassedonio6, Stefania Renne7, Ada Riva8, Paola Maria Grazia Sanna9, Monica Benni10, Filippo Cademartiri1, and Vincenzo Positano1
1Fondazione G. Monasterio CNR-Regione Toscana, Pisa, Italy, 2Azienda Ospedaliera "Garibaldi" Presidio Ospedaliero Nesima, Catania, Italy, 3Ospedale del Delta, Lagosanto (FE), Italy, 4Gemelli Molise SpA, Fondazione di Ricerca e Cura "Giovanni Paolo II", Campobasso, Italy, 5Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Ospedali Riuniti "Umberto I-Lancisi-Salesi", Ancona, Italy, 6Policlinico "Paolo Giaccone", Palermo, Italy, 7Presidio Ospedaliero “Giovanni Paolo II”, Lamezia Terme (CZ), Italy, 8Ospedale “SS. Annunziata” ASL Taranto, Taranto, Italy, 9Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Sassari, Sassari, Italy, 10Policlinico S. Orsola "L. e A. Seragnoli", Bologna, Italy

Keywords: Myocardium, Heart

Motivation: Machine learning algorithms provide a means to uncover hidden patterns within complex and heterogeneous datasets.

Goal(s): We aimed to identify phenogroups among patients with β-thalassemia major (TM) using an unsupervised clustering approach based on demographic, clinical, and CMR data.

Approach: We considered 356 β-TM patients who underwent MR for the assessment of iron overload, biventricular function and atrial, and replacement myocardial fibrosis.

Results: We identified three mutually exclusive phenogroups characterized by different biventricular function parameters and frequency of replacement myocardial fibrosis and by a different prospective risk of cardiovascular complications.

Impact: In TM, unsupervised clustering integrating routinely measured CMR parameters conveys the potential to significantly impact patient care and improve cardiovascular outcomes by enabling early detection of cardiac remodeling and damage, as well as improved risk stratification.  

13:30 0611.
In vivo investigation of recuperation dynamics of altered myocardial PDH activity induced by a ketogenic diet
Jun Chen1, Zohreh Erfani1, Abdallah Elnwasany2, Sarah Al Nemri1, Mai T Huynh1, Maheen Zaidi1, Crystal E Harrison1, Xiaodong Wen1, Pamela A Szweda2, Luke I Szweda2, and Jae Mo Park1,3,4
1Advanced Imaging Research Center, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, United States, 2Internal Medicine, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, United States, 3Biomedical Engineering, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, United States, 4Radiology, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, United States

Keywords: Myocardium, Metabolism

Motivation: Metabolic alterations associated with a ketogenic diet (KD) include suppressed carbohydrate utilization in the myocardium, but how quickly they recover by reverting to a normal diet (ND) is under-investigated.

Goal(s): This study investigates recuperation dynamics of myocardial pyruvate oxidation by reverting a KD to a ND.

Approach: Cardiac metabolism of healthy rats was longitudinally assessed using hyperpolarized [1-13C]pyruvate at baseline, during a KD, and a subsequent ND after the 5-week KD.

Results: Cardiac [13C]bicarbonate disappeared with a KD. Reverting to ND gradually recovered the PDH flux over eight days. [1-13C]Lactate production in the KD group showed the opposite but similar dynamic patterns.

Impact: Compensating the metabolic shifts by a ketogenic diet is challenged for proper assessment of cardiac metabolism and is often attempted by temporarily reverting the diet. Understanding the recuperation dynamics is crucial in proper assessment of cardiac metabolism.

13:30 0612.
Snap, Crackle And Pop: Benefits of Serial Motion Compensation in Cardiac Diffusion Tensor Imaging
Sam Coveney1, Maryam Afzali1,2, Richard J. Foster1, Lars Müller1, Noor Sharrack1, Nadira Y. Yuldasheva1, Sven Plein1, Filip Szczepankiewicz3, Erica Dall'Armellina1, Jürgen E. Schneider1, and Irvin Teh1
1Leeds Institute of Cardiovascular and Metabolic Medicine, University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom, 2Cardiff University Brain Research Imaging Centre (CUBRIC), School of Psychology, Cardiff University, Cardiff, United Kingdom, 3Medical Radiation Physics, Lund University, Lund, Sweden

Keywords: Myocardium, Myocardium, motion compensation, gradient moment nulling

Motivation: Cardiac diffusion tensor imaging (cDTI) based on spin-echo employs up to 2nd order (M2) motion compensated diffusion gradients. It is unclear whether higher order motion compensation would be beneficial.

Goal(s): To evaluate the impact of higher order motion compensation (i.e. velocity, acceleration, jerk, snap, crackle and pop) in cDTI.

Approach: Diffusion gradient waveforms with M1 to M6 motion compensation were designed and implemented in a prospective study of healthy volunteers. Mean diffusivity and fractional anisotropy maps were quantitatively evaluated.

Results: Significant reductions in MD and MD heterogeneity were observed in the M6 relative to M2 compensated data.

Impact: We demonstrate the potential importance of compensating for higher orders of motion (>M2) in cardiac diffusion MRI. This work may inform gradient waveform design for more accurate and robust cardiac diffusion MRI.

13:30 0613.
Feasibility of water-fat separated free-running 3D cardiac cine imaging with a phase-sensitive approach
Dinghui Wang1, Tzu Cheng Chao1, Jerome Yerly2,3, Matthias Stuber2,3, Christopher Roy2, Spencer Waddle1,4, Jacinta Browne1, and Tim Leiner1
1Radiology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, United States, 2Radiology, University Hospital and University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland, 3Center for Biomedical Imaging, Lausanne, Switzerland, 4MR R&D, Philips Healthcare, Rochester, MN, United States

Keywords: Myocardium, Heart, Cardiac CINE, free-running, water-fat separation, phase sensitive, fat suppression

Motivation: Water-fat separated (WFS) imaging can improve detection and characterization of various cardiovascular pathologies. We hypothesize that the signal phase at half the repetition time of balanced steady-state free precession (bSSFP) may be used for efficient WFS cine imaging.

Goal(s): To study the feasibility of WFS free-running 3D cardiac cine imaging using the phase-sensitive approach.

Approach: After reconstruction of 5D whole heart images, the global slowly varying phase was estimated and removed. Water and fat voxels were then identified according to the phase.

Results: Water and fat were sufficiently separated around the heart. A field map of off-resonance can partially mitigate peripheral water/fat swaps.

Impact: A phase sensitive approach for WFS only requires negligible computational cost and minor adjustment of repetition time. It might be implemented with a wide range of bSSFP cine imaging techniques for fat suppression or to provide complementary water/fat information. 

13:30 0614.
Free-running motion-resolved 5D whole-heart anatomical MRI at 3T without contrast agent
Augustin C. Ogier1, Isabel Montón Quesada1, Xavier Sieber1, Pauline Calarnou1, Jean-Baptiste Ledoux1,2, Bastien Milani1, Christopher W. Roy1, Jérôme Yerly1,2, Matthias Stuber1,2, and Ruud B. van Heeswijk1
1Department of Radiology, Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV) and University of Lausanne (UNIL), Lausanne, Switzerland, 2CIBM Center for BioMedical Imaging, Lausanne, Switzerland

Keywords: Heart Failure, Heart, Cardiovascular; Acquisition Methods; Analysis/Processing

Motivation: Routine cardiac function assessment uses breath-held 2D cine imaging. Self-gated free-running sequences have recently been proposed to simplify the workflow. However, at 3T, GRE-based sequences require contrast agents to achieve blood-myocardium contrast.

Goal(s): This study introduced a contrast-agent-free acquisition for assessing cardiac anatomy and function at 3T.

Approach: Based on an interrupted free-running sequence, the proposed approach integrates T2 preparation and recovery modules to optimize blood-to-myocardium-contrast. A compressed-sensing-based reconstruction was used to generate 5D images of the whole heart.

Results: The framework was validated in 11 healthy volunteers, where it demonstrated slightly lower contrast but enabled effective left-ventricle segmentation and exhibited high reproducibility. 

Impact: The proposed study introduces a contrast-agent-free method for a comprehensive 5D assessment of cardiac anatomy and function at 3T in a 5-minute acquisition. Demonstrating high agreement with the routine method, this approach holds promise for enhancing the overall patient management.

13:30 0615.
A deep learning framework for assessing remodelling and functional changes in infarcted left ventricles with reduced ejection fraction
Stefano Buoso1, Jochen von Spiczak1,2, Rabea Schlenker1,3, Robert Manka1,3, and Sebastian Kozerke1
1Institute for Biomedical Engineering, ETH Zurich and University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 2Diagnostic and Interventional Raidology, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 3Department of Cardiology, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland

Keywords: Myocardium, Cardiovascular, ischemia, deep-learning, strains, remodelling, function

Motivation: To perform a retrospective analysis of the anatomical and functional remodelling of left ventricles 4 and 12 months after the ischemic event. 

Goal(s): To assess differences in remodelling between patients with recovered function and those without.

Approach: A deep-learning framework was developed to fit a statistical shape model to all cardiac phases of each patient and compute strains, valve motion and morphological descriptors.

Results: Peak strain values and valve displacements at 4 and 12 months show different trends between patients with recovered function and those without. Peak-systolic shapes of patients with positive remodelling show a lower sphericity with respect to the others. 

Impact: A deep learning framework reveals that relative changes in peak systolic anatomical shapes, radial and circumferential strains and valve motion after 4 months could provide a discriminator for predicting positive remodelling and restoration of functionality in patient with heart failure.

13:30 0616.
Complex B1+ field-based conductivity mapping in the human myocardium at 3T
Paulina Siuryte1, Thierry Meerbothe2, Yi Zhang1, Markus Henningson3, Joao Tourais1, Christal van de Steeg-Henzen4, Qian Tao1, Stefano Mandija2, and Sebastian Weingärtner1
1TU Delft, Delft, Netherlands, 2UMC Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, 3Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden, 4Holland PTC, Delft, Netherlands

Keywords: Myocardium, Electromagnetic Tissue Properties, electrical properties, conductivity, parametric mapping, cardiac, EPT

Motivation: While electrical property tomography is gaining popularity, cardiac applications are limited due to inadequate cardiac B1+ mapping. Thus, conductivity mapping in the heart using complex B1+ maps is yet unexplored.

Goal(s): To measure myocardial conductivity from the complex B1+ distribution in the heart at 3T.

Approach: A novel |B1+| mapping method was adapted for free-breathing B1+ maps, followed by conductivity reconstruction via 1D polynomial fitting in saline phantoms and four healthy subjects.

Results: Phantom results show excellent correlation with expected values (R2=0.95). In-vivo, conductivity is largely homogenous with 0.69±0.13S/m average in-plane conductivity across all subjects, in line with the literature.

Impact: Electrical properties are a valuable biomarker, however, the translation to cardiac imaging remains limited. In this work, complex B1+ field-based conductivity is reported in the human myocardium at 3T, using a novel Bloch-Siegert shift-prepared cardiac B1+ mapping technique.

13:30 0617.
Interventional molecular MRI of early myocardial injury in a pig model of ischemia and reperfusion
Simon Reiss1, Timo Heidt2, Julien Thielmann2, Alexander Maier2, Constantin von zur Mühlen2, and Michael Bock1
1Division of Medical Physics, Dept. of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, University Medical Center Freiburg, Faculty of Medicine, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, 2Dept. of Cardiology, University Medical Center Freiburg, Faculty of Medicine, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany

Keywords: Myocardium, Heart

Motivation: Cardiac MRI has become the gold standard for non-invasive characterization of myocardial tissue. However, current MRI techniques only indirectly represent cardiac inflammation.

Goal(s): To assess if interventional molecular MRI allows for visualization of the cellular processes during the inflammatory response after myocardial infarction.

Approach: Iron-labeled P-selectin contrast agent was injected in pigs after 40 minutes of myocardial ischemia. To increase sensitivity, the contrast agent was injected into the coronary artery via an MR-guided intervention.

Results: Infarcted myocardial segments could be visualized using the iron-labeled contrast agent by increased R2* values both in vivo and ex vivo.

Impact: The intracoronary injection of molecular contrast agents using interventional MRI can add valuable information for preclinical studies of the early cellular processes after myocardial ischemia.

13:30 0618.
Regional fat distribution is associated with subclinical left atrial and left ventricular diastolic dysfunction in early adult obesity
Jing Liu1, Liqing Peng1, Wenzhang He1, and Xue Li1
1West China Hospital of Sichuan University, Chengdu, China

Keywords: Heart Failure, Cardiovascular

Motivation: Whether obese subjects with no clinical signs or comorbidities have diastolic dysfunction is unclear.

Goal(s): We non-invasively assess diastolic function in adults with uncomplicated obesity and evaluate its association with fat distribution. 

Approach: Left atrial (LA) and left ventricular (LV) strain and volume-time curve using cardiac magnetic resonance were compared.

Results: The obese patients had impaired diastolic function, manifested as lower LV diastolic strain rates and peak filling rate index and declined LA reservoir and conduit function compared with controls. Central fat has a negative association while peripheral fat has a positive association on diastolic function. 

Impact: CMR-derived feature tracking and volume-time curve non-invasively detected subclinical diastolic dysfunction in early adult obesity with preserved LVEF. This study also suggests that recognizing the role of different areas of fat on the heart may be beneficial for obese patients. 

13:30 0619.
Cardiac–hepatic magnetic resonance findings in children with Kawasaki disease
Shengkun Peng1, Lingyi Wen2, Meining Chen3, and Yingkun Guo2
1Department of Radiology, Sichuan Academy of Medical Sciences and Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, China, 2Sichuan University West China Second University Hospital, Chengdu, China, 3MR Research Collaboration, Siemens Healthineers, Chengdu, China

Keywords: Myocardium, Quantitative Imaging, Kawasaki disease

Motivation: Kawasaki Disease (KD) is recognized for cardiac and coronary arterial impact, however its influence on the liver remains underexplored, especially in pediatric patients.

Goal(s): Use T1 mapping to quantitatively evaluate cardiac-hepatic involvement and myocardial fibrosis in KD patients.

Approach: Using a 3T MR scanner, T1 mapping was conducted on the heart and liver of 115 KD patients and 40 controls, with myocardial fibrosis being diagnosed through LGE.

Results: KD patients displayed elevated cardiac and hepatic T1 values in both acute and chronic phases compared to controls. These values, in combined with sodium levels, were effective in identifying myocardial fibrosis in KD patients.

Impact: This study demonstrated T1 mapping was a noninvasive tool for the comprehensive assessment of cardiac-hepatic involvement and myocardial fibrosis in KD patients. 

13:30 0621.
Enhancing myocardial scar detection by combining fat-water separation with bright- and black-blood late gadolinium enhancement imaging
Manuel Villegas-Martinez1,2, Victor de Villedon de Naide1,2, Ilyes Ben Lala1,2, Kalvin Narceau1, Victor Nogues1, Gaël Dournes1,2, Claire Bazin2, Jean-David Maes2, Soumaya Sridi2, Matthias Stuber3,4, Hubert Cochet1,2, and Aurélien Bustin1,2
1IHU LIRYC, Electrophysiology and Heart Modeling Institute, Université de Bordeaux – INSERM, Centre de Recherche Cardio-Thoracique de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France, 2Department of Cardiothoracic Imaging, Hôpital Cardiologique du Haut-Lévêque, Bordeaux, France, 3Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, Lausanne University Hospital and University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland, 4Center for Biomedical Imaging (CIBM), Lausanne, Switzerland

Keywords: Myocardium, Fat

Motivation: Combined bright- and black-blood late gadolinium enhancement has shown potential for scar detection.However, accurate differentiation between scar and fat tissue in these images can pose a challenge.

Goal(s): To assess the SPOT-Dixon sequence, a joint bright- and black- blood methodology in combination with a two-point Dixon approach to improve myocardial scar detection and delineation.

Approach: The proposed sequence was tested in 13 patients with suspected cardiovascular diseases and the results were compared to those from reference sequences.

Results: The SPOT-Dixon sequence was able to reliably delineate scar tissue within the myocardium and differentiate it from fat in its proximity.

Impact: The proposed sequence combining the SPOT sequence and a two-point Dixon method gives reliable images of the myocardial scar and the fat tissue surrounding it, providing a valuable diagnostic advantage and potentially improving the accuracy of cardiovascular assessments.

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