The Second Annual Meeting of the British Chapter of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine is being held at Middlesex Hospital Medical School, London on 19th and 20th December 1996. The meeting will be held in association with the British Institute of Radiology, the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine and Biology, and the Magnetic Resonance Radiologists Association (UK).
The meeting will comprise a series of sessions on different aspects of magnetic resonance. The main topics that will be covered include functional imaging, MR studies of therapeutic interventions, paediatric MR studies, MR methods and technology, MRI of the pelvis and abdomen, and interventional MRI. The format will consist of lectures by distinguished invited speakers followed by contributed papers and a poster session.
Abstracts are invited from all fields of magnetic resonance - imaging and spectroscopy. The opportunity for oral presentations will generally be offered to those whose abstracts are judged to complement the invited lectures on the above topics. Abstracts should be submitted on A4 paper (portrait style, with a 1 inch border). The closing data for abstract submission is the 11th of October 1996 . Members of one of the above Societies will be entitled to reduced registration fees is they are members in good standing on this date. Advanced registration must be received by 15th November with cheques made payable to: The British Chapter of ISMRM.
Registration fees include two lunches, Conference meal with Jazz Band, Tea and Coffee:
Status | Advance | On-Site |
Members | £ 80 | £ 100 |
Student Members | £ 50 | £ 70 |
Non-Members | £ 105 | £ 125 |
Student Non-Members | £ 75 | £ 95 |
Correspondence should be addressed to Professor Roger Ordidge, Department of Medical Physics and Bioengineering, University College London, Shropshire House, 11020 Capper Street, London WC1E 6JA (Fax: O171 209 6269) to whom all abstracts should be forwarded with a stamped addressed card to confirm acknowledgement and a stamped addressed envelope for the return of details of oral or poster presentations.
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