Scientific Programme

7th Annual Meeting of the

British Chapter of the ISMRM

This programme is available with better layout as a pdf or word document.

For registration and accommodation information, please download the flyer as a  pdf or word document.
The deadline for booking accommodation is 30/08/01 (imposed by the college).
The deadline for delegate registration has been extended to 06/09/01. There will be no on-site registration.

Student Stipend Information

Thursday   13th  September 2001
08.45 - 09.15 Coffee
09.15 - 09.30 Opening of the meeting and introduction on behalf of the University of Cambridge Dr David Lomas
09.30 - 10.30 Bill Moore Lecture: Studying Cancer with MRS & MRI Prof John Griffiths
Session 1   10.30 - 12.30
  Oncology and Spectroscopy  Chair: 
Dr Kevin Brindle
10.30 - 10.50 Invited Speaker : MR screening in breast cancer  Professor Martin Leach
10.50 - 11.10 Invited Speaker : DNA replication and its exploitation for  cancer diagnosis and screening  Professor Ron Laskey
11.10 - 11.25 In Vitro MRS investigation of phosphocholine metabolism in ras transformed NIH3T3 fibroblasts Mounia Beloueche
11.25 - 11.40 Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in the Investigation of Alzheimer's Dementia: a real clinical application at last?  Adam Waldman
11.40 - 11.55 In vivo MR studies in a transgenic mouse model of Huntingdon's disease RA Page
11.55 - 12.10  Neurochemical surrogate markers of brain tissue compromise: 
An in vitro MRS and HPLC study of perfused cortical brain slices 
Robert C Tasker
12.10 - 12.25  Comparison of polarization transfer schemes for application to P  MRS studies  L Mancini

12.30 - 13.30  LUNCH

Session 2  13.30 - 15.30

Cardiovascular Chair: TBA
13.30 - 13.50  Invited Speaker: Thrombus Imaging Dr Alan Moody
13.50 - 14.10 Invited Speaker: MRA  Mr Martin Graves
14.10 - 14.25  High-resolution MR of carotid atheroma: a non-invasive tool for assessing plaque morphology and potential risk?  Jonathan H Gillard
14.25 - 14.40  Temporally resolved  3D Phase-Contrast for the study of Wall Shear Stresses in the carotid artery  I Marshall
14.40 - 14.55  A Model for Flow Quantification using Echo Planar Imaging (Spin Echo) in Simple and Complex Flow Regimes TA Sucharov
14.55 - 15.10  The assessment of fetal and maternal blood flow to the placenta using FAIR EP1 B.Jackson
15.10 - 15.25 Fast T1 Measurement for Quantitative Cardiac Perfusion Applications  DM Higgins

15.30 - 16.00  COFFEE

Session 3:  16.00 - 18.00

Image Processing Chair:  TBA
16.00 - 16.20 Invited Speaker: Brain connectivity mapping using DTI Dr Geoff Parker
16.20 - 16.40  Invited Speaker: CV Analysis Dr Guang Yang
16.40 - 16.55 pq diagrams: A new method for tissue characterisation of magnetic resonance diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) data Alonso Pena
16.55 - 17.10  Optimal combination of signals from array coils using image based estimation of coil sensitivity M.Bydder
17.10 - 17.25 K-Space Motion Artefact Detection and Correction David Atkinson
17.25 - 17.40 Reconstruction after irregular and under sampling due to rotational motion  David Atkinson
17.40 - 17.55 Is quantification of bolus tracking MRI reliable without deconvolution?  J. Perthen


Friday 14th September 2001.

Session 4a

Session 4b

fMRI Chair: Professor E Bullmore MSK Chair: Professor A K Dixon
09.00 - 09.20 Invited Speaker: fMRI of the human visual system Dr Krish Singh Invited Speaker: New methods in MSK MR Prof Graham Bydder
09.20 - 09.40 Invited Speaker: Towards quantitation in fMRI Dr Peter Jezzard Invited Speaker: Investigating arthritis with MRI Dr John Waterton
09.40 -  09.55 Towards the Direct Detection of Neuronal Activity the 
D.Konn A Novel RF Coil configuration for in-vitro imaging of 
arthritic rabbit knees
Dr A Tasos
09.55 - 10.10 Which aspect of fMRI BOLD signals best reflects the 
underlying electrophysiology in human somatosensory 
OJ Arthurs MR imaging of the wrist:effect on clinical diagnosis and patient Prof A Dixon
10.10 - 10.25 A Direct Cortical Stimulation Model for rodent fMRI V. Austin Three dimensional MRI of osteoarthritic equine carpal 
Dr A Tasos
10.25 - 10.40 Pharmacological fMRI: identifying drug-induced modulation of pain-related brain activity using a pharmacokinetic model  Richard Wise Muscle oxygenation and ATP turnover studied by 
GJ Kemp
10.40 - 10.55 5-HT Modulation of Behavioural inhibition and Localised Brain Activation.  A functional and 
Pharmacological MRI study
L.Clarke Non invasive punch biopsy of human knee articular cartilage Dr Jo Burge
11.00 - 11.30 COFFEE

Session 5: 11.30 - 12.30

How I do it Chair: Dr D J Lomas
11.30 - 11.50 Invited Speaker: Design and test new pulse sequences Dr Gareth Baker
11.50 - 12.10  Invited Speaker: Build you own MRI system Prof. Martyn Paley
12.10 - 12.30 Invited Speaker: Build an MR coil Dr Paul Glover

12.30 - 13.30 LUNCH


Session 6a

Chair: TBA Body MRI
13.30 - 13.50
Dr Penny Gowland
Invited Speaker: MR of GI tract function
13.50 - 14.10
Dr Gina Brown
Invited Speaker: Rectal MRI staging
14.10 - 14.25
EPI measurements of meal accommodation and comparison of gastric function Assessed with gamma scintigraphy and intraluminal manometry:  application to a clinical trial of a novel 5-HT3 receptor agonist
14.25 - 14.40
Steve Roberts
High Definition Imaging at 3 Tesla using a Body RF  Coil
14.40 - 14.55
Lomas DJ
Interactive Real-time MRCP: Technical Performance Evaluation
14.55 - 15.10
Dr M Makki
Interactive blood suppressed single shot Fast Spin Echo/cardiac imaging
15.10 - 15.25

Session 6b

Chair: Hardware and Pulse Sequences
13.30 - 13.50
Dr John Bird
Invited Speaker: Challenges in the construction of wide bore high field imaging magnets
13.50 - 14.05
Jose Pedro Marques
Optimising the signal to noise ratio in Double Quantum CRAZED imaging
14.05 - 14.20
Lowri Cochlin
Spin Echo Entrapped Perfusion Image (SEEPAGE): 
Validation of Theory

14.20 - 14.35
David L Thomas
Rapid Simultaneous Mapping of T2 and T2* by Multiple Acquisition of Spin AntiGradient Echoes using Interleaved Echo Planar Imaging  (MASAGE-IEPI)
14.35 - 14.50
K J Lee
Magnetic Array Coil Simultaneous Imaging (MACSI)
14.50 - 15.05
Preliminary Experiments with a Novel Technique for Visualising Sub-pixel Structures
15.05 - 15.20
Jim M Wild
k-Space Filtering Effects in 2D Gradient Echo Hyper-polarised 3He MRI  
15.30 - 16.00 COFFEE

Session 7 16.00 - 18.00
XXXXXXXX Perfusion/Diffusion Chair: Dr J Gillard
16.00 - 16.20 Invited Speaker: Principles of Perfusion and Diffusion Prof Mike Peters
16.20 - 16.40 Invited Speaker: Perfusion and Diffusion applications in the brain Dr Fernando Calamante
16.40 - 16.55 Diffusion Tensor Imaging of Brain Tumours at 3 Tesla: A Potential Tool for Differentiating High Grade Gliomas from Low Grade Tumours and Metastases? Stephen J Price
16.55 - 17.10 Abnormal cerebral blood volume in regions of contused and normal appearing brain following traumatic brain injury using perfusion magnetic resonance imaging Matthew R Garnett
17.10 - 17.25 MRI Correlates of Injury After Cortical Contusion M F Lythgoe
17.25 - 17.40 Characterisation of a Delayed Type Hypersensitivity Lesion in the Rat Brain Using MRI Kerry Anne Broom
17.40 - 17.55 A novel reversible, remote-controlled three vessel occlusion in the Sprague Dawley rat - for NMR studies DA West

MR Perfusion imaging in moyamoya syndrome Potential implications for clinical evaluation of occlusive cerebrovascular disease F.Calamante
MRI measurement of the pharmacokinetics-pharmacodynamics of remifentanil Richard Wise
Stereotactic MR Imaging for planning neural transplantation. A reliable Localising technique at 3T? Tim Donovan
Mohr circles: a new visualisation method for magnetic resonance diffusionTensor imaging data Alonso Pena
A functional magnetic resonance imaging battery for preoperative mapping of Motor, motor planning and language function in the cortex S. Gustard
Fast Two-dimensional MR Imaging by Multiple Acquisition with Micro B0Array (MAMBA) K J Lee
Signal to Noise Ratio and Echo Spacing in Echo Planar Imaging Ioannis Delakis
Enhanced sensitivity of diffusion tensor imaging in acute stroke using pq diagrams: a new methodology to improve tissue characterisation Hadrian AL Green
Contrast Based Perfusion Imaging in Pathological Tissue: A Monte Carlo Simulation Study Andrew M Blamire
Long Term QA of proton chemical shift imaging (CSI) Ian Marshall
Reproducibility of short echo MR spectroscopy in vitro E A Moore
Harmonic Phase (HARP) Analysis of Geometric Distortions R S Nicholas

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