
The 7th Scientific Meeting & Exhibition of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine will be held at the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., 24-28 May 1999. While the short program for this meeting was published in the MR Pulse Newsletter, it is also available here in a slightly modified format. It is designed to provide links to the more detailed information in the long program.

The short program for this meeting can be seen in two ways on this page: You can either scroll through chronologically or select one of the links below to view a specific day's scheduled events. Additionally, there are links within this page that will enable you to see specific details of the events, including poster titles, presenter names, and other valuable information. Notice that while the meeting actually begins on 22 May 1999 with the Weekend Educational Programs, these programs are not included here.

There is a section for poster sessions, which gives the session name, site and time, and provide links to the posters that are included in that session. The posters are organized by number, with a letter denoting the day on which the poster's author is present preceding the poster number.

Monday, 24 May 1999
Tuesday, 25 May 1999
Wednesday, 26 May 1999
Thursday, 27 May 1999,
Friday, 28 May 1999

Poster Sessions

MONDAY, 24 May 1999

07:45 Welcome and Medal Presentations, Robert J. Herfkens, President

08:20 Third Annual Lauterbur Lecture
How I stumbled Across the Spin Echo, Erwin L. Hahn

Plenary Lectures
Spin Echoes and Beyond

10:15 - 11:00
Coffee Break

11:00 - 13:00
Oral Sessions and Clinical Categorical

Clinical Categorical:
Hepatobiliary MRI
Ballroom A

Fast Imaging- General
Ballroom B

Body MR Angiography and Venography
Room 201 A/B

Myocardial Mechanics and Ischemia
Room 201 C

MR Spectroscopy of Cells, Body Fluids, and Other
Room 203

MR Spectroscopy of White Matter Disease and Degeneration
Room 204 A/B

MR Imaging
of Brain - Stroke
Thrombolysis and Reperfusion

Room 204 C

13:00 - 14:00
Gold Corporate Member Lunchtime Symposium - Siemens Medical Systems, Inc.
The Future of MR Through Dedicated Systems
Room 108

 14:00 - 16:00
Poster Session, Poster Walking Tours, Symposium Clinical Focus Sessions,
and Study Groups

(1/4 of authors present)

Poster Walking Tour:

Contrast Agents

Poster Walking Tour:

Spectroscopy Localization Imaging

Hall C

Study Group:
Cardiac MR
Room 201 A/B

Special Symposium: Hot Topics for Clinical Practice
Ballroom C

Study Group:
Dynamic NMR Spectroscopy
Room 203

Clinical Focus Session:
Detection and Characterization of Cancer in the Abdomen
Room 204A/B

Clinical Focus Session:
MR Imaging of Acute Stroke
Room 204C

 16:00 - 16:30
Coffee Break

16:30 - 18:30
Oral Sessions and Educational Course

MR Physics and Techniques for Clinicians
Ballroom A
Vessel Wall Imaging
Ballroom B
Faster Reconstruction Methods
Room 201 A/B
Safety and Bioeffects
Room 201 C
MR Spectroscopy of the Abdomen and Pelvis
Room 203
Segmentation and Registration in the Brain
Room 204 A/B
MR Imaging of Pulmonary Ventilation
Room 204 C
18:30 - 20:00
Bronze Corporate Member Symposia
Schering AG
MR Imaging of the Carotids
Room 204 A/B
Toshiba Corporation
Perspectives on Future MRI Technology
Room 201 A/B

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TUESDAY, 25 MAY 1999

 07:00 - 08:00
Morning Categorical Courses
MRI of Sports Injuries

Room 201 A/B
MR Angiography

Room 204 A/B
Clinical Spectroscopy

Room 201 C

08:15 - 09:30
Plenary Lectures
Angiogenesis: Principles and Importance in Cancer and Ischemic Heart Disease

 09:30 - 10:30
Coffee Break

10:30 - 12:30
Oral Sessions and Clinical Categorical

Clinical Categorical:
Cardiac Imaging
Ballroom A

Tumor Angiogenesis and Vascularity
Ballroom B

New MRA Techniques
Room 201 A/B

RF Coil Developments for Clinical MR
Room 201 C

Image Filtering
Room 203

Flow and Function in the Abdomen
Room 204 A/B

Musculoskeletal MR Spectroscopy
Room 204 C

12:30 - 13:30
Gold Corporate Member Lunchtime Symposium - G.E. Medical Systems
Advances in Cardiovascular MRI
Room 108

 13:30 - 15:30
Poster Session, Poster Walking Tours, Clinical Focus Sessions,
and Study Groups

(1/4 of authors present)

Poster Walking Tour:
Abdominal Imaging

Poster Walking Tour:
MR-Guided Thermotherapy

Hall C

Study Group:
MRI Efficacy
Room 201 A/B

Study Group: MR Engineering
Room 201 C

Clinical Focus Session:
MR Angiography of the Central Nervous System
Room 203

Clinical Focus Session:
Myocardial Viability
Room 204A/B

Clinical Focus Session:
MR Spectroscopy of Brain
Room 204C

 15:30 - 16:00
Coffee Break

16:00 - 18:00
Oral Sessions and Educational Course

MR Physics and Techniques for Clinicians
Ballroom A
Coronary Artery Imaging
Ballroom B
Motion and Artifacts
Room 201 A/B
Spectroscopy Localization and Imaging
Room 201 C
Measuring the Previously Unmeasured
Room 203
fMRI Noise: Head Motion and Physiological Fluctuation
Room 204 A/B
Cardiac MRS and MRSI
Room 204 C
18:15 - 19:15
ISMRM Business Meeting
19:15 - 20:45
Bronze Corporate Member Symposia

Picker International, Inc.
Use of Echo Planar BOLD fMRI for Clinical and Research Purposes
Room 201 A/B


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 07:00 - 08:00
Morning Categorical Courses
MRI of Sports Injuries

Room 201 A/B
MR Angiography

Room 204 A/B
Clinical Spectroscopy

Room 201 C

08:15 - 09:30
Plenary Lectures
Imaging Issues in Women's Health

 09:30 - 10:30
Coffee Break

10:30 - 12:30
Oral Sessions and Clinical Categorical

Clinical Categorical:
MRI in Gynecology
Ballroom A

Metabolic Responses Underlying fMRI
Ballroom B

Mycardial Perfusion
Room 201 A/B

Non-Proton Imaging and Quantification
Room 201 C

Diffusion Tensor MRI of Animal and Human Brain
Room 203

Pediatric MR Spectroscopy
Room 204 A/B

Contrast Agents: New Developments and Applications
Room 204 C

12:30 - 13:30
Gold Corporate Member Lunchtime Symposium - Nycomed Amersham
Room 108

 13:30 - 15:30
Poster Session, Poster Walking Tours, Clinical Focus Sessions, Symposium,
and Study Groups

(1/4 of authors present)

Poster Walking Tour:
Rapid Image Reconstruction

Poster Walking Tour:
MR Technology

Poster Walking Tour:
Musculoskeletal MR Spectroscopy

Hall C

Clinical Focus Session:
Peripheral MR Angiography
Ballroom B

Clinical Focus Session:
Women's Imaging
Room 201 A/B

Special Symposium:
Medical Technology Assessment
Room 201 C

Clinical Focus Session:
MR Imaging of Epilepsy and Other Intracranial Disease
Room 203

Study Group:
MR of Cancer
Room 204 A/B

Study Group:
Interventional MR
Room 204 C

 15:30 - 16:00
Coffee Break

16:00 - 18:00
Oral Sessions and Educational Course

MR Physics and Techniques for Clinicians
Ballroom A
Aspects of the BOLD Effect
Ballroom B
Real Time Cardiac Imaging
Room 201 A/B
Interventional MRI: Thermal Methods
Room 201 C
Musculoskeletal MR Imaging
Room 203
RF Modeling and Design
Room 204 A/B
MR Spectroscopy of Brain Tumors
Room 204 C
Corporate Forum
Intellectual Property
Room 204 A/B

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 07:00 - 08:00
Morning Categorical Courses
MRI of Sports Injuries

Room 201 A/B
MR Angiography

Room 204 A/B
Clinical Spectroscopy

Room 201 C

08:15 - 09:30
Plenary Lectures
Hemodynamic and Metabolic Responses to Neuronal Activity

 09:30 - 10:30
Coffee Break

10:30 - 12:30
Oral Sessions and Clinical Categorical

Clinical Categorical:
Ballroom A

Mapping of Neuronal Function: Spatial Resolution and New Frontiers
Ballroom B

MR Imaging of Brain: New Experimental Models
Room 201 A/B

Clinical MR Spectroscopy of Brain
Room 201 C

Gradients, Magnets, and Shims
Room 203

Cardiac/MR Angiography Image Processing
Room 204 A/B

Tumor Spectroscopy and Imaging Models
Room 204 C

12:30 - 13:30
Gold Corporate Member Lunchtime Symposium - Philips Medical Systems
Changing How the World Looks at MR: Philips' Fast and Interactive MR
Room 108

 13:30 - 15:30
Poster Session, Poster Walking Tours, Clinical Focus Sessions, and Study Groups

(1/4 of authors present)

Poster Walking Tour:
MRS of Brain: Animal Models

Poster Walking Tour:
Coronary Artery Disease: Newer Techniques

Hall C

Clinical Focus Session:
Clinical fMRI
Ballroom B

Study Group:
Diffusion and Perfusion
Room 201 A/B

Clinical Focus Session:
MR-Guided Operations and Interventions
Room 201 C

Study Group:
MR Flow & Motion Quantitation
Room 203

Clinical Focus Session:
Body Imaging: Application of New Techniques
Room 204 A/B

Clinical Focus Session:
Neonatal CNS Imaging
Room 204 C

 15:30 - 16:00
Coffee Break

16:00 - 18:00
Oral Sessions and Educational Course

MR Physics and Techniques for Clinicians
Ballroom A
fMRI: Acquisition Methods
Ballroom B
MR Imaging of Articular Cartilage
Room 201 A/B
Diffusion MR: Methods and Interpretation
Room 201 C
Flow Quantification
Room 203
Interventional MR Angiography and Device Tracking
Room 204 A/B
Spectroscopic Quantitation
Room 204 C
18:00 - 20:00
Grand Hall

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FRIDAY, 28 May 1999

 07:00 - 08:00
Morning Categorical Courses
MRI of Sports Injuries

Room 201 A/B
MR Angiography

Room 204 A/B
Clinical Spectroscopy

Room 201 C

08:15 - 09:30
Plenary Lectures
The Role of Pharmacology and Drug Development

 09:30 - 10:30
Coffee Break

10:30 - 12:30
Oral Sessions and Clinical Categorical

Clinical Categorical:
Gastrointestinal MRI
Ballroom A

Perfusion Methodology
Ballroom B

Brain Quantitation: Relaxation and Volume Measurements
Room 201 A/B

MR Spectroscopy of Brain: Animal Models
Room 201 C

MR Imaging of White Matter Disease
Room 203

Spectroscopy Methods
Room 204 A/B

Novel Contrast Mechanisms
Room 204 C


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