and Artifacts: Cardiac, Respiratory, Flow and General
Motion Hall C |
Th 1988. Velocity Shifting Reconstruction for Flow Artifact Reduction, P. Irarrázaval and J.M. Santos, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile. |
M 1989. Evaluation of SLINKY: Reduced Misregistration and Ghosting Artifact, K. Liu, Picker International Inc., Highland Heights, OH, USA. |
T 1990. Quality Control of the Accuracy of MR Localization in Stereotactic Surgery, E.M. Moore and A. Simmons, King's College Hospital and Institute of Psychiatry, London, UK. |
W 1991. Constrained Motion Artifacts in Wavelet Encoded MRI, R. Khadem and G.H. Glover, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA. |
Th 1992. Variance Components of Two-Dimensional Strain Parameters in the Left-Ventricular Heart Wall Obtained by MR Tagging, J.P.A. Kuijer, J.T. Marcus, M.J.W. Götte, A.C. van Rossum and R.M. Heethaar, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. |
M 1993. Cardiac Imaging at 3 Tesla: B0 Inhomogeneity and T2* Measurements, R. Noeske, F. Seifert, K.H. Rhein and H. Rinneberg, Fachbereich Medizinische Meßtechnik, Berlin, Germany. |
T 1994. High Resolution Cardiac Imaging of the Rabbit at 4.0 Tesla, A.S. Blom, J.J. Pilla, R.L. Greenman, V.A. Ferrari, L. Dougherty, M.D. Taylor, H.L. Zhu and L. Axel, University of Pennsylvania Medical Center, Philadelphia, PA, USA. |
W 1995. Improved ECG Triggering with the T-Wave Terminator, D.C. Bloomgarden, G.R. Morris, J. Valentine, A.J. Powell and T. Chung, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA, USA; Magnetic Resonance Equipment Corporation, Bay Shore, NY, USA and Children's Hospital, Boston, MA, USA. |
Th 1996. Improved Evaluation of Motion Statistics for Real-Time Respiratory Gating, K. Nehrke, P. Börnert, J.C. Böck, D. Holz, T. Schaeffter, R. Sinkus and S. Weiss, Medical Faculty Charité, Berlin, Germany and Philips Research, Hamburg, Germany. |
M 1997. Slice Dependent Correction (SDC): An Extension to Motion Adapted Real Time Navigator Correction, A. Bornstedt, E. Nagel, B. Schnackenburg, H. Oswald and E. Fleck, Humboldt University, German Heart Institute and Philips Medical Systems, Berlin, Germany. |