ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition • 04-09 May 2024 • Singapore

ISMRM & ISMRT 2024 Annual Meeting & Exhibition

Weekend Course

Advances in Gastrointestinal MRI

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Advances in Gastrointestinal MRI
Weekend Course
ORGANIZERS: Sonal Krishan, Takeshi Yokoo
Saturday, 04 May 2024
Room 325-326
08:00 -  11:50
Moderators: Elizabeth Hecht & S. Senthil Kumaran
Skill Level: Intermediate
Session Number: WE-09
CME Credit

Session Number: WE-09

MR imaging has become an essential tool for diagnosing a variety of liver diseases, including chronic liver disorders and hepatic neoplasms. It is also the mainstay for gastrointestinal cancer diagnosis and staging. This course presents the expanding role of MRI in the clinic, particularly in the setting of new treatment strategies.

Target Audience
Practicing MR clinicians wishing to be updated on hepatobiliary, pancreatic and lower gastrointestinal imaging as well as new directions the field is heading. MR researchers hoping to better understand the clinical landscape of hepatobiliary, pancreatic and gastrointestinal disease.

Educational Objectives
As a result of attending this course, participants should be able to:
- Describe the role and clinical utility of MRI in diagnosis, staging and evaluation of upper and lower GI cancers;
- Recognize new techniques for assessing non-malignant and malignant hepatobiliary, pancreatic and bowel disease; and
- Summarize the role of MRI in characterizing tissue response to new treatment strategies.

08:00   What the Hepatologists, Liver Surgeons & GI Oncologists Want To Know
Yong Eun Chung

Keywords: Body: Liver

MRI plays a crucial role in the management of liver cancer as a tool for screening, diagnosis, treatment planning and surgical guidance. In addition, in patients with NAFLD, which has emerged as a significant concern in recent years, MRI with MR elastography can accurately assess the hepatic steatosis and fibrosis in the liver.
08:25   Non-Invasive Testing for Liver Fibrosis: Multiparametric Liver Quantification
Sudhakar Venkatesh

Keywords: Body: Liver, Contrast mechanisms: Elastography, Image acquisition: Multiparametric

 MR Elastography has emerged as the leading non-invasive quantitative imaging marker of liver fibrosis and considered the reference standard. Advanced MRE technique known as “3D MRE” provides an opportunity for evaluation of new mechanical parameters including storage modulus (G’), loss modulus (G”), wave attenuation (α), damping ratio (ζ), and volumetric strain. Multiparametric evaluation including two or more of these MR parameters are promising for differentiating inflammation from fibrosis and improving diagnostic accuracy for liver fibrosis staging. Furthermore, the multiparametric MRE may aid in the diagnosis of portal hypertension and prediction of outcome in chronic liver diseases.
08:50   The Often-Missed Bile in the Hepatobiliary MRI: Exploiting the Tools in the Box
Maria Antonietta Bali

Keywords: Body: Digestive

Biliary diseases can be incidentally discovered in clinically asymptomatic patients or during a diagnostic work-up in cholestatic patients. For most pathological conditions, magnetic resonance (MR) with magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) is recommended as the second step imaging modality after ultrasound. 
MR acquisition protocol includes: conventional T2-weighted (T2W) images on coronal and axial planes; heavily 2D/3D T2-weighted MRCP (T2W MRCP) sequences on the coronal and axial planes, the latter centered on the intra-hépatiques bile ducts; axial diffusion-weighted imaging with high b values (>800 s/mm²); 3D T1-weighted  after hepato-specific contrast agents  administration will provide cholangiogram, besides the assessment of the liver parenchyma. 
09:15 Al in Hepatobiliary MRI: Landing on the Moon or Journey to Mars
Takeshi Nakaura, Toshinori Hirai

Keywords: Education Committee: Clinical MRI

 Deep Learning Reconstruction (DLR) evolutionizes MRI with noise reduction and super-resolution. This advancement positions DLR as the likely future standard for MRI examinations. Concurrently, the performance of large language models (LLM) has seen remarkable improvements, epitomized by the development of ChatGPT. The application of these models in the medical arena, particularly in the hepatobiliary sector, marks one of today's most promising AI frontiers. This presentation delves into the fundamentals of Deep Learning, elucidating the underlying mechanisms of DLR and LLM, and showcases their clinical applications with an emphasis on the hepatobiliary and pancreatic regions.
09:40   Break & Meet the Teachers
10:10   MRI of the Pancreas: How & Why I Do It
Saugata Sen
10:35   Evaluating Mesenteric Vasculature in MRI 4D Flow & Beyond: One-Stop Shop
Scott Reeder
11:00   Magnetic Resonance Enterography for Management Decision in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Beyond Diagnosis
Rebecca Dennis

Keywords: Body: Digestive, Cross-organ: Pediatric

Magnetic Resonance Enterography (MRE) is the main imaging modality for the assessment of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in children. Beyond its initial diagnostic value, MRE plays a significant role in monitoring therapeutic response and detecting potential complications. This session will delve into the various applications of MRE in managing IBD beyond initial endoscopic diagnosis. We will examine how MRE aids in evaluating treatment response and discuss its use in assessing patients with acute symptoms. Furthermore, we will explore the potential of MRE for identifying extraluminal and non-inflammatory findings that influence therapy and contribute to informed decision-making for optimal patient management.
11:25   MRI for Staging, Local Recurrence & Evolving Management Strategies in Colorectal Cancer: What Is New?
Thian Yee Liang

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The International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.