MR Education Series

Initially hosted by the British & Irish Chapter, the MR educational series is now a joint venture between ISMRM Chapters across Europe. We host a weekly series of talks throughout the year, on topics ranging from basic MRI physics through to neuroradiology (and everything in between!).

The schedule and access to recordings of the talks are available here on the British & Irish Chapter website, but please do sign up to the British & Irish chapter JISC list for the latest information.

Summer 2024 Semester Seminars

Videos available here




Imaging Ischaemia and Haemorrhage

19th April

David Doig, Royal College of Neuroradiologists

AI in MRI processing and clinical studies. A practical case

17th May

Santiago Aja, Iberian Chapter


24th May

Maria Eugenia Caligiuri, Italian Chapter

MR Physicists delivering patient care in the NHS

31st May

Simon Shah, IPEM

4D flow MRI

7th June

Zhao Xiaodan, Singapore Chapter

Low-field MRI

14th June

Chloe Najac, Benelux Chapter

Trauma / acute imaging

21st June

Victoria Lupson, ISMRT

Quantifying free and bound water in bone.

28th June

Hamidreza Saligheh Rad, Iranian Chapter

Winter 2024 Semester Seminars

Videos available here




Resting state fMRI

19th January

Kristoffer Madsen

Physically-primed deep-neural networks for quantitative MRI analysis

2nd February

Moti Freiman


16th February

Francesco Sanvito


23rd February

Moritz Fabian

Academic publishing

1st March

Mark Schweitzer (JMRI)
Peter Jezzard (MRM)

Motor and Nonmotor Correlates based on Diffusion MRI of Cholinergic Projection Denervation in Neurodegenerative Disorders

8th March

Pohchoo Seow

Deuterium Metabolic Imaging

15th March

Evita Wiegers

Conversed Thalamic Mechanisms for Attention and Sleep

22nd March

Brandon Ingram

Autumn 2023 Semester Seminars

Videos available here




MRI Physics – Low Field to High Field

14th September

David Norris


22nd September

Emil Ljungberg

Method Developments for High-Throughput MR Image Guided Radiotherapy in the Mouse Abdomen

29th September

Sean Smart

Non contrast MR Perfusion

6th October

Oliver Marcel Geier

From Data Crimes to Self-Supervised Reconstruction: Advancing AI-based MRI

20th October

Efrat Shimron

MRI artifacts – what are they? How do we beat them?

27th October

Richard Bowtell and Jan Paul

Experimental strategies to validate Diffusion MRI biomarkers

3rd November

Silvia de Santis

Zero- and Ultra Short-Echo Time imaging

10th November

Florian Wiesinger (GE Healthcare)

Neonatal imaging

17th November

Finn Lennartsson

Relaxometry – Fingerprinting

24th November

Sebastien Flassbeck

Acquisition and reconstruction of MRI

1st December

Abbas Moghaddam

Brain Segmentation & Processing

8th December

Fabrizio Pizzagalli

Cardiac perfusion MRI

15th December

Teresa Correia

Winter 2023 Semester Seminars

Videos available here


Date and time



January 20th

Anina Seidemo

Large Animal Imaging

January 27th

Esben Hansen

Cardiac MRI

February 3rd

Alexander Hirsch

Radiotherapy planning

February 17th

Daniela Thorwarth

Microstructure Imaging

February 24th
16:00 GMT

Dmitry Novikov

Multiple Sclerosis

March 3rd

Giuseppe Pontillo

Multi Nuclear MRI

March 10th

Lena Gast

A brief overview of the vascular space occupancy (VASO) fMRI

March 17th

Atena Akbari

Hyperpolarization-enhanced NMR methods for biomedical applications

March 24th

Irene Marco-Rius

An introduction to imaging of small experimental models - a phenomics perspective

March 31st

Po-Wah So

Autumn 2022 Semester Seminars

Videos available here


Date and time


Getting to know the MR signal

9th September

José Marques
Benelux Chapter of ISMRM

MRI Physics – Spatial encoding

16th September

Walter Backes
Benelux Chapter of ISMRM

MRI Safety

23rd September

Harald Kugel
German Chapter of ISMRM

Cardiac MRI

30th September

Per Arvidsson
Nordic Chapter of ISMRM

Perfusion MRI (DCE)

7th October

Yolanda Ohene
British and Irish Chapter of ISMRM

Ultra-high resolution structural and vascular MRI

14th October

Hendrik Mattern
German Chapter of ISMRM

Challenges of setting up a 7T service

21st October

Philippa Bridgen

Spinal Imaging: Overview and update

28th October

Valentina Ferrazzoli
Italian Chapter of ISMRM

Low Field MRI and Field-Cycling Imaging

4th November

David Lurie
British and Irish Chapter of ISMRM

RF coil design

11th November
15:00 GMT

Janna Vincent
GE Healthcare

Quantitative MRI in Brain Tumour Diagnosis

18th November

Hamidreza Saligheh Rad
Iranian Chapter of ISMRM

Renal MRI

25th November

João Periquito
Iberian Chapter of the ISMRM

Molecular imaging

2nd December

Francesca Reineri
Italian Chapter of ISMRM

Perfusion MRI (ASL)

9th December

Esben T. Petersen
Nordic Chapter of ISMRM

Summer 2022 Semester Seminars

Videos available here


Date and time


MRI - Motion Correction (MoCo) in the brain

20th May

Daniel Gallichan
Cardiff University

MRI - fMRI post-processing/task analysis

27th May

Lars Stiernman
Umea University

MRI - Electrical Tissue property mapping

10th June

Steffano Mandija
University Medical Center Utrecht

MRI - RF coil design

17th June

Javier Istúriz
Neos Biotech

MRI - The optic pathway: imaging, tractograpy and function

24th June

David Neil Manners and Laura Ludovica Gramegna
University of Bologna

MRI - Parallel Imaging

1st July

Daniel Polak
Siemens Healthineers

Spring 2022 Semester Seminars

Benelux, British & Irish, German, Iberian, Italian, and Nordic Chapters MRI teaching schedule.

Videos available here


Date and time


MRI – ZTE/Silent MRI

14th January, 10:00 GMT

Toby Wood (KCL)

MRI – Hyperpolarization

21st January, 10:00 GMT

Jack Miller (Aarhus University)

MRI – Diffusion imaging

28th January, 10:00 GMT

Andrada Ianus (Champalimaud)

MRI – Applications in breast imaging

4th February, 10:00 GMT

Francesca Galati (Sapienza University)

MRI – MSK imaging

11th February, 10:00 GMT

Josh Kaggie (Cambridge)

MRI – MRI in neurological disease

4th March, 10:00 GMT

Mads Madsen (DRCMR)

MRI – Applications in liver imaging

11th March, 09:00 US Central time

Diego Hernandeo (Wisc)

MRI – Molecular imaging

18th March, 10:00 GMT

Francesca Reineri (Torino)

MRI – Exercise in the MRI scanner

25th March, 10:00 GMT

Ben Statton (Imperial)

MRI – fMRI processing/resting state

1st April, 10:00 GMT

Theodor Rumetshofer (Lund)

MRI – Novel ASL developments

8th April, 15:00 GMT

Luis Hernandez Garcia (Michigan)

Autumn 2021 Semester Seminars

Videos available here


Date and time


MR physics – Magnetism, spins, and signal

10th September
14:00-15:00 GMT

Gareth Barker (KCL)

MR physics – Echoes, spatial encoding and reconstruction

17th September
10:00-11:00 GMT

Lars Hanson (DTU)

MR physics – Quantitative MR

24th September
10:00-11:00 GMT

Gunther Helms (Lund)

MRI Safety

8th October
10:00-11:00 GMT

Rebecca Quest (Imperial)

MRI – DTI & Connectome

15th October
10:00-11:00 GMT

Shaun Warrington (Nottingham)

MRI – Prostate imaging

22nd October
10:00-11:00 GMT

Tristan Barrett (Cambridge)

MRI – Challenges and solutions for patient workflows (radiographer-led talk)

5th November
10:00-11:00 GMT

Rebecca Mills (Oxford)

MRI – Neuro session:
An introduction to brain tumour diagnosis and management

12th November
10:00-11:00 GMT

Fulvio Zaccagna (Bologna)

MRI – Lung imaging

19th November
10:00-11:00 GMT

Jim Wild (Sheffield)

MRI – Magnetic Resonance: Spectroscopy processing and interpretation

3rd December
10:00-11:00 GMT

Martin Wilson (Birmingham)


10th December
10:00-11:00 GMT

Patrick Fuchs (UCL)