Quantification Hall C |
M 2005. Fast Dynamic NMR Microscopy Model-Free Quantitation of Flow and Diffusion, T.W.J. Scheenen, D. van Dusschoten, P.A. de Jager and H. Van As, Wageningen Agricultural University, Wageningen, Germany. |
T 2006. Fully Automated MRA Flow Detection, U. Köhler, The University of Edinburgh, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. |
W 2007. Real Time Interactive 2D Flow Quantitation, O. Heid, Siemens AG, Erlangen, Germany. |
Th 2008. On the Nature of Spiral Flow Sequences When Using Very High and Moderate Field MRI, M. Pedersen, B. Geilman, S. Ringgaard and H. Stødkilde-Jørgensen, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark and Odense University Hospital, Odense, Denmark. |
M 2009. Flow Relaxivity, J-H. Lee, X. Li, M.K. Sammi and C.S. Springer, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, USA and State University of New York, Stony Brook, NY, USA. |
T 2010. Stable Periodic Vortex Shedding Studied by MRI, Computational Fluid Dynamics and Laser Flow Visualisation, I. Marzouqa, M.N.J. Paley, I.D. Wilkinson, D.R. Hose, J.W. Fenner, Y. Noguchi and P.D. Griffiths, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, England. |
W 2011. Does CSF Flow Dynamics Characterize the Mechanical State of the Craniospinal System? N. Alperin, C. Stelzig, W. Betz, F. Charbel and T. Lichtor, University of Illinois at Chicago, IL, USA. |
Th 2012. Phase Contrast Cine MR Velocity Analysis of the Cerebrospinal Fluid Flow Waveforms Through the Craniospinal Axis, M.C. Henry-Feugeas, I. Idy-Peretti, O. Baledent, A.P. Didon, P. Cornu, G. Zannoli, J. Bittoun and E. Schouman-Claeys, Bichat Claude Bernard Hospital, Paris, France; Faculté de Médecine, Amiens, France; Salpêtrière Hospital, Paris, France; General Electric Medical Systems, Buc, France and Université Paris sud, le Kremlin-Bicêtre, France. |
M 2013. Can Flow-void Phenomena on Turbo Spin-Echo MR Images be Used to Indicate CSF Hydrodynamics? M-Y. Chen, C-Y. Chen and H-W. Chung, Yuan-Pei Institute of Medical Technology, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan, ROC and Tri-Service General Hospital and National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC. |
T 2014. Quantitated Flow Mapping with MRI of Total Cerebral Blood Flow: What Causes Variation? A. Spilt, F.M.A. Box, R.J. van der Geest, J.H.C. Reiber and M.A. van Buchem, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, The Netherlands. |
W 2015. Does Magnetic Resonance Phase Velocity Mapping Provide Repeatable Blood Flow Measurements? G.P. Chatzimavroudis, J.N. Oshinski, P.G. Walker, R.H. Franch, A.P. Yoganathan and R.I. Pettigrew, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA, USA; Leeds University, Leeds, UK and Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA. |
Th 2016. Direct Acceleration Measurement with a Modern Whole Body Unit, J. Forster, F. Schick, L. Sieverding, J. Breuer, J. Apitz, C.D. Claussen and O. Lutz, Universität Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany. |
M 2017. Precision of the MR Velocity and Acceleration Measurements: Theoretical Issues and Phantom Experiments, E. Durand, O. Jolivet, E. Itti and J. Bittoun, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Bicêtre, Le Kremlin-Bicêtre, France and Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Pitié Salpêtrière, Paris, France. |
T 2018. A Demonstration of Errors in Relative Pressure Calculations from MR Velocity Data, D.H. Laidlaw and J.M. Tyszka, Brown University, Providence, RI, USA and City of Hope National Medical Center, Duarte, CA, USA. |
W 2019. Determination of Peak Velocity Using Fast Fourier Velocity Encoding, D. Galea, M.L. Lauzon, B.K. Rutt and M. Drangova, University of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada. |
Th 2020. Accuracy of Pulse Wave Velocity Estimation using Multislice Phase Contrast Flow Measurements, J.M. Boese, M. Bock and L.R. Schad, Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany. |
M 2021. User Independent MRI Determination of Subpixel Vessel Wall Position and Wall Shear Stress Throughout the Cardiovascular System by the Automatic Multiple Sectored 3D-Paraboloid Method, S. Oyre, P. Bonvin and E.M. Pedersen, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark. |
T 2022. In-Vivo Measurement of Wall Shear Stresses in the Human Carotid Bifurcation Using High Resolution MRI-Phase Contrast, Variable Velocity Encoding and Three-Dimensional Paraboloid Fitting, E.M. Pedersen, S. Ringgaard, R. Stockholm, H. Flaagoy and S. Oyre, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark. |
W 2023. Simulations of Cine Phase-Contrast Flow Imaging, I. Marshall, University of Edinburgh, UK. |
Th 2024. Velocity Quantitation in Arteries Using Individualized and Automated Variable Velocity Encoding (VENC) for Each Heart Phase, S. Ringgaard, S. Oyre, H. Flaagoy, R. Stockholm and E.M. Pedersen, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark. |
M 2025. Particle Trace Visualization of Cardiac Flow Patterns using 3D Phase Contrast MRI: An in vitro Comparison with Streamlines Created using Dye, T. Ebbers, L. Wigström, A. Fyrenius, A.F. Bolger and M. Karlsson, Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden and University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA. |
T 2026. Particle Trace Visualization of Flow Patterns Downstream of a Prosthetic Aortic Valve in Patients, S. Kozerke, J.M. Hasenkam, E.M. Pedersen and P. Boesiger, University and ETH, Zurich, Switzerland and Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark. |
W 2027. Transient Streamlines: A New Way of Visualising Flow with MR Phase Velocity Mapping, G.Z. Yang, P.J. Kilner, R.H. Mohiaddin and D.N. Firmin, Royal Brompton Hospital, London, UK. |
Th 2028. Measurement of Flow in Presence of Simulated Cardiac Motion Using Segmented Velocity Mapping: A Phantom Study, F. Ståhlberg, L. Sandhall, E. Törnqvist and H. Arheden, Lund University Hospital, Lund, Sweden. |
M 2029. 3D Measurements of Velocity Patterns in the Left Ventricle with Navigator Gating In Vitro Evaluation and in vivo Application, S. Dønstrup, S. Kozerke, W.Y. Kim, P. Boesiger and E.M. Pedersen, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark and University of Zurich and Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland. |
T 2030. Comparing a Computational Model of the Blood Flow in the Left Ventricle with in Vivo Magnetic Resonance Velocity Mapping, P. Thorup, J.M. Jacobsen, K. Houlind, W.Y. Kim, E.M. Pedersen and J. Larsen, Math-Tech, Copenhagen, Denmark; Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark; Roskilde University, Roskilde, Denmark and Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark. |
W 2031. Measuring Flow Reattachment Downstream of a Stenosis using RUFIS, H.M. Gach and I.J. Lowe, University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. |
Th 2032. 4-D MR Velocity Mapping in Patients with Aortic Grafts, H.G. Bogren, M.H. Buonocore and D.M. Follette, University of California, Davis, California, USA. |
M 2033. 4-D Magnetic Resonance Velocity Mapping of Blood Flow Patterns in the Aorta in Young and Elderly Normal Subjects, H.G. Bogren and M.H. Buonocore, University of California, Davis, CA, USA. |
T 2034. Regularization of the Three-Point Phase-Contrast Method for Aortic Velocity Mapping, A. Herment, O. Jolivet, E. Mousseaux, F. Frouin and J. Bittoun, INSERM, Paris, France and Hopital de Bicêtre, Orsay, France. |