ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition • 04-09 May 2024 • Singapore

ISMRM & ISMRT 2024 Annual Meeting & Exhibition

Weekend Course

Advances in Perinatal MRI

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Advances in Perinatal MRI
Weekend Course
ORGANIZERS: Emmanuel Barbier, Jonathan Dillman, Christian Federau, Dan Wu
Sunday, 05 May 2024
Nicoll 1
07:45 -  11:35
Fetal MRI: Su-zhen Dong & Jana Hutter
Infant MRI: Sean Deoni & Peiying Liu
Skill Level: Basic to Advanced
Session Number: WE-22
CME Credit

Session Number: WE-22

This educational session focuses on both basic MRI techniques and recent advances in perinatal (fetal and infant MRI). The topics will cover acquisition and analysis techniques, safety issues in this special population, challenges with motion, etc. We will also discuss the clinical and basic science applications of perinatal MRI, including normal development and perinatal diseases associated with the brain and body organs.

Target Audience
MR physicists, obstetricians, neonatologists, and pediatric radiologists.

Educational Objectives
As a result of attending this course, participants should be able to:
- Define basic techniques in fetal and infant MRI;
-Summarize the new development in the field; and
- Describe what perinatal MRI can do to help in clinical settings.

    Fetal MRI
07:45   Fetal Brain Acquisition & Analysis
Joseph Hajnal
08:10 Normal Fetal Brain Development & Prenatal Diseases
Guangbin Wang

Keywords: Cross-organ: Antenatal, Neuro: Brain, Education Committee: Clinical MRI

The most rapid growth of the brain occurs in utero. MRI demonstrates the major developmental processes in utero, including the proliferation, migration, organization , gyration and myelination. Awareness of normal fetal brain development contributes to identify abnormalities. The key points for the MRI features of the common abnormalities promote accurate prenatal diagnosis.  In our talk, we present the key signs of ventriculomegaly, callosal agenesis, microcephaly, schizencephaly, gray matter heterotopia, holoprosencephaly, intra/extra-cerebral hemorrhage and posterior fossa anomalies. 
08:35   Fetal-Placental Interactions
Yao Wu
09:00   Safety Issues in Fetal MRI
Teresa Victoria
09:25   Break & Meet the Teachers
    Infant MRI
09:55 Infant MRI Acquisition & Safety Issues
Jian Yang, Xianjun Li, Chao Jin

Keywords: Cross-organ: Neonatal, Image acquisition: Motion correction, Cross-organ: Development

Infant MRI is challenging due to their immaturity, small physical size, and motion artifact. A customized approach tailored to each baby's age and functional status with appropriate combination of dedicated procedure, imaging hardware and software is key. This presentation summarizes several technical and clinical approaches that can help to ensure safety and decrease the need for sedation in infants. These range from feeding and swaddling to specialized small bore scanners and coils, MRI compatible incubators, and noise-reduction methods. New pre- and post-processing techniques with artificial intelligence can also decrease both scan time and motion artifacts to enable a successful scan.
10:20 Why Big Tools for Small Brains
Pew-Thian Yap

Keywords: Neuro: Brain

The infant brain is not a miniaturized adult brain and undergoes rapid and unique developmental processes. Using computational tools meant for adult MRI to analyze infant brains often leads to subpar results. This presentation discusses resources tailored specifically for analyzing infant MRI across various modalities, aiming to provide clearer insights into early human brain development.
10:45   Normal & Abnormal Infant Brain Development
Yong He

Keywords: Neuro: Brain connectivity

The structure and function human brain undergo rapid reorganization from birth to infancy, laying a critical foundation for the establishment of extensive cognitive and behavioral abilities later in life. I will present recent advances in typical and atypical brain development during infancy using multimodal neuroimaging techniques and connectome-based approaches.
11:10 Infant MRI Applications Beyond the Brain
Yun Peng

Keywords: Education Committee: Clinical MRI

The applications of infant MRI have extended beyond the realm of brain imaging. This lecture will elaborate on the significance of MRI in infant imaging, elucidate the challenges inherent in such imaging endeavors. We address clinical inquir, andies concerning the fundamental concepts essential for acquiring optimal images and deepen the understanding of the distinctive and optimal workflows associated with infant MR imaging. Moreover, we endeavor to present a large number of clinical cases beyond brain imaging, serving to illustrate the extensive applicability of infant MR examination in clinical settings and foster a deeper comprehension of this topic.

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The International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.