MR: Methods and Models Hall C |
Th 1799. Time-Dependent Noble Gas Diffusion NMR in Porous Media and Implications for Lung Study, R. Mair, G. Wong, D. Hoffman, S. Patz, M. Hurlimann, L. Schwartz and R. Walsworth, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, MA, USA; Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA, USA and Schlumberger-Doll Research, Ridgefield, CT, USA. |
M 1800. Measuring Diffusion of Xenon in Solution with Hyperpolarized 129Xe NMR, J. Wolber, S.J. Doran, M.O. Leach and A. Bifone, The Royal Marsden NHS Trust, Sutton, Surrey, UK and University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey, UK. |
T 1801. 1H and 19F MRS Investigation of the Influence of Viscosity on Diffusion and Longitudinal Relaxation of Small Molecules, A.S.K. Dzik-Jurasz, J. Wolber, M.O. Leach and I.J. Rowland, The Institute of Cancer Research and The Royal Marsden NHS Trust, Sutton, Surrey, UK. |
W 1802. A Phantom Study of Restricted Diffusion of Water in White Matter, Y. Gauthier and I. Cameron, Carleton University and Ottawa Hospital - General Campus, Ottawa, ON, Canada. |
Th 1803. Test Liquids to Monitor Accuracy in Measuring Apparent Self-Diffusion Coefficient for Multi-Centre Studies, P.S. Tofts, D. Lloyd, G. Barker, G.J.M. Parker, C.A. Clark, P. McConville, C. Baldock and J.M. Pope, University College, London, UK and Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia. |
M 1804. Directional Dependence of Diffusion Weighted BOLD fMRI at 9.4 T, S-P. Lee, A.C. Silva and S-G. Kim, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA. |
T 1805. A Comparison of Reduced Encoding Imaging Techniques for Diffusion Tensor Imaging, E.W. Hsu and C.S. Henriquez, Duke University and Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, USA. |
W 1806. Multi-Component Apparent Diffusion Coefficients in Human Brain: Grey/White Matter Differences and Spin-Lattice Relaxation Times, R.V. Mulkern, H.P. Zengingonul, D. Holtzman, C.R.G. Guttmann, R.L. Robertson, W. Kyriakos, F.A. Jolesz and S.E. Maier, Children's Hospital and Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA. |
Th 1807. Simple Mathematical Model of Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Decrease Following Brain Ischemia, J. Hrabe, C. Nicholson, N.C. Huang and J.A. Helpern, Nathan S. Kline Institute, Orangeburg, NY, USA; Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY, USA and New York University Medical School, New York, NY, USA. |
M 1808. Separation of Two Diffusion Compartments in the Human Brain, F. Kraemer, A. Darquie, C.A. Clark and D. Le Bihan, Service Hospitalier Frédéric Joliot, Orsay, France. |
T 1809. Diffusion Tensor Imaging Without Diagonalization Using the Physical Properties of the Diffusion Ellipsoid, A.M. Ulug and P.C.M. van Zijl, Cornell University Medical College, New York, NY, USA and Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA. |
W 1810. Quantitative Assessment of Injury in the Spinal Cord of a Rat in vivo using MRI of Water Diffusion Tensor, A.T. Krzy¿ak, A. Jasiñski, P. Kozlowski, D. Adamek, P. Sagnowski and J. Pindel, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland and National Research Council, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. |
Th 1811. In Vitro Measurements of Water Diffusion in Inflated Lung, M.R. Estilaei and A. MacKay, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada. |
M 1812. Development of Methods for MRI Measurement of Ischemic Mouse Brain Apparent Diffusion Coefficient (ADC), G.B. Matson, Y. Kokubo, N. Derugin, A. Mancuso, T.C. Hill and P.R. Weinstein, Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center and University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA. |
T 1813. Diffusional Anisotropy in Bovine Optic Nerve after Heating, G.J. Stanisz, S.J. Graham, A. Kecojevic and R.M. Henkelman, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. |
W 1814. Estimation of the Principal Diffusivities in the Spinal Cord, C.A. Clark, Service Hospitalier Frédéric Joliot, Orsay, France. |
Th 1815. Sensitivity Encoding for Single-Shot Diffusion Imaging, K.P. Pruessmann, M. Weiger, A.M.C. van Muiswinkel and P. Boesiger, University and ETH, Zurich, Switzerland and Phillips Medical Systems, Best, The Netherlands. |
M 1816. Diffusion-Weighted Imaging of the Cervical Spine with Single Shot Fast Spin Echo (SSFSE) Sequence, H. Yamada, T. Okubo, O. Abe, M. Akahane, T. Masumoto, N. Hayashi, A. Abe, K. Ohtomo and H. Kabasawa, University of Tokyo and GE Yokogawa Medical Systems, Tokyo, Japan. |
T 1817. Optimising the Image Quality of Diffusion Sensitised Turbo Spin Echo Sequences, H.G. Jenniskens, J. van den Brink, P.J.M. Folkers and G.H. van Yperen, Philips Medical Systems, Best, Netherlands. |
W 1818. Correction of Image Shift and Distortion in Diffusion-Weighted Echo Planar Imaging, X.J. Zhou, J.K. Maier, S.J. Huff and B.J. Mock, General Electric Medical Systems, Milwaukee, WI, USA. |
Th 1819. Single-Shot 3D Diffusion Weighted FSE Imaging Using a Cubic Target Excitation, H. Takai, H. Kanazawa, M. Miyazaki, Y. Kassai, Y. Machida and F. Kojima, Toshiba Nasu Works and Toshiba Medical Engineering Laboratory, Tochigi, Japan. |
M 1820. Sampling and Reconstruction Effects Due to Motion in Diffusion-Weighted Interleaved EPI, D. Atkinson, D. Porter and D.L.G. Hill, The Guy's, King's & St. Thomas' School of Medicine, Guy's Hospital and University College London Medical School, London, UK. |
T 1821. Oscillating Field Gradient Measurements of Restricted Diffusion, M. Schachter, R.P. Kennan, A.W. Anderson and J.C. Gore, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA. |
W 1822. High Resolution Diffusion Imaging via a Radial Fast Spin-Echo Method, R.J. Theilmann, T.P. Trouard, M.I. Altbach and A.F. Gmitro, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA. |
Th 1823. High b-Value Diffusion Tensor Imaging Using a High Performance Whole-Body Gradient Coil, B.J. Mock, K. Kuppusamy, L. Augustine, B. Collick and X.J. Zhou, GE Medical Systems, Milwaukee, WI, USA. |
M 1824. High-Resolution Diffusion-Weighted Imaging of Stroke using DIFRAD-FSE, T.P. Trouard, R.J. Theilmann and A.F. Gmitro, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA. |
T 1825. Navigator Aided, Multishot EPI Diffusion Images of Brain with Complete Orientation and Anisotropy Information, R. Muthupallai, C.A. Holder, A.W. Song and W.T. Dixon, Philips Medical Systems, Houston. TX, USA and Emory University, Atlanta, GA, USA. |
W 1826. Diffusion Trace Mapping in Normal Adult Brain Using Different Single-Shot Techniques, Z.G. Chen, T.Q. Li, S. Skare, P. Skejö and T. Hindmarsh, Karolinska Hospital/Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden and Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, USA. |
Th 1827. Single-Scan Diffusion Trace 1H NMR Spectroscopy, R.A. de Graaf, K.P.J. Braun and K. Nicolay, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands. |
M 1828. High-Speed Diffusion-Weighted Imaging Using a Single-Shot Line Scan Technique, J. Finsterbusch and J. Frahm, Biomedizinische NMR Forschungs GmbH, Göttingen, Germany. |
T 1829. Diffusion Weighted MR Imaging of the Abdomen Using a Quantitative BURST Sequence, J. Wolber, C. Wheeler-Kingshott, M.O. Leach and S.J. Doran, The Royal Marsden NHS Trust, Sutton, Surrey, UK and University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey, UK. |
W 1830. Correction of Eddy Current Induced Artefacts in MR Diffusion Tensor Imaging using Iterative Cross-Correlation, M.E. Bastin, University of Edinburgh, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. |
Th 1831.
Modified Single-Shot Fast Spin-Echo Scanning Provides
Brain Diffusion Imaging on an Open 0.2 Tesla Scanner, F. Schick, D. Wildgruber, T. Nägele, J. Trübenbach and C.D. Claussen, University of Tübingen, Germany. |
M 1832. Eddy Current Compensation in Diffusion-Weighted, Stimluated Echo EPI, S.C. Smart, D.A. Porter, F. Calamante, M.A. Hall-Craggs and A. Connelly, University College London Hospitals NHS Trust and University College London Medical School, London, UK. |
T 1833. The Ability of Line Scan Diffusion Imaging Method - Comparison with Echo Planar Diffusion Imaging, M. Fukuzaki, A.L. Alexander, C. Goodrich, K. Hasan, H.R. Buswell, G.T. Gullberg and D.L. Parker, Tokai University Junior College, Tokyo, Japan and University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, USA. |
W 1834. Assessment of Isotropic Diffusion Weighted Multishot Imaging using Automatic Reacquisition. Q. Nguyen, M. Clemence and R.J. Ordidge, University College London, UK and University of Exeter, UK. |