British Chapter International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (BCISMRM)

10th Annual Meeting 2004, Edinburgh


Venue: John McIntyre Centre, Pollock Halls, University of Edinburgh



Thursday 2nd September 2004


0800 onwards: check-in  (NB no on-site registration)



0945            Welcome

            Ian Marshall, University of Edinburgh



1000    The Annual Bill Moore Memorial Lecture. Introduced by Peter Morris.

A history of MRI at Aberdeen.

Jim Hutchison, University of Aberdeen.



1045    Coffee.



1115            Session 1: Heart and Lung. Chaired by Tom Redpath.

1115: Invited Lecture 1. Recent Advances in Cardiovascular MR.

John Ridgway, Leeds General Infirmary.


1140: L1. Feature Extraction in Cardiac MRI using Padé Approximants.

M.F. Callaghan, D.J. Larkman, S. Shmitz, J.V. Hajnal, Imperial College, London.


            1152: L2. Alveolar size in symptom-free adults.

            Barnaby Waters, John Owers-Bradley, Mike Silverman, Univs. of Nottingham and Leicester.


1204: L3. Quantitative analysis of regional airways obstruction using dynamic hyperpolarized 3He MRI - Preliminary results in children with cystic fibrosis.

P Koumellis, EJR van Beek, C Hill, N Woodhouse, S Fichele, MNJ Paley, C Taylor, J M Wild, University of Sheffield.


            1216: L4. Ventilation MRI using Single Point Imaging and gadolinium enhancement.

            Anthony Price, Albert Busza, Alan White, Peter Morris,

University of Nottingham and GlaxoSmithKline.



1230    Lunch, posters and exhibition.


1330            Session 2: Diffusion Imaging. Chaired by Mark Bastin.

1330: Invited Lecture 2. Diffusion imaging techniques for assessing brain structure and connectivity. Gareth Barker, Institute of Psychiatry, London.


1355: L5. Multiple Coils for Diffusion Weighted Segmented EPI.

David Atkinson, Joseph V. Hajnal, David J. Larkman, Philipp G. Batchelor, Derek L.G. Hill, King’s College and Imperial College, London.


1407: L6. The impact of increased spatial resolution in anisotropy measurements.

R. G. Nunes, P. Jezzard, T. E.J. Behrens, S. Clare, University of Oxford.


1419: L7. Automatic Segmentation of White Matter Pathways by Application of a Region Growing Algorithm. Thomas R. Barrick, I. Nigel C. Lawes, Chris A. Clark, St. George’s Hospital Medical School, London.


1431: L8. Direct estimation of fibre orientations in partial volume contaminated regions using spherical deconvolution. J.-Donald Tournier, Fernando Calamante, David G. Gadian, Alan Connelly, University College London.


1443: L9. Mapping Diffusion Tensor Shape and Direction.

Yuji Shen, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, St George’s Hospital Medical School.


1500        Tea.


1530            Session 3: Perfusion Imaging. Chaired by David Thomas.

1530: Invited Lecture 3. Arterial Spin Labelling Perfusion Imaging and its Application to fMRI. Peter Jezzard, fMRIB Centre, Oxford University.


1555: L10. Single-shot multi-slice perfusion weighted imaging using echo volumar imaging.

Wietske van der Zwaag, Sue Francis, Richard Bowtell, University of Nottingham.


1607: L11. EPI artifact control with SENSE and higher-order shims on a clinical 3.0 T scanner. M. Alex Dresner, Jo Hajnal, Imperial College, London.


1619: L12. BOLD and Perfusion Changes in Brain from Altered Concentrations of Inspired Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide. Daniel Bulte, Peter Chiarelli, Richard Wise, Peter Jezzard, University of Oxford.


1631: L13. Monitoring blood flow and oxygenation changes accompanying hyperaemia in plantar foot muscle using MRI. I Cavin, C Hoad, P Gowland, I Macdonald, R Donnelly, S Francis, University of Nottingham.


1643: L14. Investigating the Haemodynamic Response During Infusion of Gd-(HP-DO3A) with High Temporal Resolution. Nicholas Blockley, Susan Francis, Penny Gowland, University of Nottingham.


1700        Close of session.


1900            Reception and conference dinner (Playfair Library, Old College).



Friday 3rd September 2004


0900            Session 4: Safety update. Chaired by Roger Ordidge.

0900: Invited Lecture 4. MR Safety: Bioeffects and regulatory issues.

Penny Gowland, University of Nottingham.



0940            Session 5: Molecular Imaging. Chaired by Martyn Paley.

0940: L15. A Generic Method for Imaging Transgene Expression.

Po-Wah So, Sarah Hotee, Amy H. Herlihy, Jimmy D. Bell, Imperial College, London.


0952: L16. Gene therapy for stroke: an MRI study.

Romina Aron Badin, Louise van der Weerd, Mark F. Lythgoe, David L. Thomas, David G. Gadian, David S. Latchman, Institute of Child Health and University College, London.


1004: L17. Mapping of neutrophil migration in the lung in vivo using MRI.

S Hotee, KK Changani, A White, K Bhakoo, JD Bell, Imperial College and GlaxoSmithKline.


1016: L18. Development of a new contrast agent for blood pool imaging and targeted contrast delivery using rHA and Gd-DTPA. Jim M Wild1, John Woodrow2, Berndt Misselwitz3, Edwin JR van Beek1, Richard Johnson2, University of Sheffield1, Upperton Ltd2 and Schering AG3.


1030        Coffee.


1100            Session 6: Advanced spectroscopy. Chaired by Peter Morris and Doug Rothman.

1100: Invited Lecture 5. High Field 1H MRS Studies of Neurotransmitter Metabolism.
Doug Rothman, Yale University.


1140: L19. Non-invasive regional cerebral thermometry by proton spectroscopic imaging.

Thornton JS, Cady EB, Bainbridge A, Priest AN, Iwata O, Iwata S, Shanmugalingam S,

Wyatt JS, Robertson N, Ordidge RJ, Institute of Child Health and University College London.


1152: L20. MRI & 31P MRS studies of Brain Energetics in a Model of Cerebral Vasoconstriction. Raman Saggu, John  P. Lowe, Andrew. M. Blamire, Daniel. C. Anthony, Peter Styles, Nicola R. Sibson, University of Oxford.


1204: L21. Amino acid measurements in vivo using 2D J-resolved MR Spectroscopy.

H. Hawesa, S. Williams, University of Manchester.


1216: L22. Detecting GABA at 1.5T: Comparison of 2D JPRESS and 2D L-COSY.

Kristin Haga, Katherine Lymer, Joanna Wardlaw, Albert Thomas*, Ian Marshall, University of Edinburgh and *UCLA.


1228: L23. Magnetization transfer spectroscopy of metabolites and macromolecules of human brain in vivo. MA McLean, RJ Simister, GJ Barker, JS Duncan, University and King’s Colleges, London.



1245    Lunch, posters and exhibition.


1345        Session 7: Clinical fMRI. Chaired by Gordon Waiter.

1345: Invited Lecture 6. Applications of functional MRI in clinical research and practice.

 Paul Matthews, fMRIB Centre, Oxford University.


1410: L24. Evaluation of a new method to correct the effects of motion-induced B0-field variation during fMRI. J.P. Marques, R.W. Bowtell, University of Nottingham.


1422: L25. Dissociation of blood oxygenation level dependent MRI responses and evoked potentials to visual activation in mild hypoxic hypoxia. Pasi I. Tuunanen, Ian J. Murray, Neil R.A. Parry, Risto A. Kauppinen, University of Manchester, University of Kuopio and UMIST.


1434: L26. Olfactory fMRI In The Brain Stem Using An Interleaved Gradient Echo EPI Method To Compensate For Susceptibility Artifacts. Anderson Mon, Martyn Paley, Paul Griffiths, Jim Wild, University of Sheffield.


1446: L27. Direct Detection of firing of the optic nerve using Magnetic Resonance Imaging.

Li Sze Chow, Greg Cook, Elspeth Whitby, Martyn Paley, University of Sheffield.


1458: L28. Functional Imaging of Appetite Regulation: a comparison of fMRI and c-Fos expression. Jennifer A. Stark, Karen E. Davies, Shane McKie, Steve R. Williams,

Simon M. Luckman, University of Manchester.


1515    Tea.



1540            Session 8: MR in cancer. Chaired by Martin Leach.

            1540: Invited Lecture 7. MRI of cancer. Scott Semple, University of Aberdeen.


1605: L29. Late tissue effects following radiotherapy of the prostate measured with quantitative MRI. David L. Buckley, Sajida K. Khaki, John P. Logue, Charles E. Hutchinson, University of Manchester and Christie Hospital.


1617: L30. Changes in Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI Pharmacokinetic Parameters pre- and post-Radiotherapy in Cervical Carcinoma. S. B. Donaldson, D. L. Buckley, C. M. L. West, B. M. Carrington, R. D. Hunter, S. E. Davidson, A. P. Jones, Christie Hospital and University of Manchester.


1629: L31. Effects of an anti-Angiogenic and anti-Tumour Antibody on Tumour Vasculature determined by Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI. Inna V. Linnik,  David L. Buckley and Steve R. Williams, University of Manchester.


1645    Close of conference.