British & Irish Chapter
MR Education Series Videos
Winter 2024
Resting state fMRI 19th January Kristoffer Madsen |
Physically-primed deep-neural networks for quantitative MRI analysis 2nd February Moti Freiman |
DSC and DCE 16th February Francesco Sanvito |
CEST 23rd February Moritz Fabian |
Academic publishing 1st March Mark Schweitzer (JMRI) |
Motor and Nonmotor Correlates based on Diffusion MRI of Cholinergic Projection Denervation in Neurodegenerative Disorders 8th March Pohchoo Seow |
Deuterium Metabolic Imaging 15th March Evita Wiegers |
Conversed Thalamic Mechanisms for Attention and Sleep 22nd March Brandon Ingram |