ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition • 04-09 May 2024 • Singapore
13:30 |
Basic MRI
Hongxia LEI
Keywords: Education Committee: Clinical MRI This session introduces some of MRI essentials, including MRI instruments, nuclear spin, Lamar frequency-resonance, magnetization/precession/rotating frame and T1/T2 relaxation etc. Conventional spatial encoding based on gradients and geometrical method for MRI are briefly covered. In summary, MRI requires a strong magnet, some nuclear spins and RF transmit and receive. With an RF applied on resonance, we can manipulate the magnetization vector. The resulting MR signal has two characteristic relaxation times – T1 and T2. With numerous spatial encoding methods, MRI can be obtained. |
13:50 |
Contrast Mechanisms
Daniel Cornfeld
14:10 |
k-Space & Data Processing
Joseba Alonso
Keywords: Physics & Engineering: Physics, Image acquisition: Reconstruction These slides are for an introductory course to k-space and data sampling. This teaching material has been designed for non-experts, and we have strived to keep mathematical formalisms to the bare minimum. |
14:30 |
Basic Sequences & Acceleration Strategies
Reina Ayde
14:50 |
Identifying & Correcting for Artifacts
Michael Lipton
Keywords: Image acquisition: Artefacts Common MRI artifacts will be reviewed to clarify their mechanisms and leverage this knowledge to identify and implement solutions to reduce artifacts that lessen image quality. Common artifacts will be classified based on the way in which they impact image quality. |
15:10 |
Meet the Teachers |
The International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.