MR Imaging Hall C |
W 1130. In Vivo MR Studies of Acute and Chronic Fatty Liver, J-W. Chai, J-H. Chen, Y-C. Lin, C-C. Wu and C-P. Lee, Taichung Veterans General Hospital, National Yang-Ming University, China Medical College Hospital and National Chung-Hsing University, Taiwan. |
Th 1131. In Vivo Measurements of T2 Relaxation Times in Rat Liver Following Acute Drug Exposure, S.P. Holmes, P.J. Gareau, H. Dobson, G.M. Kirby and E.G. Janzen, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada and Robarts Research Institute, London Health Sciences Center, London, Ontario, Canada. |
M 1132. Diagnosis of Liver Abscess by SPIO-Enhanced Imaging and Diffusion-Weighted Imaging (EPI and SPLICE), M. Ida, Y. Hata, K. Fukuda and S. Tada, Tokyo Metropolitan Ebara Hospital and Jikei University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan. |
T 1133. Detection of Liver Lesions with Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide-Enhanced MR Imaging: MR Pulse Sequences and Optimal Dose, T. Tomemori, K. Yamakado, H. Sakuma, H. Kubo, K. Matsumura, N. Terada and K. Takeda, Mie University School of Medicine, Tsu, Mie, Japan and Saiseikai Matsusaka Hospital, Matsusaka, Mie, Japan. |
W 1134. Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC): Correlation Between Multihance™-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance (MR) Imaging and Pathological Findings, G. Pirovano, L. Grazioli, R. Caudana, G. Morana, S. Biancardi, G. Gheza, A. Chiesa, M.A. Kirchin and A. Spinazzi, Bracco S.p.A., Milan, Italy and Ospedale Civile, Brescia, Italy. |
Th 1135. Evaluation of the Accuracy of MultiHance™-Enhanced MRI in the Characterization of Focal Liver Lesions, G. Pirovano, A. Vanzulli, L. Marti-Bonmati, B. Hamm, E. Rummeny, G. Grazioli, R. Manfredi, A. Greco, N. Holzknecht, M. Kirchin and A. Spinazzi, Bracco S.p.A., Milan, Italy; National Health Service, Valencia, Spain; Humboldt-Universität, Berlin, Germany; Westfälischen-Wilhelms-Universität, Münster, Germany; Ospedale Civile, Brescia, Italy and Centre Hospitalier Princesse Grace, Monaco. |
M 1136. Perilesional Enhancement in Liver Metastases: MR-Pathologic Correlation, S.M. Hussain, R.C. Semelka, H.B. Marcos and J.T. Woosley, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC, USA and LUMC, Leiden, The Netherlands. |
T 1137. Chronic Hepatitis: Correlation of Enhancement Patterns on Gadolinium-Enhanced MR Images with Histopathology, S.M. Hussain, R.C. Semelka, H.B. Marcos and J.T. Woosley, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC, USA and LUMC, Leiden, The Netherlands. |
W 1138. Preliminary Results of the Comprehensive Evaluation of the Liver using MR in the Pre-Liver-Transplant Evaluation of Living Donors, R. Saouaf, W.C. Lin, J.C. Emond and J.H. Newhouse, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA. |
Th 1139. MRI Revealed Chronic Liver Injuries Caused by Microcystins, R. Frangez, M. Kosec, K. Beravs, F. Demar, B. Sedmak and D. uput, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia. |
M 1140. Combined Use of Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide (SPIO) and Dynamic Gadolinium Chelate (Gd) Enhanced MR Imaging in Detection and Characterization of Focal Liver Lesions, K. Takahama, M. Ishihara, H. Hayashi, T. Ichikawa and T. Kumazaki, Nippon Medical School, Tokyo, Japan. |
T 1141. MRI Assessment of Microcystin-LR Induced Hepatotoxicity in the Rat, S.A. Sturgeon and R.A. Towner, James Cook University, Townsville, Queensland, Australia. |
W 1142. Liver Regeneration in the Rat, P.D. Hockings, T.J. Roberts, D.G. Reid and K. Kramer, SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals, Welwyn, Herts, UK. |
Th 1143. Hepatic Parenchymal Changes after Proton Beam Radiotherapy: Evaulation with MR Imaging, H. Onaya, H. Yoshioka, Y. Itai, T. Okumura, Y. Akine, H. Tsuji and H. Tsujii, University of Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan and National Institute of Radiological Sciences, Chiba, Japan. |
M 1144. Multiphase Breathhold 3D MR Angiography for Functional and Morphological Evaluation of Liver Lesions, H. Hawighorst, J. Hansmann, S.O. Schönberg, R. Metzner and G. van Kaick, German Cancer Research Center and University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany. |
T 1145. Hepatic MR Imaging: Comparison of 2D and 3D Gradient Echo Techniques, M-J. Kim, D.G. Mitchell, K. Ito and P.N. Kim, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA, USA. |
W 1146. Comparative Studies of Magnetic Resonance Cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) among Different Three Sequences and Between 1.0 T and 1.5 T, M. Yasui, K. Honjo, S. Koike, T. Fujita, H. Okazaki and N. Matsunaga, Yamaguchi University School of Medicine, Yamaguchi, Japan. |
Th 1147. The Oddi Sphincter and Common Channel: Evaluation of Pharmacodynamic MR Cholangiopancreatography Using Fatty Meal and Secretin Stimulation, S. Koike, K. Honjo, K. Takano, M. Yasui, H. Okazaki, T. Emoto, M. Furukawa and N. Matsunaga, Yamaguchi University School of Medicine, Yamaguchi, Japan. |
M 1148. Anomalous Union of the Pancreatobiliary Duct System: Comparison of MR Cholangiopancreatography and Direct Cholangiopancreatography, S. Koike, K. Honjo, Y. Watanabe, M. Dohke and N. Matsunaga, Yamaguchi University School of Medicine, Yamaguchi, Japan and Kurashiki Central Hospital, Kurashiki, Japan. |
T 1149. Clinical Evaluation of 3D Half-Fourier RARE for MRCP: Comparison of 2D Single Thick Slice, 2D Multiple Slice, 3D Multiple Slice, and 3D Multiple Thin Slice MRCP, K. Yamaguchi, H. Sugimura, X.Q. Tong, M. Asato, Y. Yuki, R. Ochiai and S. Tamura, Miyazaki Medical College, Miyazaki, Japan. |
W 1150. Fatty-Meal Dynamic MR Cholangiography in Normal Subjects: Evaluation of Common Bile Duct and Sphincter of Oddi, S. Park, D-J. Kim, M-J. Kim, J-J. Chung, H-S. Yoo and J-T. Lee, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea. |
Th 1151. Magnetic Resonance Cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) in Cystic Fibrosis, V. Martinez-Sanjuan, S. Campos, F. Perez-Aguilar, M. Lloret and J. Celma, Hospital General Universitario de Valencia and Hospital La Fe, Valencia, Spain. |
M 1152. Optimal Parameters of MR Cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) Using Single-Shot Fast Spin-Echo (SSFSE) Sequence for Single Projection Technique and Multislice Technique, H. Haradome, T. Ichikawa, O. Hiroaki, K. Yoshihumi, O. Hiroshi, M. Koji, N. Shigeru, M. Noriyuki, N. Atushi, A. Tutomu and J. Hachiya, Kyorin University, Tokyo Japan; Yamanashi Medical University, Yamanashi, Japan and National Cancer Center Hospital, Chiba, Japan. |
T 1153. Neuroendocrine Tumor of the Pancreas: Biphasic CT versus MR Imaging in Tumor Detection, H. Haradome, T. Ichikawa, R.L. Baron, M.S. Peterson, M.P. Federe, Y. Kawamori and J. Hachiya, Kyorin University, Mitaka, Japan and University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. |
W 1154. MRCP in the Assessment of Surgical Anastomoses, A.R. Gillams and W.R. Lees, University College London Medical School and The Middlesex Hospital, London, UK. |
Th 1155. Breath-Hold Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Comparison with Endoscopic Ultrasonagraphy for the Evaluation of Abnormalities of the Gallbladder, T. Masui, M. Katayama, K. Ichijo, H. Yamamoto and H. Ogawa, Seirei Hamamatsu General Hospital and Seirei Mikatabara General Hospital, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan. |
M 1156. 3D MRI for Detection of Traumatic Intra-Abdominal Hemorrhage and Adominal Parenchymal Injuries, D. Weishaupt, P.R. Hilfiker, S.G. Ruehm, M.A. Patak, M. Schmidt, K. Tarlo and J.F. Debatin, University Hospital, Zurich, Switzerland and Nycomed Amersham Imaging, Wayne, PA, USA. |
T 1157. Clinical Evaluation of 3D Half-Fourier RARE for MRCP: Comparison of Short and Long Inter-Echo Train Spacing RARE Sequence, H. Sugimura, K. Yamaguchi, Y. Machida, S. Kitane, X.Q. Tong, M. Asato, Y. Yuki, R. Ochiai and S. Tamura, Miyazaki Medical College, Miyazaki, Japan and Toshiba Nasu Works, Tochigi, Japan. |
W 1158. Comparison of HASTE with Positive Luminal Contrast Enhanced Spin-Echo and Gradient-Echo Imaging in Crohn Disease, N. Hosten, K.T. Hoffmann, B. Wiedenmann, C. Stroszcynski, A. Lemke, T. Liebig and R. Felix, Virchow-Klinikum, Berlin, Germany. |
Th 1159. Mucinous Versus Non-Mucinous Rectal Carcinomas: Differentiation with MR Imaging, S.M. Hussain, E.K. Outwater and E.S. Siegelman, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA, USA; LUMC, Leiden, The Netherlands and University of Pennsylvania Medical Center, Philadelphia, PA, USA. |
M 1160. Portal Venous Flow Measurement by Phase Contrast MR Imaging: Observation under Temporary Balloon Occlusion of the Proper Hepatic Artery, A. Nakatsuka, H. Sakuma, K. Yamakado, N. Tanaka, M. Goto, T. Hirano, K. Matsumura and K. Takeda, Mie University School of Medicine, Mie, Japan. |
T 1161. Breath-hold T1W Imaging forAbdomen with Multi-Shot FE EPI, Y. Kassai, H. Kanazawa, J. Makita, S. Kuhara and Y. Machida, Toshiba Medical Engineering Laboratory and Toshiba Nasu Works, Tochigi, Japan. |
W 1162. The Evaluation of the Anorectal Function by MR Proctography: Comparison with the Anorectal Pressure Measurement. H. Yokota, M. Matoba, Y. Kuginuki, H. Tonami, I. Yamamoto, F. Tomita and S. Takashima, Kanazawa Medical University, Ishikawa, Japan. |
Th 1163. MR Residue Sign; A Simple and Easy Indicator of the Obstructive Site in Small Bowel Obstruction, T. Takahara, Y. Kurihara, M. Tokuda, M. Obuchi, H. Sato, M. Takahashi, Y. Nakajima and T. Ishikawa, Yokohama Sakae Kyosai Hospital, Yokohama, Japan; St. Marianna University School of Medicine, Kawasaki, Japan and Showa University Fujigaoka Hospital, Yokohama, Japan. |
M 1164. Examination of Pyloric Function using Magnetic Resonance Imaging, H. Eggers, H. Faas, P. Boernert and P. Boesiger, Philips Research, Hamburg, Germany; University of Zurich and Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland. |
T 1165. Gastrointestinal Transit of Pharmaceutical Capsules Observed with 19F-MR Projection Imaging in Man, R. Schwarz, B. Künnecke, K. Scheffler, R. Haselhorst and J. Seelig, Biocenter of the University, Basel, Switzerland. |
W 1166. A Colloidal Drug Carrier Model for Oral Dosage Forms Intragastric Distribution Studied by MRI, H. Faas, T. Rades, C. Feinle, P. Kunz, C. Ramseyer, M. Fried, W. Schwizer and P. Boesiger, University and ETH, Zürich, Switzerland; Hoffmann-La Roche, Basle, Switzerland and University Hospital Zürich, Switzerland. |
Th 1167. Effect of Resection of Retroperitoneal Fat on Glucose Tolerance in Obese Zucker and Wistar Rats, M. Szayna, L. Polikova, J. Egan and R.G.S. Spencer, National Institutes of Health, Baltimore, MD, USA. |
M 1168. Fast and Accurate Determination of Abdominal Adipose Tissue Distribution, S.A. Gronemeyer, R.G. Steen, W.M. Kauffman, W.E. Reddick and J.O. Glass, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Memphis, TN, USA. |